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Search results

  1. Agent Intellect

    How many INTPs here have taken an actual test?

    i've been thinking a lot today about the development of my own functions, and how i've become who i am today. i know for me (and this shows in my results on the link i posted earlier) that Ti is my undeniable strong suit. when i was younger, i pretty much survived on pure introversion, barely...
  2. Agent Intellect

    MMDI Personality Type test [thread split]

    Re: $$$$ INTP team role $$$$ hmmm, i came out INTJ on that test. INTJ: 89% INTP: 86% INFJ: 77% ISTP: 67% ENTJ: 63% ISTJ: 59% ENTP: 59% INFP: 58% everything else below 50% some of the questions i didn't like much, because i would have either chose neither of them or both of them.
  3. Agent Intellect

    How many INTPs here have taken an actual test?

    i think this test (or, 3 tests rather) was probably one of the better ones for obtaining sub-categories in MBTI. just by looking at some of the results on that, different INTP's have stronger and weaker sub-functions (for instance, my Ni, Si and Te are all quite high, where other people have...
  4. Agent Intellect

    INTP and Politics

    can find mine somewhere in here.
  5. Agent Intellect

    How many INTPs here have taken an actual test?

    i've wondered about splitting the types up myself (INTP anyway, other types can split it up themselves). there seems to be, even on this board, several types of INTP. i'm not sure if its just a function development thing, though, but some of them seem much more in touch with their emotions...
  6. Agent Intellect

    NoID10ts 1,024th post!

    out of sight? i see you on "who's online" every time i log on.
  7. Agent Intellect

    Bleeding Edge Technology

    i communicate with myself that way all the time
  8. Agent Intellect

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    i think Perseus' replies are much more surprising then NoID10t's (hint hint)
  9. Agent Intellect

    Bleeding Edge Technology

    i thought texans communicated by means of belt buckles.
  10. Agent Intellect

    What songs are you listening to?

    i like these ones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jup5G0meTm4 YouTube- dumb nirvana
  11. Agent Intellect

    What songs are you listening to?

    i'm not much of a rock head, so maybe i'm a little late on this, but i've just recently gotten into Nirvana. some of their songs are kind of stupid, but some of them are pretty good.
  12. Agent Intellect

    Creative Writing Resources

    i'd start with writing short stories before jumping into a novel (short stories are probably more INTP friendly anyway). that, and you can always steal your ideas from your short stories when you do finally get around to that novel.
  13. Agent Intellect

    Bleeding Edge Technology

    Here is an interesting site about near future applications of nanotechnology (stuff thats being tested as we speak).
  14. Agent Intellect

    My Issue (Long)

    get a job being a pepsi or beer vendor/merchandiser. as far as i know, thats all pretty much done on your own, just stocking shelves of different stores with pop or booze. i put in an application to do that a while back, but never got a call back for it... just a suggestion. and i know exactly...
  15. Agent Intellect

    You Know Don't You?

    didn't we already have this question somewhere? because i'm pretty sure i answered that its half full of water... and chlorine, microorganisms, plastic, and medical residue.
  16. Agent Intellect

    Think Different.

    we should make our own internet MBTI test and write our own type descriptions! the way i like to think about the MBTI types though is that they explain how people think, not what they think. what i tend to see a lot is people saying that this or that is a "INTP thing" (like being an engineer or...
  17. Agent Intellect

    Think Different.

    i'm not sure how much i trust the online tests either. my sister had her boyfriend take 3 different ones, one came out ENTP, one ENTJ, and another ESTP. i had my friend take 3 of them, he came out INFP on two and ISFP on one. as for me, i've taken probably 10 of them, i think 9 of them had me as...
  18. Agent Intellect

    Think Different.

    weren't you INFJ just last week?
  19. Agent Intellect

    Bleeding Edge Technology

    certainly the kind of tattoo i'd want to get. next stop: brain implants.
  20. Agent Intellect

    Alignment Test

    Chaotic Neutral- A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally...
  21. Agent Intellect

    Merry Christmas

    i get to work on christmas.
  22. Agent Intellect

    My Issue (Long)

    i only read the last few pages, so forgive me if any of this has been mentioned already. how can one have burden of proof for something theres no proof for? in order to test free will vs determinism, we'd have to be able to replay decision making scenarios and see if people make the same...
  23. Agent Intellect

    Most Popular WebSearches of 2008

    obviously my constant web searches for physics stuff while reading "A Brief History of Time" "The Elegant Universe" and "The Fabric of the Cosmos" this year didn't affect the outcome much. edit: i imagine they didn't take porn searches into account for this
  24. Agent Intellect

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

    mines the Cat's Eye Nebula
  25. Agent Intellect

    INTP boss

    i agree with decaf, i've done the same thing myself (several people have come and gone from my job since i've been there). the problem is, personal relationships can seem like somewhat of a chore to me at times (not going to speak for all INTP's) and when i have a work relationship, its easy...
  26. Agent Intellect

    About Personal Illusions

    i think its easy for us to see past societies and others illusions (perhaps to other illusions) but perhaps were not so good at seeing past our own. i know for me, debating people on this site has given me quite a bit of humility about my own illusions. the problem is, if we were all completely...
  27. Agent Intellect

    Networks vs. Communities, and the effects of formal schooling.

    their are youngsters, but i would hardly call them impressionable.
  28. Agent Intellect

    farewell Nia

    mine will... i kid i kid. even i'm not that intolerant.
  29. Agent Intellect

    farewell Nia

    but how do you know it was your God? (sorry, force of habit) i was forgetting things long before i came here... i think thats just you getting in touch with your INTPness. you expect everyone else to just start threads you enjoy? you could always get off your high horse and start...
  30. Agent Intellect

    The Game

    oh no, i feel left out of the inside joke. i lose in more ways then one now.
  31. Agent Intellect

    Christmas Bleh

    Many who are excitedly preparing for their Christmas celebrations would prefer not knowing about the holiday’s real significance. If they do know the history, they often object that their celebration has nothing to do with the holiday’s monstrous history and meaning. “We are just having...
  32. Agent Intellect

    Ermine's thousandth post!

    a monumental landmark in the ever increasing size of ones INTPness.
  33. Agent Intellect


    you aren't subculture. you are what all the countercultures are countering, you middle-class white male conservative christian! twenty years from now you'll have a white picket fence, a dog, and 2.5 kids!
  34. Agent Intellect


    christ, you just described me down to the last detail. do you also keep shoes so long that people tell you they look disgusting? do the majority of your socks have holes in them, and yet you don't throw them out because buying new ones would mean having to go to the store? perhaps you and i are...
  35. Agent Intellect


    yeah, i assumed i'd get these kinds of responses from this board. i certainly feel the same way (and like NoID10t's said, i often think of myself as starting my own subculture). i guess what i mean is, how do you think someone that meets you on the street would describe you? and, if you're on...
  36. Agent Intellect


    lol @ my spelling. should be "Subculture" not the culture of subs. any admin/mod want to fix that.... :o
  37. Agent Intellect


    it has been said before that INTP's can be quite counterculture. from reading this forum (and observing myself) i find that this can be quite true for a lot of us. i think its our natural compulsion to look at things and think "why is this the norm?" after thinking about this, i went to many...
  38. Agent Intellect

    ~Thinking out side humanity's spectrum~

    two quotes that this post kind of reminds me of (not exactly sure why) "on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero" (from Fight Club) "when it comes to our memories, we all stack the deck" (from a Stephen King book) futility of life is something i often ponder...
  39. Agent Intellect

    Do you guys dance?

    if by being the all singing, all dancing crap of the earth, then indeed, i do dance. everyday.
  40. Agent Intellect

    INTP humor

    i don't know you very well, but thats incredibly funny to me.
  41. Agent Intellect


    i love the quote in your signature. i might have to use that sometime.
  42. Agent Intellect

    Who are You? *inside*

    i'm either staring off into space: or feeling like this:
  43. Agent Intellect

    Weird mind state(s)

    infinite quantities of coffee at an infinite temperature and infinite surface area. what would be the density of such a magical cup of coffee? i think i'll stick with my cheap instant coffee (and yet, how instant is it? can the time it takes to make my magical coffee be divided into infinitely...
  44. Agent Intellect

    Christmas Bleh

    eerily similar to my thought processes. except mine usually has more cursing and death threats.
  45. Agent Intellect

    Weird mind state(s)

    when i try to think of the nothingness of non existence, if existence had never existed, it makes my head swim.
  46. Agent Intellect

    Shirts an INTP might like

    that is the essence of INTPness. just keep trying different things until one of them finally works.
  47. Agent Intellect

    Type Theory / Natural Selection

    i've also been trying to think of that, but i can't think of a functional INTP friendly society. its a bit of a paradox, because INTP's are so curious yet such bad procrastinators. i think we depend on other types to gather hard facts for us to ponder over and interpret. its probably why NT's...
  48. Agent Intellect

    Where are you from?

    i went to Canada once. the part near Detroit. there money looks funny to me. thats about the extent of my travels.
  49. Agent Intellect

    Type Theory / Natural Selection

    i don't think any personality type is better evolved then another. each type is better evolved to fit a certain purpose in society (complexity theory and self organizing systems: read the thread about it to understand what i mean!). the system (society) seems to self organize based on the needs...
  50. Agent Intellect

    Differences Between Intuition and Sensing

    to me, it seems like for survival purposes (i'm talking our distant ancestors), the S type would be a much more logical way for the brain to work. one would have to be here and now, seeing the subtle details and not worrying about next week when survival depends on right now. that, and the way...
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