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Search results

  1. Appeal of Visual Art?

    In terms of fine arts, like a fine piece of painting or sculpture, it is mainly aesthetic beauty. Some of the greatest paintings are the ones that catches your eyes at a first glimps, kind of like when you see some stranger on a street that you find so attractive and just can't help keep staring...
  2. Pencil/Photography

    At nineteen, those pictures are quite amazing. I must say, you have highly developed compositional skill. Great colour balance too. But I think the part that surprised me the most was when you said you were trying to study your personality to create a composition that reflects who you are...
  3. What we are

  4. People take MBTI way too seriously

    For me, I believe that the traits are more nurture than nature. Sure, some people have brains that are hardwired differently than others. But the environment that you grow up in has greater influence than nature (unless, say you were born differently, i.e. disfigured). If a person who used to be...
  5. Homosexuality

    Assuming that 1 in 20 is homosexual, and that INTP's account for 3% (upper range) of the population, that would mean a gay INTP would be 0.0015% of the world's population... Whole bunch of sites suggest ENTJs and ESTJs make good INTP partners because of their leadership and emotional support. A...
  6. Oodles of Doodles

    I love drawing hypercubes. I love how it is infinitely easier to draw a tesseract than to actually build a 3 dimensional representation of it.
  7. Being INTP

    I thought it sounded pretentious. Just the way I like it :D I honestly think that as much as we lament over our detached livelyhood, many INTP's wouldn't have any other way. We are proud to be different and dont give a shit what the world thinks of us. Now, if the world was comprised of...
  8. Does it sadden you?

    I am half way through my college education, and some of my closest friends I made during this period are ES or EN. One friend I have loves to talk while watching movies in theatres, often makes crude jokes, and is extremely emotional. Yet, that person is one of very few people who cares about...
  9. Last movie you watched

    Me and you and Everyone We Know. Watch the movie to find out what ))<>(( means!
  10. INTP - Self Fulfilling Prophecy?

    I think the first time I read an INTP description online, there was a sense of relief. I always saw myself as the odd ball out, wondering why I preferred to be anti-social. Then reading the reasonings behind the way I perceived things, why I sometimes behaved or reacted certain ways, was almost...
  11. Visual Thinking

    For me, often, my language faculty cannot keep up with my ideas faculty. So what ends up happening is, I may have the answer, but it will take me awhile to put it into words. Like, I know the image or the whole picture but now I have to assemble it like a jigsaw puzzle (with each puzzle pieces...
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