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Search results

  1. The Black Raven

    Video games are dying.

    There's a lot that needs to be said about that subject, and it has been said piecemeal all over the web about different aspects of the video game industry. I'm going to summarize it in maybe two sentences. When the gaming industry stops being the playground for wall street types, realizing...
  2. The Black Raven

    Morality and stereotypes and INTP

    I'll just throw this stone in, and just say the following: Chaotic doesn't have to mean that one is stirring shit. Chaos could just simply mean 'a lack of order being imposed upon the situation'. I noticed that with the neutral nature of that particular personality type, that person usually...
  3. The Black Raven

    A cure for aging, and an end to natural death?

    I highly suggest reading the Red Mars series, specifically the last book, Blue Mars as it touches on that first point in a fairly realistic manner, and they were only living 250 or so years. In summary, space doesn't have the infrastructure to support three billion humans. While creating the...
  4. The Black Raven

    My introduction, insight, and proposition

    We didn't start the fire! The thread's been burning since the world's been turning!
  5. The Black Raven

    Is the small guy more dangerous or the big guy more dangerous?

    Yes, i have, and the point still stands. And contrary to popular belief, UFC =/= real life. The first hit is rarely a ko hit. The first hit in any sport is rarely a ko hit. You have to follow it up with something else to be of any use. And the average human monkey isn't a UFC OHKO fighter...
  6. The Black Raven

    Is the small guy more dangerous or the big guy more dangerous?

    s0nystyle, not true all the time. Not even true half the time. What if the person redirects the first punch? What about if the person catches the first punch, or it doesn't connect at all? There's too many caveats still with your rule of "whoever punches first, wins." Not to mention--there...
  7. The Black Raven

    Is the small guy more dangerous or the big guy more dangerous?

    Not exactly true all the time. There are some martial arts that work better if you are smaller and faster. There's too many caveats to even give a decent answer to this question. To everyone else: fighting isn't like an rpg, where the two people just stand there and exchange punches...
  8. The Black Raven

    Is the small guy more dangerous or the big guy more dangerous?

    Seriously, what she said. There's too many unarmed fighting styles, too many ways to block, catch a punch, dodge, maim, etc someone in a street fight, assuming they are unarmed. It'll be the person who knows the techniques for incapacitating the target the quickest. Size is irrelevant.
  9. The Black Raven


    Ok, what's the difference between these three, and how does it appear within an individual.
  10. The Black Raven


    And you'll cry if you want to? /me slings mud on shoeless.
  11. The Black Raven

    Forums, Blogs and Tweets. Oh my!

    I'm separating my questions from my response to said questions. Let's get this one started. The purpose of online communities are for people with similar interests to come together and have fun. Whether it be by having engaging conversations on the complex issues of the world, playing an...
  12. The Black Raven

    Forums, Blogs and Tweets. Oh my!

    About as lighthearted of a title about a subject of some importance. Let's get to the point. What is the purpose of an online forum/community? What is the purpose of a blog/livejournal/whatever, and how is that different from a forum? What is free game in a online community. Or any community...
  13. The Black Raven

    Fully Developed and Healthy INTP

    Similar vein: how can one determine which function(s) are underdeveloped? That aside: Specifically, what does a healthy developed Ti look like in a developed INTP? What does a healthy developed Ne look like in a... get the picture?
  14. The Black Raven

    Fully Developed and Healthy INTP

    Quite simple really. What does a developed, healthy INTP look like In terms of his/her use of his/her functions, and their interactions with the world.
  15. The Black Raven


    /me rolls up his sleeves... Yes, I am very familiar with several 3d softwares, including that.... bluah, software called blender. I kinda don't like it because the interface really is counterintuitive. Yes most 3d softwares are a clusterfuck of options and controls, but usually they are...
  16. The Black Raven

    Members / Forum Justice

    I guess I'll say this short bit. Or however short it will be. My initial interest concerning the report on the incident of January 31 was accuracy. I wanted to see that the truth of whatever happened was placed on display. What we got was a pseudo-journalism piece, using only forum-observable...
  17. The Black Raven

    Working in the Shadow Function

    So let me get this straight: these... "anima" functions which unconscientiously appear when under stress, aren't actually usable, but rather the top four functions translates those functions more when stressed? Career... right. Artist. In the makes stuff for business type, not the fine art...
  18. The Black Raven

    There Will Be Brawl: A must watch

    What exactly do you not like about it? I'm genuinely curious. :confused:
  19. The Black Raven

    Working in the Shadow Function

    Ok, I just recently read up on the INTP's shadow functions, which supposedly come out when the INTP is under stress. Here is the description of the shadow functions from the wiki page. The (perceived?) problem is that the following description is exactly what the career I am about to enter...
  20. The Black Raven

    There Will Be Brawl: A must watch

    http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/there-will-be-brawl/496-Episode-One You must watch this. You won't be disappointed. If you require a summery: "In short: Super Smash Bros meets Sin City as well as Watchmen and Silence Of The Lambs " But any description that I could give of this...
  21. The Black Raven

    INTP Laziness

    I used to solve this problem by having the industry (and jobs) I was attempting to enter into, interesting to me. But the further along my education went, the less interesting it became and the more raw hard work it became. In effect, I would have a really odd work ethic. Somehow getting it...
  22. The Black Raven

    intp - emotionally retarded?

    Emotionally retarded? I won't deny that. The T is strong in this one. So much so that people have asked me "Are you human"? when 'emotion' related topics come up. :borg0:
  23. The Black Raven

    Female INTP Characters

    And I've seen multiple internet pages with her and Data as TP. >:[
  24. The Black Raven


    What is this? You're an INTP and don't know one of the most common meme? YouTube- Zombie Kid Likes Turtles :raven04: @Adaire *humps the White Raven, flies away with the glass cannon* ... My weird sense of humor aside-thanks.
  25. The Black Raven

    Female INTP Characters

    Seven of Nine in Voyager. (Although to be honest, her very high level of organization, and her occasional disinterest in exploring tangent information or theories makes me believe she's a j) :borg0:
  26. The Black Raven


    @flow: I know potential butthurt when I see it. You're the glass cannons in my observations. Able to shoot off projectiles that can destroy entire cities, but shatters from one hit from a baseball bat. But I like glass cannons, so I won't brake them. Plus they look nice. Especially the ones make...
  27. The Black Raven


    If you're that disappointed, you can take comfort in knowing I occasionally peck people's eyes out. But I know how sensitive you guys can be, so i'll try to keep the pecking to the occasional easy prey.
  28. The Black Raven


    Because it sounds more fancy? :p I'm observ(e)r until I think of a better title. Thanks.
  29. The Black Raven


    I've lurked here for a bit. There's not much to say about me. I'll peck around a little in the threads that interest me, and try to make sure my droppings don't land on anyone. I am about as INTP as (I think) anyone can get. Without the self-loathing. A hint of the social awkward, and a...
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