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Search results

  1. Alice?

    Now, if I were better with titles...

    Er... Hi! Welcome to the forum. My favorite is the borg face :borg0:!
  2. Alice?

    [SPOILER] They're thought to, yeah! [SPOILER] Yes! I would take to long to explain it myself, so...

    [SPOILER] They're thought to, yeah! [SPOILER] Yes! I would take to long to explain it myself, so here's the wikipedia page for it- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_collision. Interesting stuff, I can't wait to study it in detail and from a more reliable source than wikipedia :P. [SPOILER]...
  3. Alice?

    Haha, it's all right. I'm not sure anyone's ever called me fascinating before :P

    Haha, it's all right. I'm not sure anyone's ever called me fascinating before :P
  4. Alice?

    So many questions! I just did general dance classes. A combination of lyrical, ballet, jazz...

    So many questions! I just did general dance classes. A combination of lyrical, ballet, jazz, etc. Nothing in detail, I suppose it was pretty fun. As for AIM- sure, but I'm hardy ever on anymore. I work as part of an animal husbandry team taking care of smaller local marine life and maintaining...
  5. Alice?


    Hmm. Most of my excercise comes from walking around campus and my job, which has a fair amount of upper-body labor. I go running with friends about once a week, but I find it so... tedious sometimes. It's definitiely not as much as I should be getting, though, and I've never been much of a gym...
  6. Alice?

    [SPOILER] Hmm, let's see... I learned that our galaxy is a cannibal of sorts-...

    [SPOILER] Hmm, let's see... I learned that our galaxy is a cannibal of sorts- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoceros_Ring, And a little bit about Tidal Encounters- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globular_cluster#Tidal_encounters, and the planned decommissioning of the NASA shuttle Endeavor-...
  7. Alice?

    [SPOILER] Yep, I'm the same way. 'Normal' conversations and small talk are so... boring. I...

    [SPOILER] Yep, I'm the same way. 'Normal' conversations and small talk are so... boring. I prefer talking about something that will make me think or reconsider the view I have. Something intellectually stimulating. Luckily my INTJ friend is great at coming up with really interesting topics for...
  8. Alice?

    [SPOILER] Oh, that does sound kind of fun. I don't know much about computer networking, but it...

    [SPOILER] Oh, that does sound kind of fun. I don't know much about computer networking, but it sounds like something that would be cool to sort of play around with. Although I am a little suspcious of networks after watching Battlestar Galactica... damn Cylons:p.
  9. Alice?

    Yeah! Lateralus is one of my all-time favorite songs. I only know a couple other of their songs...

    Yeah! Lateralus is one of my all-time favorite songs. I only know a couple other of their songs though, but I'd like to hear more. Any suggestions?
  10. Alice?

    do you ever find yourself...

    Indeed. Last weekend, my work was evacuated because of a potential tsunami threat (I work in a harbor) and had to stay behind to take care of a couple things before my work partner and I could leave. The sherrifs had told us to leave immediately, so something was obviously worrying them to the...
  11. Alice?


    I suppose I can understand that.
  12. Alice?

    I'm actually at a rather large community college called Orange Coast right now. I am mostly...

    I'm actually at a rather large community college called Orange Coast right now. I am mostly against standadized testing in general and most universities don't even bother looking at your application if you don't have SAT/ACT scores, so I never applied. Plus, I am supporting myself so I needed to...
  13. Alice?

    Hmm, what was the film you watched? There is also an 'Elegant Universe' documentary done by NOVA...

    Hmm, what was the film you watched? There is also an 'Elegant Universe' documentary done by NOVA based on the book I suggested. That's actually what turned me on to the book. I also suggest watching that! Brian Greene has a way of explaining the concepts so that it's easy to understand even if...
  14. Alice?

    Hehe, I'm glad someone else appreciates the bubbles. The trip to the observatory was...

    Hehe, I'm glad someone else appreciates the bubbles. The trip to the observatory was mindblowing. Fortunately my two closest friends are also introverted intuitives so we have the most interesting conversations, which really helped during the L.A. rush hour traffic drive up. The presentation was...
  15. Alice?

    As for dishes, they're only fun to me if there are TONS of bubbles. I've always wanted to fill...

    As for dishes, they're only fun to me if there are TONS of bubbles. I've always wanted to fill up my entire kitchen with bubbles. Maybe when I move out! Hehe. And I am SO excited for the trip, the Observatory is one of my favorite places to be. Ever. ...Uhh, sorry for the long post. I suppose I...
  16. Alice?

    Ooh, that book looks fairly interesting. I took and Intro to Philosophy class last semester and...

    Ooh, that book looks fairly interesting. I took and Intro to Philosophy class last semester and it really sparked an interest in Philosophy for me. In fact, a few contemporary theories of physics are debated to be more philosophy than science because our technology hasn't evolved to a point that...
  17. Alice?

    It's all about current events in space! I'm an astrophysics major so I'm all over that kind of...

    It's all about current events in space! I'm an astrophysics major so I'm all over that kind of stuff. Ah, cleaning... urgh. How boring. I do actually like doing laundry, though. What book are you reading?
  18. Alice?

    I'm taking a trip to an observatory with a couple friends a little later to listen to an...

    I'm taking a trip to an observatory with a couple friends a little later to listen to an interesting lecture and play around with the exhibits, so I'd have to say I'm pretty damn well :D. And you?
  19. Alice?

    It's a shame there isn't a letter that looks like a backwards 'R', isn't it?

    It's a shame there isn't a letter that looks like a backwards 'R', isn't it?
  20. Alice?

    Hi there!

    Hi there!
  21. Alice?

    What do INTPs look like

    I do the half-smile, half-grimace thing too! One of my friends pointed it out to me that I make the face when I'm being sarcastic (Read: Quite often) and now people laugh at me for it. :o
  22. Alice?


    Why? My imagination would go wild in there with the lights; and the music is in surround sound so I could just let it flow through me and space out or let my thoughts wander...
  23. Alice?


    Oh man, I'd love to have a hammock in my room. They're so comfortable, and I think the subtle swinging motion would lull me into sleep. I also sleep well on the couch in my living room. But this would be the ultimate bed!! It's called a Transport Perceptual Pod, and it's got light show...
  24. Alice?

    Music and Mood

    I always choose music that fits my mood. Music that doesn't fit my current mindset just annoys me.
  25. Alice?

    I need your help!

    Oh, I've actually read those before! I have a subscription to Discover Magazine, but hadn't thought of using one their articles for the class. Thanks for reminding me! WHOA. Suprisingly, I haven't heard of that before. That's so cool! I'm not sure I'll use this as my main article, but I'll...
  26. Alice?

    I need your help!

    All right, so I am in my college's Psychology Club, and on Wednesday I am supposed to bring in an interesting article on Neuroscience to share with the rest of the club. I know it's a broad topic, but I can't seem to find any articles that catch my interest! I've been searching around the...
  27. Alice?

    I suppose you may be right. :sigh: Have you ever listened to Sia's 'Breathe Me'? That's what...

    I suppose you may be right. :sigh: Have you ever listened to Sia's 'Breathe Me'? That's what it's from. And it certainly doesn't have any sexual undertones! At least not that I think...Haha.
  28. Alice?

    Dr. Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog

    I LOVE Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog! I discovered it a couple months after it came out and have been almost obsessed with it ever since. In June of last summer a theatre at the U.C. Riverside did a showing Dr. Horrible and Serenity on the big screen. It was so cool, the whole threatre was...
  29. Alice?


  30. Alice?

    Bad Films

    Oh man, has anyone here seen 'Teeth'? It's AMAZING in the most terrible sense. Seriously, go watch it. Warning: Not for faint of heart, though. Here's a synopsis from imdb.com... read at your own risk.
  31. Alice?

    Free your mind

    That's a kick-ass 500th post, if I may be so bold. :D
  32. Alice?

    Remember Everything anyone has ever said to you?

    I do this too, but to a slightly lesser degree. I've gotten some pretty strange looks from friends of mine when I bring up random things that they've told me years ago and don't remember telling me at all. It's quite fun, really. I can't remember birthdays, though. Or the pages I'm supposed to...
  33. Alice?

    :D I personally struggle with the whole 'caramel' vs. 'car-mel' issue. I can't seem to pick a...

    :D I personally struggle with the whole 'caramel' vs. 'car-mel' issue. I can't seem to pick a side! Oh, and I haven't ever heard de-veen either. I agree with Mary!
  34. Alice?

    A+ Research and Writing

    Awesome, thank you. I checked out the table on contents on the site that you listed for those of us still in school and it looks very helpful. I'm in college and I'll take all the writing help I can get!
  35. Alice?

    Really! I've only heard it pronounced one way: Div-ine (rhymes with wine). Consensus is a good...

    Really! I've only heard it pronounced one way: Div-ine (rhymes with wine). Consensus is a good one! I'ts especially fun to say with a 'lsp' and in a slightly outraged tone of voice. Try it! :D
  36. Alice?

    Animal typology

    Animals are one of the few things I feel strongly for and get emotional about, so: I'm sorry, but I find a lot of this so wrong. While I do find it interesting to type pets (out of curiousity a while back, I typed my cat and my rabbit), it's absolutely, under no circumstances, right for you to...
  37. Alice?

    Judging by the fact that we both seem to be online at the same time (I see your posts under the...

    Judging by the fact that we both seem to be online at the same time (I see your posts under the 'new posts' section), you seem to be just as addicted to the internet as I am! Hehe. Go nerd-dom.
  38. Alice?

    Hello, Hello

    Hehe, it seems like a lot of us lurked for a while before we started posting here. That's one of the greatest things about this place, I've found! There are many interesting discussions to be read and lots to learn along the way. I used to game... I played a table-top Firefly RPG with a group...
  39. Alice?

    Yes, occasionally! I assume you do, as well?

    Yes, occasionally! I assume you do, as well?
  40. Alice?

    HELP!, There is something stuck on the tip of my tongue!

    Why did I read this? Now I HAVE to find out... there goes the rest of my morning. :p Research begins... now. Edit: Not that I'd be doing anything more productive anyway.
  41. Alice?

    Trouble expressing ourselves?

    I don't think that sounds ignorant, I know exactly what you mean. Although I do have a lot of trouble expressing myself emotionally. I hardly ever convey what I'm feeling through spoken words just because the words don't seem to do what I'm feeling justice. I can sometimes express myself through...
  42. Alice?


  43. Alice?

    Don't we all! :D

    Don't we all! :D
  44. Alice?

    Ahh god. The word 'chunk' drives me crazy for some reason. It's just so... chuuuuunnnkkkk...

    Ahh god. The word 'chunk' drives me crazy for some reason. It's just so... chuuuuunnnkkkk. 'Drawer,' also.
  45. Alice?

    There are others like ME?

    So... can you cook your food while you're eating it? Assuming you cook your food, anyway. Edit: ^--- Referring to the mouth laser beam ability
  46. Alice?

    There are others like ME?

    Hi! I'm Emily. I only started posting on here a few days ago after a couple months of lurking around to see what everyone was like. We can be forum n00bs together.
  47. Alice?


    Awesome suggestion for the free software, RubberDucky451. *goes to make a fractal* :D
  48. Alice?

    Spot the Fake Smile

    Eh, 18/20. I looked mostly at the eyes and the expression after the 'main' smile was complete. It seemed to me that the expression on the people with genuine smiles face's generally took longer to go back to a neutral state than the faces with (I accidentally typed 'feet' here... how odd) fake...
  49. Alice?

    Who are we?

    Hallo everyone! Although I joined back in November of '09, I only recently started posting. I tend to be more of an observer than a participant most of the time, but I figured it couldn't hurt to try speakin' up every now and then. Anyway, I'm a 19 year old college student pursuing an...
  50. Alice?

    I think in ideas, not words.

    Wow, I thought I was the only one. I've always had a hard time verbalizing my thoughts as most of them tend to be in picture/video/diagram etc. form. Especially when I'm learning something new, I like to translate what's being said or what I'm reading into something I can see... for some reason...
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