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Search results

  1. Alice?

    The Best Personality Type For You Test (for romantic partner)

    INFP You scored 25 I versus E, 20 N versus S, 40 F versus T, and 40 P versus J! Hmm, I'm a little suprised.
  2. Alice?

    Alignment Test

    True Neutral- A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most true neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character...
  3. Alice?

    When I first saw your name I got really excited 'cause I thought it said 'Madness.' Then I would...

    When I first saw your name I got really excited 'cause I thought it said 'Madness.' Then I would have proceeded to post something like this: "This is madness!" "Madness? This ... is ... SPARTAAA!" But Madoness is cool, too.
  4. Alice?

    Oh hey, it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow.

    Oh hey, it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow.
  5. Alice?

    Hm... It's now about 3 in the morning and where am I? I'm on the internet talking to myself...

    Hm... It's now about 3 in the morning and where am I? I'm on the internet talking to myself because there's nothing better to do at 3 O'EFFING CLOCK IN THE AM. Sleep? Nope, no sleep for me. And how many hours of sleep did I get last night? Approximately three. My physical battery is running low...
  6. Alice?

    The Graphology Thread

    Was in the mood for some Shakespeare :D And then my regular writing.
  7. Alice?

    The Graphology Thread

    By all means take your time; I'm in no hurry, just curious :D. I'll write something and post it in a bit. Cursive or regular handwriting?
  8. Alice?

    The Graphology Thread

    Wanna do mine?
  9. Alice?

    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dank. I live in a small town where there's a...

    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dank. I live in a small town where there's a pretty big population of artist/hippy stoners, so it caught on pretty quickly. Thankfully, it left pretty quickly too.
  10. Alice?

    College students, what's your major?

    I Hear you... It's a disease, I say! Luckily enough I finally made a decision about what I liked the best out of all of my choices. What are you good at, and what can see yourself doing later in life? Is there anything you're especially interested in? Is there anything that you're horrible at...
  11. Alice?


  12. Alice?

    Songs that make you cry/tear up/sniffle...

    Sara Bareilles- Gravity. It doesn't make me cry any more, but there are a lot of memories associated with it. Damien Rice- 9 Crimes Ermm... Coldplay- Fix you And Sia- Breathe Me
  13. Alice?

    College students, what's your major?

    Social isolation, oh hooray!
  14. Alice?

    I am ashamed of our state, at least the northern part. At least it's better than 'dank.' I...

    I am ashamed of our state, at least the northern part. At least it's better than 'dank.' I remember when that was popular... *shudder*
  15. Alice?

    The Personality Defect Test

    Robot You are 86% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 14% Brutal, and 43% Arrogant (It is the distant future, the year 2000...)
  16. Alice?

    Oh, and I'm listening to Parabol/Parabola right now, which is also awesome. I think I'll go...

    Oh, and I'm listening to Parabol/Parabola right now, which is also awesome. I think I'll go downstairs in the bookstore I'm in and buy the album. Convenient, eh?
  17. Alice?

    good horror movie recommendations?

    Ooh, Rear Window is a great one, and The Birds scred me as a kid. Silence of the Lambs is one of my favorite movies, but that's already been mentioned. A new Nightmare on Elm Street is coming out rather soon, and that should be great. One of my favorite actors is starring in it... He plays...
  18. Alice?

    The Telephone

    I don't like talking on the phone. It's awkward most of the time except for short conversations if I need to find out how to get somewhere or I'm making an appointment, etc. But I do have a friend (He's never taken a typology test but I can tell he's an ENFP from a mile away) that I don't mind...
  19. Alice?

    About you?

    What is your name? Emily! Where are you from? Well, if you wanna get technical... How old are you? Chronologically speaking, 19ish. I feel older than that most of the time, though. What's your gender? Female How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? Years of...
  20. Alice?

    Lo and behold.

    Indeed. It's like a hive mind in here sometimes :borg0:.
  21. Alice?

    College students, what's your major?

    Well, what are you interested in?
  22. Alice?

    Thanks for the suggestions! I put Schism on my iPod and listened to it on my way to class this...

    Thanks for the suggestions! I put Schism on my iPod and listened to it on my way to class this morning. It's epic. I'll check out the first album you mentioned in a bit. And yes, I am enjoying my time here on the forum :D. Got any more music suggestions? I've been looking for new material to...
  23. Alice?

    Anyone else absolutely love dystopian literature?

    I totally know what you mean, it takes forever to get through. I haven't seen the movie for it yet, though! I started reading it after someone mentioned it in my philosophy class last semester, but I havem't gotten very far yet because I keep getting distracted by other things :p.
  24. Alice?

    Anyone else absolutely love dystopian literature?

    Wow, yep! George Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World are some of my all-time favorite books. I'm also starting to read A Clockwork Orange. I've seen movies for V for Vendetta and Children of Men and absolutely loved them, but haven't read the books. Check out Watchmen by Alan...
  25. Alice?

    College students, what's your major?

    Yep, I would die if I had to sit in a desk in a building with a desolate view and nothing to learn all day. Just busy work... What's the point? I'm majoring in Astrooophysics and I love it. Minoring in Psychology. I love that Douglas Adams quote by the way, I'm re-reading Hitchhiker's Guide...
  26. Alice?

    Ohhhh, the humanity! Do you really?

    Ohhhh, the humanity! Do you really?
  27. Alice?

    Indeed, perhaps a little earthquake is good for the soul? I'm just afraid of it happening while...

    Indeed, perhaps a little earthquake is good for the soul? I'm just afraid of it happening while I'm asleep... I'm on a bottom bunk. On second thought, perhaps I'll sleep on my couch tonight. Speaking of sleep, I think it's about time for me to go form some long-term memories. Or something. Good...
  28. Alice?

    Oh right, the San Andreas faultline is supposed to be the spot of the next big earthquake, isn't...

    Oh right, the San Andreas faultline is supposed to be the spot of the next big earthquake, isn't it? That is rather worrying... makes me want to go stock up on emergency supplies now that I think about it :/
  29. Alice?

    Ah gods, it has been down here too. It's like 'rain, rain, wind, SUN, warm up, hot, cool down...

    Ah gods, it has been down here too. It's like 'rain, rain, wind, SUN, warm up, hot, cool down, sun, wind, rain' In a single day. I've finally taken some good advice to keep an umbrella in my car at all times. Did you guys get the tsunami warning a few weekends ago?
  30. Alice?

    Oh cool, I know a couple people who go to around that area. Do you like it up there? I've always...

    Oh cool, I know a couple people who go to around that area. Do you like it up there? I've always wanted to take a road trip some weekend up to San Francisco.
  31. Alice?

    May I ask where in CA you're from? I'm down in the southern part.

    May I ask where in CA you're from? I'm down in the southern part.
  32. Alice?

    Another one. XD

    I herd you liek mudkipz?!!1!11 Edit: Err sorry about that, not quite sure what came over me.
  33. Alice?

    The Graphology Thread

    Lol, Did I see 'Joseph Stalin' written in the last one?
  34. Alice?

    The Graphology Thread

    *Edit: I posted one in cursive a little lower in the thread if that's more useful. Aggh, I just noticed some misspellings. That's what I get for being in a hurry, I suppose :P
  35. Alice?

    Another one. XD

    Hehe. Hi there.
  36. Alice?

    Yep! Not only John Locke, but also Desmond (named after David Hume, a philosopher), Charlotte...

    Yep! Not only John Locke, but also Desmond (named after David Hume, a philosopher), Charlotte (named after C.S. Lewis, the author), Daniel Faraday (named after Michael Faraday, a physicist and philosoper), and Danielle Rousseau (named after Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a french enlightenment...
  37. Alice?

    Character Analysis Test

    Your result for The Character Analysis Test ... Artist The fact that you're an Artist type means you have a high creativity score. That doesn't mean you're necessarily good at drawing, or sculpting, or writing, or whatever. That just means you are good at creating stuff in your mind. Whether...
  38. Alice?

    Not particularly... heading back out in a minute or two to go to work, then back home to study...

    Not particularly... heading back out in a minute or two to go to work, then back home to study, read, (or just procrastinate, that's probably what will end up happening) and maybe (meaning most likely instead of doing work) catch up on Lost. How about you?
  39. Alice?

    Eh, I suppose it was fairly harmless. There were a few questions that I wasn't quite sure the...

    Eh, I suppose it was fairly harmless. There were a few questions that I wasn't quite sure the answer to, but I managed to reduce the possible answers to one or two choices instead of the four we were given. I finished it pretty quicky and got out of class about an hour early. Score!
  40. Alice?


    Urgh, I hate to cry. Within the past month or so, though, I have started to realize the benefits of crying. About a week ago one of my best friends left for his Army basic training for 4 months. We had a huge goodbye party for him at a local retaurant. The party itself was all right, I stuck by...
  41. Alice?

    Did you ever have a problem being touched?

    I actually love being touched, but only by those that I feel really, really emotionally comfortable around. There are probably about 4 people out of everyone that I know that can touch me without me feeling uncomfortable or awkward. My mom was never very physically affectionate towards me or my...
  42. Alice?

    Haven't taken it yet! It's only 9 in the morning.

    Haven't taken it yet! It's only 9 in the morning.
  43. Alice?

    So, what are you doing Pi-day?

    I'll bring the silly party hats. Nose-goes on the clean-up duties!
  44. Alice?

    So, what are you doing Pi-day?

    We should have a Pi party on the forum! (I have no life.)
  45. Alice?

    The World Is About To End.

    I honestly don't think I'd care that much if I knew the world was going to end. Sure, living is fun, but when I die I'll simply cease to exist. I'd have as much fucking fun as I could that day and tell people that I loved them and try to go out with a bang. What would you do? Eh, I'd keep...
  46. Alice?

    Hehe, I don't neeeed luck!

    Hehe, I don't neeeed luck!
  47. Alice?

    Ermmm, let's see... States of conciousness, neurons and neurotransmitters, gender and sexuality...

    Ermmm, let's see... States of conciousness, neurons and neurotransmitters, gender and sexuality, and health and stress.
  48. Alice?

    Considering I haven't done much of anything so far, it's been excellent. I'm just about to go...

    Considering I haven't done much of anything so far, it's been excellent. I'm just about to go out for a bit and then have to dedicate the rest of the weekend to a Psychology test looming on the horizon :P
  49. Alice?


    Ouch, that really bites. I don't have it, but I have a friend who does and it irritates the crap out of him. I can't even imagine how crazy that would drive me. What causes the ringing? Is there any way to fix whatever is causing the ringing?
  50. Alice?

    Alice in Wonderland- Good or Bad

    Ooh, I'm excited for this movie. I'm seeing it a little later tonight with a friend, hopefully in 3D! Even if the plot falls a little short, I'm sure the acting and the effects (which look amazing) will make up for it. Edit: Eh, scratch that, plans got cancelled. Will let you know my opinion...
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