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Search results

  1. Anthile

    Family and default love

    If you have nothing to contribute, just don't.
  2. Anthile

    Family and default love

    Pheromones. Hormones. Something of that matter. Whatever it is, it seems unlikely that we will know for sure anytime soon. But that's not your real question, is it? Tell us what's on your mind.
  3. Anthile

    what does the poster above look like

    Like a chav.
  4. Anthile

    So I was watching DS9...

    ...when suddenly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkTAlajIAF4 and later on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugTTy_u61gM :kilroy:
  5. Anthile

    Machivelli Test

    Wait, what?
  6. Anthile

    Types you attract romantically/sexually?

    All people are attracted to me since I'm not only incredibly handsome but also charming and almost intelligent.
  7. Anthile


    Contrary to popular opinion, you can't make things arbitrarily big or small. Physics in this universe do have their limits.
  8. Anthile

    How to summon a member

  9. Anthile


  10. Anthile

    Da Blob

    Hello. I don't know why Blob was banned and I didn't find any notes in the mod box. I haven't read the faith threads in quite a while but from what I've gathered in the past few hours there doesn't seem to be anything banworthy. Maybe there was something else going on but at the moment I knows...
  11. Anthile

    The worst Fox News moments of 2011

    http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-worst-fox-news-moments-of-2011 That is all.
  12. Anthile

    And Next We Have...

  13. Anthile

    Mojo Reading Quizzes!

    INTPf is neither a marketing nor a recruitment platform and I can assure you that our patience is a finite ressource.
  14. Anthile

    Mojo Reading Quizzes!

    Why bother? We could guess whatever we want and you could just tell us we're wrong. You could make it up on the spot - we wouldn't know. All of this "podlair" can simply be dismantled with a simple "now you're just making stuff up" because they cannot disprove it at all. Anything else would...
  15. Anthile

    Speed of Light Experiment

  16. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Todtgelichter - Neon
  17. Anthile

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    I approve of this. I may let you two live - for now.
  18. Anthile

    Magic pill found to cure INTPness

    That's besides the whole common sense thing to not put anything in your body called freaking Dark Rage. The only foodstuff that is allowed to have dangerous-sounding names are cocktails and spicy vegetables. Anything else is, well, tempting fate.
  19. Anthile

    Magic pill found to cure INTPness

    WTF am I reading?
  20. Anthile

    New Planets Discovered

    >dailymail Go away.
  21. Anthile

    Worst Music Ever

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjvlrf0OM3M If there is one thing old, white and rich people shouldn't do, it's rapping.
  22. Anthile

    Harp music

    Not harpcore enough.
  23. Anthile

    Type that Member

  24. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

  25. Anthile

    Type that Member

  26. Anthile

    Why is slavery wrong?

    That's not slavery. He can still go wherever he wants, marry whoever he wants and can perform whatever job he desires. There is no other person that can legally tell him what to do. Not everyone can become candy tester or astronaut and some people end up with the shitty jobs. That's just how it...
  27. Anthile

    Challenge: "Find a word without an antonym"

    An antonym is a word that is the opposite of another word but there are two forms of it: first the binary antonym, which is defined by allowing only two possible states (light-shadow, man-woman, life-death) but also the gradable antonym (hot-cold, long-short, big-small). There is really nothing...
  28. Anthile

    Why did you pick your name?

    If God has a shadow, in which direction does it fall?
  29. Anthile

    What are you all reading?

    A lot of writers in the 19th century were paid by the amount of text or the stories were first serialized in newspapers, which gave the writers an incentive to drag out as much as possible. See most of Alexandre Dumas' or Charles Dickens' works for other infamous examples.
  30. Anthile

    I'm back...

    Of course.
  31. Anthile

    Evolution is BULLSHIT

    It's okay to not believe in evolution. It doesn't take it personally.
  32. Anthile

    The End

    Today a new game came out called The End. It's a fairly interesting game because it's basically a 2D platformer with a personality test and a board game, of sorts, attached to it. That said, the controls are not very good and they make the game a lot more frustrating than it should be. More...
  33. Anthile

    Atheists are crybabies too.

    Americans being overly sensitive about religious matters that are actually non-issues and purely symbolic? Who knew. Also, the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" is neither a mosque nor anywhere near Ground Zero - so much for that.
  34. Anthile

    Zodiac of an INTP

    No. Go away.
  35. Anthile

    Reforming the #intpforum.com

  36. Anthile

    Songs to Play Twice

  37. Anthile

    If a 5yr od pointed a gun at you

    Shoot that little bastard. Better a child murderer than sorry, my grandfather always used to say.
  38. Anthile

    Is there a personality type society could function as well without?

    What's the point of this thread? You know exactly how it's going to turn out.
  39. Anthile

    Temperaments - MBTI sorting

  40. Anthile

    What is "it"?

    "It" is, of course, the name of a giant divine ant from the great beyond whose sole purpose it is to avenge the death of the English language at the hands of the internet.
  41. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Textures - Regenesis
  42. Anthile

    To Be Queen

    You will never be a pretty princess. Give it up.
  43. Anthile

    INTP vs INTJ

    Preference is really a wrong word to describe the usage of a function. It's not like it's a conscious decision as in "I can wear a black or a blue shirt but I prefer the blck one". A better word would be tendency.
  44. Anthile

    Psychology of Death Metal

    No, they're not. The last page was literally just people posting music videos but no discussion whatsoever. If you want to post music, fine, but do it in another thread.
  45. Anthile

    Psychology of Death Metal

    This thread is not in the music subforum. Don't derail it.
  46. Anthile

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    Oh, I get it. You're kind of a big deal in RL.
  47. Anthile

    Top five favorite movies

    Blow > Trainspotting There, I said it!
  48. Anthile

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    More like "Basic Guidelines for Becoming Patrick Bateman".
  49. Anthile


    No fluff please.
  50. Anthile

    Authority / Rules

    For pretty much every rule you can construct a contrived scenario in which said rule is absurd. Just because such scenarios does not mean that the rule itself is invalid. Murder is outlawed in every culture and yet there are exceptions like self-defense or tyrannicide which do allow it. Rules...
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