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Search results

  1. shortbuss

    Staying Up Late

    I never really thought about it, surprisingly, but the tranquility of nighttime contrasted by that sense you describe of the daytime rat races during normal waking hours really is something to cherish. I also don't have a job, and enjoy staying up and searching the internet, reading, listening...
  2. shortbuss

    Get inside women's minds

    I have never heard of this book, but based on the reviews from Amazon.com, I don't think I'd be into it. It sounds more like a female fantasy than something that you should view as realistic. Basically, the reviews made it sound like something with the maturity of Twilight, but with a wealthy...
  3. shortbuss

    Taking "INTP" too seriously (RANT)

    I feel the same as OP. People act like it's an exact science. In fact, it is a very abstract concept that should take into account the nuisances of a person's personality. The worst is when people almost treat it like something completely unscientifically substantiated like horoscopes. It's a...
  4. shortbuss

    why are INTP's partial to drugs? i thought INTP's didn't like emotional manipulation. . .

    My mind won't STFU so I like to take drugs in hopes that I will find a pleasant escape from the usual flotsam that swims inside my head. Plus, I have a natural curiosity.
  5. shortbuss

    Ruining the fun for others

    God do I know this feeling. I just watched the movie Hot Tub Time Machine with some friends, and it was the worst thing I've ever seen! I felt like I was watching another the Hangover or Judd Apatow style bromance. I'm SO sick of that gimmick! I'm so sick of the same characters with the same...
  6. shortbuss

    Roots of INTP "lazyness"

    This, IMO, is why the laziness problem often occurs. We would rather rationalize our thoughts than act on them. Personally, I know I can use analysis as a crutch to explain things that bother me in life. I will generate theories and roll my head all day until it's dark and i haven't done anything.
  7. shortbuss


    This is more what reddit is about for me. I am annoyed by the influx of circlejerk memes and crap like that. I always notice the 'funny' section of reddit gets a lot of upvotes, which I think is a shame, because I'm more interested in the politics and world events sections, which I think reddit...
  8. shortbuss

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females

    I find your use of the word plebeian condescending and pretentious, and your science highly dubious. I already made my case, but you didn't respond to it, so I feel no need to make my case again. Gee, I wonder why women act adversely to your perspective. Isn't it curious that all your findings...
  9. shortbuss

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females

    To say women are less intelligent than men is not accurate, and implies an exaggerated superiority of intellect that is simply not a fair depiction of the differences between men and women in regards to intelligence. On the bell-curve men are most likely to score in the extremes, often being...
  10. shortbuss

    You know you're an Intp when...

    - when you resent your friends for disliking your analytical nature, and feel you have to put on a dopey mask for them to accept you. you know your "friends" don't know shit about the real you, and these people never know how to deal with your depressive thoughts, and so they avoid you because...
  11. shortbuss

    INTP shit you did as a child

    I was not a cool kid in junior high. Quite the opposite. I went into middle school aspiring to fit in, but once I realized how others saw me I turned rebellious, at least in my state of mind. I remember wearing clothes that I knew would alienate me even more just because I resented the way I...
  12. shortbuss

    Social Rebellion

    I had school uniforms, and it was the rule that we tuck in our shirts. I thought it was a dumb rule so I never tucked in my shirt. One day my teacher told me I was trying to be a rebel, and the thought had truly never crossed my mind- I just thought the rule was dumb, and thus I didn't have to...
  13. shortbuss

    INTP Socializer's Remorse

    You described the way I think about socializing to a 'T'. This, among other things, contributed to my social anxiety troubles. I have learned the best way to enjoy socializing is to tell yourself NOT to think whenever you catch yourself over-thinking during social situations. When the affair is...
  14. shortbuss

    Best Science News Sites?

    I want to get more into science, because it interests me, but I'm quite unknowledgeable. Any suggestions?
  15. shortbuss

    Negative you!

    I just accidentally hit myself in the face with my head phones. I think that was the perfect way to start this post :aufsmaul: I am a little slovenly. I let my room, and even my personal hygiene to a smaller extent, go unchecked. And I wonder why I have no dating prospects. I almost NEVER clean...
  16. shortbuss

    can't stand "s" personalities

    They have no appreciation for abstract thought. It drives me crazy. I have a friend that is an ISFP, and she bugs the crap out of me. I'll try and get a conversation going about something slightly abstract and she just kills it, and has no ability to form an opinion or create an idea of her own...
  17. shortbuss

    Your views on passing judgement?

    I used to judge people more openly, but it turned my friends against me. I learned to curb my opinions and to censor myself when I realized they wouldn't be appropriate or appreciated. Sometimes I feel like I have to stifle who I am to appease my friends, just so they'll still want me around. It...
  18. shortbuss

    INTP Socializer's Remorse

    I have an idea on how to improve this "socializer's remorse". I think the most critical elements of INTP nature that contribute to this feeling most are our Introverted and Thinking sides. I would argue that people with higher levels of I or T might experience this most strongly. I think the...
  19. shortbuss

    Is your brain male or female?

    This is my first post, so hello good people of the internet. I took the test, and I won't share the needless numbers, but my brain is more female, which is cool since I am female. I pretty much suck at empathizing, systematizing, and mentally rotating shapes. Interestingly enough, though I'm...
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