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Search results

  1. Trebuchet

    All smokers are old or stupid?

    You have a lot of perspective. Also, that's funny and awful at the same time. I have never smoked anything, and I really hate it when anyone smokes around me. It was easy to avoid, because I live in California which has relatively little smoking. (We have fires, instead.) Yes...
  2. Trebuchet

    PLANTS VS. ZOMBIES (opinions)

    It was addictive. You didn't say what platform you use but Tower Madness is fun.
  3. Trebuchet

    Class Participation

    Having taught a lot of different classes, I can at least explain why they want some kind of response. Preparing a lesson and then presenting it in a way that will be of value to the students is exhausting. You have to pour all of yourself into what is essentially a performance. Feedback from...
  4. Trebuchet

    INTP study habits

    Despite the introvert thing, my best - and most enjoyable - studying happened when I found a few other motivated students and got together to do it. This was great for history, because we could debate the topics until we understood them. It was also great for math and physics, because we could...
  5. Trebuchet

    What is "it"?

    "It" is a dummy pronoun. Dummy pronouns are used to make a sentence grammatical, even though they don't really have their own meaning. "Raining" is an impersonal verb, which doesn't have a subject, and in English this requires the impersonal pronoun "it" to make a grammatical sentence...
  6. Trebuchet

    Which type(s) are INTPs attracted to?

    I thought you had to be joking, but then I read more and it looked like you weren't. I'm so glad you like you ENTJ, but your ideas about INTJs are so ... wrong.
  7. Trebuchet

    Three Wishes

    A very sensible wish. That is the kind of thing that can't get you into too much trouble, or deprive anyone of anything, or destroy all that you hold dear. Plus, you didn't need a genie to get it!
  8. Trebuchet

    House MD character types

    I've always thought House was ISTP and evil. Love that character.
  9. Trebuchet

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    In the United States, there is something to that. According to a study from October 2010, that is not true in Japan. Of course, if you are talking only about the US, then fine, but you said "human" so that includes the whole world. While some of your "basic" guidelines are fine, like the...
  10. Trebuchet

    Food, nutrition, health - helphelphelphelp, pleeeeease!

    I've been fascinated by nutrition my entire life, so I like the thread topic. I have long been of the opinion that any diet is fine, as long as you are mindful of what you eat. As for experts, I quite like Michael Pollan's "Food Rules." He goes into more detail, but has three rules. Eat...
  11. Trebuchet

    Eye operation

    Go ahead and wear them, once you get used to the visual distortions. After a week, you won't even notice. I had -8 diopter glasses for a while, and it is amazing how the brain can adapt. I haven't seen convincing evidence that wearing glasses all the time worsens myopia. I wear mine all the...
  12. Trebuchet

    ESFJ mother problems

    Re: Annoyed by ESFJ mother No, how could you be a bad person? You find some behaviors annoying, but you started with a clear assertion that you admire and love your mother, and even appreciate her attempts to be there for you. You considered her motives. You considered her needs...
  13. Trebuchet

    Authority / Rules

    Yeah, that's the boss who ordered me to use pirated software! I didn't know you worked for her. (And I am very sorry for your plight. Ick.)
  14. Trebuchet

    Authority / Rules

    Welcome, Blue Dream. You sound like the sort of thoughtful person that makes things go better. I react to authority exactly like you do. I pretty much substitute manners for obedience. Littering, interrupting, and making life harder for people are all bad manners. But it doesn't matter to...
  15. Trebuchet

    Interesting Statistics

    I would have bet money against Introverts outnumbering Extraverts. I guess a lot of those apparently extraverted people are faking it. And while I knew there was a strong gender difference in T/F, I didn't expect such a large difference in N/S or J/P.
  16. Trebuchet

    If phobias are irrational...

    Yes, INTPs handle fear and other normal emotions well enough. But phobias are not the same as normal fear. Any personality type could be subject to phobias, even if they differ in how they cope with it.
  17. Trebuchet

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: Grama nazi?. That's not being a grammar nazi. Or prescriptivist - I like that term. You are merely precise. Your second example is clearly not correct English, assuming you are addressing Grandma. A grammar prescriptivist gets bent out of shape about someone else's so-called...
  18. Trebuchet


    Definitely this. I have twice made terrible enemies at work, one man and one woman, in two different jobs, when I told them I wasn't interested in gossip. I am still not sure why they thought I might want to hear about someone else's affairs, but I think they wanted to enjoy sharing some...
  19. Trebuchet

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: Grama nazi?. Inside the US, regardless of logic, when you have a quote with a question mark or exclamation mark inside a sentence with another one, you just use the one inside the quotes. Therefore, the third answer is korrect. (It took me 3 times to mistype that.) I understand...
  20. Trebuchet

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: Grama nazi?. Ouch!
  21. Trebuchet

    INTP son, INTJ mother

    Oh, cute.
  22. Trebuchet

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: Grama nazi?. [this post intentionally left blank]
  23. Trebuchet

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: Grama nazi?. I used to be uptight about grammar (though I didn't correct other people because I considered it rude). But after reading Language Log for a while, I have given up my prescriptivist ways. I find a lot of beauty in language, and I like to write carefully and correctly...
  24. Trebuchet

    INTP son, INTJ mother

    That sounds like a beautiful relationship. Thanks for sharing that. But what was the math problem? Yeah, that matches my experience with INTJs except I am usually the one who freaks out about nonsense and obsesses over things.
  25. Trebuchet

    I love Maru

    Who wouldn't love Maru? Maru is adorable and funny. Our cat does lie flat on his back like that. Lazy kitty. I am also a fan of Sparta, the Mean Kitty of Cory "Mr. Safety" Williams. (Well, and Loki, too, of course.) YouTube - Gravity Cats
  26. Trebuchet

    INTx Eye Color

    I know some people who are truly dedicated to certain ideas and I don't think you talk like that. I don't even think this is a bad topic for discussion. But - not meaning any offense to you - I still think Soraya's argument was beautifully laid-out.
  27. Trebuchet

    INTx Eye Color

    Soraya, that was a beautiful explanation of population attributes, sample bias, and the need to state one's assumptions before drawing conclusions from them. Nicely done.
  28. Trebuchet

    How many 'you's do you know?

    Check out this website, which has a bunch of articles (including on multiplicity) by a group that calls themselves Astraea. They did not suffer any kind of childhood tragedy, they are just that way naturally. They argue that psychologists have it all wrong, but multiplicity is real. I approve...
  29. Trebuchet

    Zodiac of an INTP

    Re: Zodiac of an INTP *THEOFFICIAL-OFFICIALONE* Based on the evidence of the previous poll, no.
  30. Trebuchet

    I just found out I'm basically an idiot

    Re: I just found out I'm bascically an idiot Proxy is right about practice, and everyone is right that IQ tests don't mean much. IQ tests don't really measure intelligence. If you are coming down with a cold, like I am right now, your score will be lower. Especially if you took any cold...
  31. Trebuchet

    working together with one ESFJ in an office

    Soraya, I hope you company appreciates you, rather than blaming you for the ruckus. You have behaved in a completely professional and adult way, in the face of unprofessional and childish behavior. And then you didn't take it personally when your reasonable offer of a peaceful resolution...
  32. Trebuchet

    If phobias are irrational...

    Well put, Dimensional Transition. There can be logic in a phobia, even if it is a stretch to find it sometimes. But the OP's assumption seems to be that phobias represent a failure of logic. Clearly they aren't, or they could be treated with logic. Harold Levinson wrote a book called...
  33. Trebuchet

    If phobias are irrational...

    I have phobias, and I can tell you that logic doesn't make them go away. Anyone with a phobia knows it is illogical. Phobias don't make you stupid. Hee hee, that's funny. If you could do that, it wouldn't be a phobia. Here's an example, not of an irrational phobia, but what it is...
  34. Trebuchet

    SAT Tomorrow

    Plan to take it again, and get a book of sample tests. Take at least three of them. Memorize the instructions so you don't have to waste time reading them. This often improves scores by 100 points. Also, bring some high-protein snack and take advantage of any chance to get up and stretch...
  35. Trebuchet

    Powerful imagination

    It is a skill to develop good sensory visualization. Being able to do that well doesn't mean you are hallucinating. Swimmers use the technique regularly to improve their strokes. The more vivid the imagination, the more it helps. Here is one article on it. The brain appears to accept...
  36. Trebuchet

    Assuming That We're All Still Diverse

    But it doesn't. It translates to being listened to more. Welcome, Philovitist. I've never made much distinction between geeks and nerds, but I always find it interesting when someone else does. I've been called both; according to Geoffrey Pullam on Language Log, "a nerd will keep his...
  37. Trebuchet


    Chronic insomnia is a miserable thing. You can find a lot of good information at the National Sleep Foundation website. They have a huge compilation of research and resources. Your problem is very, very common. While the details of your busy mind may be related to personality type, insomnia...
  38. Trebuchet

    working together with one ESFJ in an office

    Of course you should try to distance yourself from her, but if you can't actually get away from her, she will pursue as you back off. So this answer is only for those times when you are stuck. If you can stand to do it, saying "Thank you" to her a lot will almost certainly help. ESFJs work...
  39. Trebuchet

    Teacher criticized me for being too philosophical.

    I love what EditorOne wrote. I think he got it exactly right. "You are too philosophical," is very unhelpful criticism. I agree that it sounds defensive. It is so open-ended, that no matter what you do, it can keep being applied. It is so general, that it gives you nothing to work with...
  40. Trebuchet

    I hate weddings

    I don't quite agree. A marriage is between two people. Marrying at a courthouse with a couple of officials as witnesses is essentially just a signing of contracts. A wedding is something between two communities (or within one, I suppose, but I live in a large sprawling suburban area)...
  41. Trebuchet

    Giving too much information.

    I never gave this much thought, but it happens to me, too. What is that all about? I've sometimes wondered if I would appear to be lying on a polygraph.
  42. Trebuchet

    I hate weddings

    Nah. It is pretty common behavior at weddings and receptions. Just send a copy of any good or funny ones to the happy couple. No one will wonder at all. Unless you will be dressed as a Jedi?
  43. Trebuchet

    Giving too much information.

    Certainly I have done this. The revealed items weren't necessarily a big deal, or shameful, but they were things I didn't remember deciding to share. Some were more personal than I realized, until later reflection. Others were my honest opinion when I hadn't intended to be quite that honest...
  44. Trebuchet

    INTP, INTJ, or something else?

    With apologies to Artsu, with whom I agree that short descriptions of behavior aren't enough to tell, I'll mention short descriptions of behavior anyway. I don't see a contradiction in a non-geeky, self-confident INTP. As an INTP married to an INTJ, and with several friends of each of those...
  45. Trebuchet

    science is childs play

    Going back to the idea of children and scientists, I do think children are natural scientists. They don't have the math or experience, but they have the drive. If you say to a class of 6-year-olds, "We're doing science today," they all start cheering. If you set them to investigate something...
  46. Trebuchet

    Expanding Earth theory! (WOW!)

    I once spent a semester with about 40 people who thought this way. They decided that if they didn't understand relativity, it was false. This actually came up, because I was the one physics major in the class, and I'd taken some relativity, and so they decided I was the enemy. I found there...
  47. Trebuchet

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    When I was a kid, up to about age 14, my society of schoolmates did not accept me. From there, things started to improve, slowly at first, and now I am freer about being myself, and yet more accepted by society, than ever before. People still think I'm weird, sure, but no one hints that I...
  48. Trebuchet

    Dark Fantasy Intro

    Keep writing. Finish your story, and then go back and rewrite a bunch of times. You have done the three things that writers have to do. You wrote something, and then showed it to people, and then rewrote based on their feedback. That takes both hard work, and courage. I agree with...
  49. Trebuchet


    Donald Norman has written about this extensively, and has convinced me that the reason is Affect makes us smart, that's the lesson of my current research into the role of affect. He uses the term "affect" instead of "emotion" to be more precise. As both a design engineer and a...
  50. Trebuchet

    Expanding Earth theory! (WOW!)

    It was good animation, I must admit. I'd never heard this idea before today. Pretty funny. Especially the part about scientists making a fundamental discovery about the universe, and conspiring to cover it up rather than publish and get Nobel prizes, grant money, fame, and a better...
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