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Search results

  1. Lobstrich

    Fonts As They Apply To Rodent Hindquarters

    I actually didn't notice that you used a different font.. I can obviously see it now that you've told us. But I don't really care as long as you don't do the whole circus thing with weird colors and the text in the middle of the post with breaks all the time, making it look like a poem. That's...
  2. Lobstrich

    Personality Type : Predetermined?

    My theory is that I isolated myself, because my stepfather (whom I consider my father since my biological father wasn't around) was a heroin addict, I experienced alot with him, don't want to go into too much detail as I've already explained him in like 3 posts and I feeling like an "attention...
  3. Lobstrich

    muito prazer

    I guess :confused:
  4. Lobstrich

    Do not take this the wrong way,

  5. Lobstrich

    Personality Type : Predetermined?

    I'm an INTP and I don't have ADHD. I've been tested, and I do not have it. I believe nurture is still a part of it, I doubt I would have been an introvert (not to mention an INTP) if it wasn't because I isolated myself. I've been told that I was very outgoing when I was child, I began the...
  6. Lobstrich

    Do not take this the wrong way,

    ??? Seriously though? What is this thread? trolling? Did I miss something??
  7. Lobstrich

    Joining the army

    As far as I understood, he is being drafted. When you're drafted you get drafted into the army. At least from where I'm around. Since the Navy and Air Force is so small that they are never in need and if you want a spot, you need to apply. And not everyone enjoys flying, hehe. I can't stand it...
  8. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    I very much agree. As well as on this one, even though I do find myself to be lacking of feelings, not exactly devoid but lacking compared to what most people think is 'normal' What are you proposing to, though?
  9. Lobstrich

    Dream Places to Live

    It's good on paper, like communism. But like I mentioned in my other post, what we have a crab mentality. There's nothing to be gained from that, everyone who's remotely different is branded arrogant. Anyone who dares to have ambitions is looked upon as if he/she is pretty much on drugs...
  10. Lobstrich

    Joining the army

    I(guess) am with SpaceYeti but I wouldn't know. I was discharged(?) Because I'm underweight. I could imagine that the 'system' is tough on INTPs but I think there's a great opportunity to meet people that you enjoy being with.
  11. Lobstrich

    Dream Places to Live

    You seem to have a somewhat(very) romantic view on how Scandinavia is. I'm part Danish part Norwegian myself, so I don't consider myself biased towards the two countries you mentioned in particular. Scandinavian standards are above average, I'd say. But We're not any more sophisticated than...
  12. Lobstrich


    Definately! But it was more because I wanted to be polite. I refused several times, But hospitality is a big deal in Serbia, at least in the area where I were. It's almost rude to refuse what is offered, funny as that may sound. The concept of being a "non-drinker" is also a funny story. When I...
  13. Lobstrich


    That's the thing that I disagree with. I mean I don't disgree with your theory, but with such behaviour. We shouldn't do something because others want us to. You should smoke because you love the smell and the taste (and whatever else you might enjoy about it) not because you want to get into a...
  14. Lobstrich


    No, I can't say I've heard of such postings! Are they difficult? Heh.
  15. Lobstrich


    "My parents did it" is such an easy excuse. My mother is a chain ass smoker (Ass is needed. She smokes.. Alot.) Not only that but her and her friends enjoy pot once in a while. Pot and not something else because they are from that generation. My stepfather (grew up with him, and not my 'real'...
  16. Lobstrich


    You might want to post that before you die. The other way around seems difficult. :confused:
  17. Lobstrich


    Still more work than alot of people would invest. Still costs money for the plants, still costs money for the right tools. And I will still insist that you can't grow tobacco anywhere.
  18. Lobstrich


    I didn't speak for you. Hence the "I don't think" =) EDIT: And the saying makes no sense to me in any context and certaintly not in this one. Unless it was a joke that curiosity (wanting to try smoking) kills you.
  19. Lobstrich


    If we do not know what causes the diseases. How we know what stops them? Doesn't add up.
  20. Lobstrich


    Yeah probably not.. Tobacco plants can't grow in any garden. And it's not something you just pluck from the plant and them roll up in a smoke.. It's a huge process. Besides, getting all that is needed to grow yourself, not to mention spending all the time one would use on a job. Costs alot of...
  21. Lobstrich


    I don't really care what they say, I have a right to be in awe of why people would start smoking =) EDIT: And to be honest. I don't think any INTP would agree with that saying. It's the dumbest ever. Curiosity is what makes us be on this forum, what makes us star threads and debate. What makes...
  22. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    I don't understand.. Scabs? As in wound scabs? If that's a yes. Then I still don't get it. Is zago a scab that's fallen off of my wound? Or? :confused: I'm afraid that I've never heard that saying. Sorry to ruin the joke.
  23. Lobstrich


    Uh, well apparently I do think it's strange when I'm asking such a question, heh. I don't understand why people start smoking, it's not healthy and it costs money. What do you gain from it? "I just smoke because it's the mood" But is it as if you can't be a part of the conversation because...
  24. Lobstrich


    @ OP - I hope that you'll end up a non-smoker! I'm always asking myself this question when I think of people who smoke "Why would you(anyone) even start in the first place?"
  25. Lobstrich

    Toad says "Hi"

    Welcome back =o
  26. Lobstrich

    LPolaright Reloaded

    I don't think anyone on this forum will ever leave, for good. Our hearts, I mean minds of course.. Minds. Will always be here, even if we do not use the forum!
  27. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    That's some mighty useful stuff you've been spending your time on. Specially that one about knowing the number of years served. I could totally see you use that in your life.. You know for gaining social sucess and such. (Starting a business doesn't equal social sucess, in my opinion. But it's...
  28. Lobstrich

    You should go back and check out the guideline thread. See the troll that you so warmly welcomed! =)

    You should go back and check out the guideline thread. See the troll that you so warmly welcomed! =)
  29. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

  30. Lobstrich

    "Oh, I get it. You're kind of a big deal in RL" I laughed so hard, haha. That was the best reply...

    "Oh, I get it. You're kind of a big deal in RL" I laughed so hard, haha. That was the best reply but stil so short! Cool, hehe.
  31. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    Nope, I've tested INTP in all the tests I've taken. And I believe what I test as, is what I am. I do not agree with the physiology typing of Pod'Lair. So as far as I'm concerned a person is what he says he/she is, period. I completely agree, I even think I've said the same thing in this...
  32. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    You losers? I'm not an INTJ, hehe. Anyway, I agree on your theory of why many people are against the idea of having this set of rules.
  33. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    Yeah, INTJs are such losers? Right?:king-twitter:
  34. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    I don't hate anybody, I just didn't like zago's attitude (call that hate if you will) And he didn't like mine, I guess. The only straight out disliking/beefing/hating I got was from Oblivious @ me. But I'd still agree on the "wtf happened in the middle?" Heh.
  35. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    Hey stop it you guys! You are annoying, more annoying than SpaceYeti and I ever were! :rolleyes:
  36. Lobstrich


    @ aaaw - the 'wobble' I guess. Dubstep is not to my taste though. I'm more into 'house' Check out "Trentemøller"
  37. Lobstrich

    Most interesting dream.

    I can't remember the last time I've had a "surreal dream" The only thing I ever dream is things that could happen anyway. Like me getting alot of money, or visiting another country etc. It actually sucks. I think when people stop to really (by really dreaming, I mean dreams as yours Proxy...
  38. Lobstrich

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    You should never let that stop you. Being "grown up" doesn't mean anything, in my opinion, heh. If you want professional why not stick with the original Japanese voice overs? That's what I'm planning to do once I get around seeing Ghost in the Shell.
  39. Lobstrich

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    I've never watched anime, I don't like it. But my friend recommended Ghost in the Shell to me, It's been lying around for a while now, never get around to actually watching it. Someone want to try and persuade me? Lol :confused: EDIT: I read Dragon Ball when I was little though.
  40. Lobstrich


    Hear hear! Something must be done!
  41. Lobstrich

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    Is it always sunny? :confused:!
  42. Lobstrich


    LOL! Really, I laughed, hahaha.
  43. Lobstrich


    Ah yeah, didn't think of that at all. Seems logical. "Luring" reactions.
  44. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    Lol. :rolleyes: Where do you find such statistics? That's pretty interesting.
  45. Lobstrich


    One thing I'm wondering about is why trolls are called trolls. Why not pidgeons? Crocodiles? Horses? Is there a specific reason to the name? Or is it just good because it goes along with "don't feed the troll"?
  46. Lobstrich

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    Who's this directed at? Me? Zago? Oblivious? Everybody? :confused:
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