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Search results

  1. Community DF game comments and discussion

    Re: The Plane of Dawn, community DF game comments and discussion Good luck recuperating. Have a moderate grasp on the game, so count me in. Shall I play after face?
  2. Community DF game comments and discussion

    Re: The Plane of Dawn, community DF game comments and discussion So, how goes it with the fort?
  3. Newcomer, p.s. ganja

    Emoclew. Ina Fortencia, macinstosh! Deno gerato fino. Haberant, eta munerdo?
  4. Dwarf Fortress

    THIS GAME IS EPIC. My crypts are filled to the brim. All of my original dwarves lie dead. Barely staved of the second goblin siege. Swordbent has risen before, but will it do so again? Will it's walls be spattered with dwarf blood, or engraved with our victories? Insomnia, procrastination and...
  5. What madness is this???!! Who is that really old lady? Wearing a scarf??! Mine eyes...

    What madness is this???!! Who is that really old lady? Wearing a scarf??! Mine eyes!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH...... EDIT: Viewing this on my phone, I only saw the lady, and not the berserking beaver. That fact that she is smiling makes her more horrifying still.
  6. Amnesiac Greetings

    Welcome New Member. I hope you enjoy your time here, spreading love and kindness. Feel free to participate, and may God bless you.
  7. Very well, I shall tell you. I aim to use the plutonium......in my master plan. Now then, off...

    Very well, I shall tell you. I aim to use the plutonium......in my master plan. Now then, off you go.
  8. First, I need plutonium. Get me plutonium and all shall be revealed! Mwuahahahaha....*cough*...ha.

    First, I need plutonium. Get me plutonium and all shall be revealed! Mwuahahahaha....*cough*...ha.
  9. Change is good... Conform, PNB, conform!!!! Join us....please? PS: I have a master plan that no...

    Change is good... Conform, PNB, conform!!!! Join us....please? PS: I have a master plan that no one knows about. Join me, and together we can create chaos. Or cake. Chaos cake.
  10. The State of the Forum

    I have decided to vote in the poll after reviewing the thread. Recently, the forum has been more active with more quality threads being created and older members awakening from their slumber. That is a change in itself, but will it last? Solitaire U's post intrigued me, with him stating the...
  11. I am unable to participate in threads with you staring at me like that. What a dilemma.

    I am unable to participate in threads with you staring at me like that. What a dilemma.
  12. What would your coronation music be?

  13. Dwarf Fortress

    I......have.....to...resist....distraction.. Well, I'm going to jump right in with this, but I doubt I'll make any significant progress until next week.
  14. Dwarf Fortress

    What a steep learning curve...... I will have to stock up on food and water, lock my door and leave the forum for a few weeks. Damn you Blarr, distracting me like this during exams.
  15. Have you ever interacted with a truly evil person?

    I have never met a person who would be considered "evil". I have met two con artists who tried to trick me out of my money, but that's about it. There are individuals I have interacted with who have a violent streak, but this is usually only a problem when drunkenness besets them. In our...
  16. The State of the Forum

    Personally, I like this idea. It may have the problem of overspilling into another thread, but if that happens I think a ban might be justified. This is more of an "forced witch hunt thread", with room to argue it out as long as the forum is not disrupted.
  17. Back to the Evil Eye, it seems.

    Back to the Evil Eye, it seems.
  18. Ayahuasca

    I have no experience with psychedelics, but I am intrigued by them. From what I read, many users described the Ayahuasca trip as a "rebirth", attaching heavy spiritual connotations to their experience. It is known that many psychedelic substances have lasting effects on users, changing their...
  19. The State of the Forum

    So here we are. Reading this forum, words filling our screens, information being processed by our brains. Topics are diverse, so too are the different personae discussing these topics. Of course such differences will lead to clashes, as has recently been seen, has been seen long ago, and will...
  20. Face it is, then.

    Face it is, then.
  21. I have decided to call you Face. But that may not reflect your chosen persona. So is it Face...

    I have decided to call you Face. But that may not reflect your chosen persona. So is it Face? Head? Smile? Eyebrows? Or are you simply an Enigma? I am curious.
  22. So maybe this is an introduction

    So maybe this is a welcome......
  23. I took it. I just didn't like it. *EDIT: Oh. Paid attention to the question. Yeah, made it up.

    I took it. I just didn't like it. *EDIT: Oh. Paid attention to the question. Yeah, made it up.
  24. No, I simply watched the mentalist.

    No, I simply watched the mentalist.
  25. Yes, but then a serial killer will murder my family.

    Yes, but then a serial killer will murder my family.
  26. How disappointing. I wanted to be psychic. Ah well, I'll just fake it.

    How disappointing. I wanted to be psychic. Ah well, I'll just fake it.
  27. What kind of soul are you?

    You Have No Soul Your lack of respect towards tests such as this one has forced us to cast you into the void. There is nothing else to say about you, for you are an empty vessel. Souls you are most compatible with: Find out for yourself.
  28. By randomly perusing intpcentral I know(Think) Jennifer is your real name. Wockenson.....If...

    By randomly perusing intpcentral I know(Think) Jennifer is your real name. Wockenson.....If that's your surname, I'm psychic.
  29. Emoticon-Con

    :cthulhu:ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn :ahh04: An INTP has been left catatonic. :king-twitter: An INTP attempts to befriend you, usually after a strenious battle of wits. :phear: An INTP praises it's own skills in a subtle manner. :D An INTP mocks both you and all you stand...
  30. Emoticon-Con

    :) An INTP does not agree with you, but has decided to let you live. ;) An INTP agrees with you, but will kill you regardless. :eek: An INTP feigns shock, while actually agreeing with you. :elephant: An INTP ends an argument in a seemingly peaceful manner, only to prepare for the coming war...
  31. Three Wishes

    1. A Kitten 2. Some weed 3. Complete control of everything, thus this universe and all possible others.
  32. Tone of voice and way of speaking

    I do. I tend to mumble words without realizing it. I then have to repeat sentences, or am simply ignored.
  33. The banning of BAP

    Interesting, perhaps true. Maybe the forum needs more deviant behavior. Not infringing deviance, just deviance for the sake of more diversity and mild controversy . Who shall take this burden upon their shoulders?
  34. Thread Closings

    http://intjforum.com/showthread.php?p=4184486#post4184486 Hmmmm......
  35. Elliot Rodger, the Supreme Gentleman and his mass shooting [split from Psychology of the beautiful g

    @Lordran: Your comparison with ER and OP are interesting. I have never considered that connection, and will study it further. I rarely take interest in these cases, but the possibility of these two being similar does intrigue me. I guess OP also had some sense of self-entitlement. Will have...
  36. Huzzah, I am a new person.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCETka24IBM Hmmmm.......
  37. Huzzah, I am a new person.

    Trains? Airplanes are the main culprits. Airplanes are the Illuminati.
  38. Huzzah, I am a new person.

    I take it you are from northen/central Italy?
  39. Another forum outrage

    You......have defeated the Dread Lord.
  40. Another forum outrage

    Fools. Let the Dread Lord into your lives, or perish.
  41. Hello

    Welcome to the forum. Feel free to explore, interact and enjoy. Maybe post some of your art, always interesting to see.
  42. Anybody else hate it when people give them suggestions?

    Preserve the bandwidth! So mesmerizing though.....
  43. Counting to 1,000,000

    2X10+2(9999556 ÷ 9999556)
  44. Counting to 1,000,000

    the accursed one +1
  45. Counting to 1,000,000

  46. Counting to 1,000,000

    I shall play along then, from my corner palace. 2.0000000002
  47. Counting to 1,000,000

    999 998 Denounced by PNB.
  48. Good evening.

    Hail Fat Bread! Your cumming has been long anticipated! We bow to your superior.......... something. *Presses all the buttons*
  49. Who programs, or wants to get into programming?

    I would suggest you ask Architect. As from my side, I would say Python is a fairly good language to start with. There are many on-line resources for beginner-programmers, Google and ye shall find.
  50. Good movies?

    I.....I......respect your opinion. :storks:
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