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Search results

  1. Glordag

    MBTI and game role preferences? :)

    In MMOs with the standard trinity model, I usually play a tank 1st, healer 2nd, and DPS last. In tabletop RPGs, I play characters that let me creatively utilize the game system as much as possible. I end up with characters like illusionists that dabble in alchemy. I'm not really sure how to...
  2. Glordag

    Are INTPs seen as boring?

    I agree with a lot of this. I think I've noticed the differences in a few ways: I vs E: Seen as sort of a "level of energy" and "amount of going out" difference, but both can have very similar interests or ways of thinking. N vs S: Seen more in the types of interests or attraction towards...
  3. Glordag

    Are INTPs seen as boring?

    Is it really fair to say that extroverts "literally cannot comprehend" these things? Just because they don't enjoy them doesn't mean they can't comprehend them. Don't know if that's true for all INTPs... I'm sure a "lot" of these great people are introverts, but I bet a "lot" are also...
  4. Glordag

    Strategy vs. Tactics?

    Chess is a long time hobby of mine, and I was very much into it in high school. The chess community and chess books tend to describe tactics as "attacking themes" or "surprise moves" or "forced combinations." Strategy is, as you described, long term planning and positional improvement. Tactics...
  5. Glordag

    I'm going to embrace this, damnit....

    Welcome! I work under the broad umbrella of IT myself, though it's more QA/software engineering/testing than design, programming, network admin, etc. Online tests are pretty wonky when it comes to identifying a type. The best way to really understand the types and how they relate to you is to...
  6. Glordag

    Why do people suck at Typing others?

    I don't think that's unintentional, to be honest. Jung explicitly spelled out his ideas of introversion, extroversion, thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting, but didn't really touch on combining everything into one big pot. When MBTI and socionics attempt to do so, they need to kind of...
  7. Glordag

    Why do people suck at Typing others?

    Right, that's certainly true. I think the dominant function becomes apparent in an introvert once you really do some analysis, but the exterior shell will still reflect the extroverted function, imo. As another anecdotal example, I find INFPs to be much closer to myself with outward personality...
  8. Glordag

    Why do people suck at Typing others?

    I read through the thread you referenced, and I still think it's a little presumptuous to say that MBTI got it wrong. You have to remember that MBTI is supposed to be a method for typing people. As such, you have to rely on outwardly observable traits or behaviors. If I recall from my reading...
  9. Glordag

    Why do people suck at Typing others?

    Just wanted to comment on this one part, in particular: You say that, yet you list "common traits and reactions" for INFPs as "nice and sympathizing." I've known a few INFPs, one of which was confirmed from the "actual" indicator test (not that I'm saying it's reliable, mind you), and they...
  10. Glordag

    Mojo Reading Quizzes!

    This was a joke, right? Please tell me this was a joke.
  11. Glordag

    Why put yourself in the little box

    It gets me the ladies. Nothing drives a lady wild like dropping the letters INTP in your greeting.
  12. Glordag

    Mojo Reading Quizzes!

    I tried to participate in this exercise, but I discovered that I lack the requisite number of midi-chlorians to read auras ); . Good news: I can still be a sweet bounty hunter like Boba Fett!
  13. Glordag

    Magic pill found to cure INTPness

    If I need to be more outgoing while I'm out having fun, I just drink alcohol. At a certain level of intoxication, I'm the life of the party and everyone loves me. Pretty stark contrast from my normal existence, actually...too bad I seldom remember it well enough to know what happened :\ . I...
  14. Glordag

    Categorizing INTP

    I would definitely take the percentage measures from some of the online tests with a grain of salt. As you can see from my signature, the one I took has me almost entirely I, but to many introverts I seem pretty extroverted. I'd be the first to admit that I tend to prefer human interaction a...
  15. Glordag

    Have you ever realized a negative pattern in yourself?

    Yes, agreed completely. In fact, my most recent ordeal was with an INFP. On the plus side, it was a great learning experience all around. Emotional pain for knowledge gained. I'll take that as a win :D.
  16. Glordag

    Categorizing INTP

    Also, keep in mind that the functions are merely preferences that have been built over time. Everyone has and is capable of using each of the functions, but your MBTI type is simply what is more natural to you. If you choose to or are forced to make a judgement on, say, Fe, it will likely not...
  17. Glordag

    Have you ever realized a negative pattern in yourself?

    Lately my vice has been emotional attachment to people at an inappropriate juncture. I'm at a point in my life where I really value those 1on1 close, intimate relationships with people. Unfortunately, people that I can connect with on that level seem to be far and few between. As a result...
  18. Glordag

    Seeming extroverted?

    I become extroverted from time to time. I've noticed the behavior within the following circumstances: -Drunk -Feeling superior (I'm normally very self-conscious/humble) -Debating or playing devil's advocate -Stifled by boredom at work (I go off and talk to my officemates) -High on adrenaline or...
  19. Glordag

    Short version of you know you're an INTP when...

    You take a thread full of humor and enjoyment and attempt to form a framework by which all enjoyment and humor must be removed simply in the pursuit of knowledge. ~Q
  20. Glordag

    Breaking News from Pod'lair!

    Hahahahaha. That made me curious, so I stopped by also. Gotta say, "stop being stupid" as the premise for their homepage isn't really pulling me in :P.
  21. Glordag

    Breaking News from Pod'lair!

    I often wonder if Pod'Lair is extremely controversial intentionally. I don't know if I've ever seen a new theory with little to no scientific data actually be objectively criticized to the extent that Pod'Lair is on this forum and likely other places. If their goal was to gather exposure and...
  22. Glordag

    Your un-INTP traits?

    You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me??! I really enjoyed math until I majored in it and physics. Once it became a life path I ceased to enjoy it. Such is the way of things for many an INTP, it seems.
  23. Glordag

    A thought on I and E.

    I actually saw an article once that said that research showed the opposite: more outspoken, energetic speakers are usually regarded as more intelligent, while more reserved, quiet, soft-spoken individuals are often seen as "slow" or "unintelligent." Of course, this depends on the individual...
  24. Glordag

    Your un-INTP traits?

    I think that INTPs tend to "try things out" more often than some other MBTI types. This, of course, could feasibly lead to a statistical correlation if more exposure within the type resulted in a greater occurrence of addiction. Pure speculation, of course. As far as alcoholism in particular is...
  25. Glordag

    What is "ugly".

    There are only two things that I can immediately think of that are "ugly" with regards to people for me: disproportionate body parts and plastic surgery/enhancement (with some rare exceptions). Yes, I realize disproportionate can be subjective if I don't define parameters. What's strange is...
  26. Glordag


    My problem is less being able to fall asleep once I try and more actually forcing myself to try. I can never seem to take myself away from whatever I'm interested in at the moment in order to go to my bed. Exercise does definitely make that easier, though, as I will usually become so exhausted...
  27. Glordag

    I wonder?

    Hahahahahahaha. I'm doing that RIGHT NOW. In fact, just before I clicked this thread I thought "hmm I meant to play music a long time ago...oh well." Then, I went to play some music but got distracted by this thread. Hmm....I'm seeing a trend.
  28. Glordag

    Hot or Cold?

    I love winter. I enjoy sunlight, but mostly dislike summer and the intense heat/humidity that comes with it here in Florida. I haven't seen snow in forever...I miss it. For some reason, despite being something akin to agnostic or atheist, I really enjoy the holiday season, as well. There's...
  29. Glordag

    Your un-INTP traits?

    Infinitely, infinitely jealous... I'm pretty socially needy, but only in particular circumstances. If I've been without people in my life for a while, I tend to sort of forget about them/not care about them. However, when I really have a good time with a person or group of people, I become...
  30. Glordag

    Diablo III -- finally

    SUPER EXCITED!! I have many fond memories of my days playing Diablo I. It has a special place in my hugely nostalgic personality memory banks, and I still talk to one of my online friends I met there pretty much every day (14+ years!). Diablo II is one of my all time favorite games. I might...
  31. Glordag

    What level are you?

    Do you ever really read the book, or does the book read you? Answer this, and your level becomes monstrously infinite! Hmm...a little buzzed. I should head over to that buzzed drinky thready thing I remember seeing a while back. *looks for it*.
  32. Glordag

    does identifying with your "type" (particularly INTP's) bring you fulfillment?

    As others have said, I feel like MBTI gave me a way to understand myself a little better, and to realize that there are very real reasons for my differences and similarities from other people. I've noticed that I do evaluate other people differently now, but I think this is a good thing. At...
  33. Glordag

    Fear of intimacy

    In order for intimacy to work for me, it has to fit my ever-evolving, subject to change at a whim, extremely romanticized, idealistic, completely unreasonable, and illogical expectations. In other words...thus far, it doesn't work. The worst part is that, despite the desire to fulfill those...
  34. Glordag


    I'm pretty surprised at how well received raves are in the responses thus far. I haven't been to one, so perhaps that's why... I actually rather enjoy parties. If it's with people I get along with, I am usually sociable enough to enjoy the setting regardless of the influence of alcohol or other...
  35. Glordag

    Am I an intuitor or a sensor?

    Don't treat MBTI as such a rigid structure. It is certainly possible to make use of Ne and Se to an extensive degree. As to which type you are, that really comes down to which function you find yourself using as sort of your "go to" for interacting with the world around you. Are you more...
  36. Glordag

    Every woman is now a lesbian.

    I've had a few girl-friends that, while they consider themselves straight, admit to enjoying the female form and will occasionally make out with their girl-friends at the club or wherever. I've had one describe making out with her girl-friends as something that is just really comfortable and...
  37. Glordag

    To all the science fans out there

    ): *wrists*
  38. Glordag

    omg FREE university courses online

    What a downer... Guess I better throw away my books ): .
  39. Glordag

    Abortion. Pro-choice reasoning correct?

    The reason pro-choicers claim that there is a right involved with an abortion is because of the impact to a woman's body and life in order to go through with a pregnancy. That isn't something to be taken lightly. Things always sound better when you phrase them with passion, emotion, and...
  40. Glordag

    Abortion. Pro-choice reasoning correct?

    You list a reason for the abortion, then claim that you don't see a reason for the abortion to be performed. Isn't that contradictory? I've never met a pro-choicer who claims that a mother shouldn't carry a pregnancy to term if they decide to do so. Where is this idea coming from? The reason...
  41. Glordag

    GURPS GM in the house?

    I'd very potentially be interested if that magical GM shows up. This, of course, depends on the stipulations on posting and such. I'm most active at night, though I can occasionally sneak a quick post in at work and can be bothered to post during the day on weekends if I have a reason.
  42. Glordag

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you make odd facial gestures as you pass people in the hall at work so often that they begin to make them back at you. There's something satisfying about reversing conditions like that. Originally, I was uncomfortable being forced into the "standard" hellos with a happy smile as I passed my...
  43. Glordag

    INTx Eye Color

    Even though I, myself, doubt there's a correlation, I'm astounded by the responses in this thread. Maybe it's just me, but they come off as very narrow minded and absolute. The OP may be proposing something that is far in left field, but consider how many scientific discoveries have come from a...
  44. Glordag

    your ideal

    To be ignorant and devoid of all but the most euphoric feelings of love, happiness, and physical pleasure. I suppose heaven could consist of my being a brain in a vat, so long as it achieves this state.
  45. Glordag

    What Strengthens/Weakens your soul.

    Uhhhhhh...well first, I'm going to put forth my own definition of "soul" for the purposes of my response to this thread. Soul - An inner state of subconscious being that reflects a person's identity and mode of function. With that said, I find the following: Things that strengthen the "soul"...
  46. Glordag


    I think you'll have a tough time making a case with this unless you can really define what you mean by intelligence. The two smartest people I've known in my life from my perspective were, I think, both extraverts. I think some introverts are generally perceived as "more intelligent" simply...
  47. Glordag

    Final Fantasy

    I absolutely love the games. Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite. It just had a very awesome combination of great, strategic gameplay, amazing music, a wonderful story, and a visual style that I loved. It's been a while since I've played it, but I'll try to type a couple of characters... Ramza...
  48. Glordag

    What type are you?

    I am absolutely getting bored with this. The worst part is that when I read over the arguments, it takes pretty much everything I have not to pipe in. It's not that I want to take sides, it's just that I read so many glaring inaccuracies and biased assumptions. I really want to just...correct...
  49. Glordag

    What I do when I'm angry.

    This video inspires a great conflict in me between the desire for it to be clearer to see the hot girls or blurrier to obscure the rest. That battle alone defeats all anger.
  50. Glordag


    I think the problem here is that the type of person that many see as a "hipster" enjoys the music or art they enjoy largely because of popularity within certain circles or lack thereof. That doesn't make it wrong, of course, but it does sort of lend some credibility to the label. I have a pretty...
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