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  1. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Noted. But you do have a hard position, where you don't want slipper slopes. Which means we have to assume doctors know what they are doing or even care that the choices they make are correct. That assumptions comes with how good the doctor is. But as long as life is saved or preserved I assume...
  2. ZenRaiden

    Good looks vs personality and having kids

    I was just thinking that a lot of bonding of humans is done on the axis of good looks and personality. And I realized that a lot of good looking people are going to have higher incidence of having kids, from sex during summer time. This means that during summer, the good looks asset is most...
  3. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    This is what a lot of times Fi people do. This is off topic comment, but you argued your cases as an INTJ. However I still believe you could be INTP, because you made up your mind thinking a lot and you believe there is absolute truth without siding with practicality. Ergo you believe a moral...
  4. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    As long as we are operating from stance of "life is sacred", this stance is rightfully true. The thing is when I study human psychology, the way humans function. I think most mothers that do abortions are actually not giving termination of pregnancy much thoughts. There are also mothers that do...
  5. ZenRaiden

    what is the opposite of nothingness

    Everything that has some kind of dimension to it. Then you might ask, what is a dimension. Then you might ask, how do we know that the dimension is not empty and contains something as opposed to nothing. Can a dimension be empty? I think the simple answer is as long as we are aware something...
  6. ZenRaiden

    New Communism

    Why? We live in small communes as people before, and shared common goods, without capital. So most of human evolution we lived as commies. No one had much technology back then. We were idiots compared to what we can do now. Its a societal structure not technological. Mao failed, and Stalin was...
  7. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    But I also realized that anyone who does not rely on news and journalism can have great deal of information that will give them edge over anyone who uses media. Which kind of makes it easy for me to be smarter than even the smartest people. As long as the smartest people still spend their time...
  8. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    I honestly understood that from get go. I think actually most mothers do care about their unborn children. But I think most of the mothers that do go to abortion are full of fear or depressed, or desensitized women who have very little capacity to care for kids and they feel that way and they...
  9. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Exactly what I was going to say. We tend to focus on the fear part, but not the love part. But stopping abortion is the fear part. We don't actually focus on the part where we change the heart. We focus on the part where we change the behavior. But changing the behavior by virtue of fear works...
  10. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    One thing I never understood about Christianity is that they are well versed in human psychology in the most upfront way possible. But let me layout a pattern for you and think about it and tell me what you see. Drugs kill people. Drug epidemic. Sex leads to unwanted pregnancy. People have...
  11. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    I am aware of it, because that what was written about him. Not everyone needs to act like Jesus for the world to go around. That is my take on the whole issue. He did not, and he was not a historian or a scientist. His job was living with people and telling them what to do and not to do. If I...
  12. ZenRaiden

    Cog talks about AI, again

    Weight gain is caused by multiple factors for sure. Even stress causes weight gain. Bad lifestyle and bad eating habits, lack of sun light etc. Certainly whatever helps helps. It never hurts to try. Weight loss is easy, but most people want to lose weight ASAP, without changing anything. That...
  13. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Pandoras box means at the end there is hope. It actually is a positive thing. When it comes to sex its important to procreate. You can also create a asexual culture. But the reason we don't is we don't function as humans well when we are repressed. Something Jesus did not have a problem...
  14. ZenRaiden

    Barbie Movie

    Pretty airhead is pretty interesting concept. So what you are saying is that people who are airheads get away with stuff. But then lot of times I feel like that is true only sometimes. I get the feeling like a lot of times airheads also get treated like airheads. I personally prefer being...
  15. ZenRaiden

    Cog talks about AI, again

    Copy paste journalism with mind numbing scarce data can certainly be replaced by AI right now, and that AI would just be a copy paste script. Most of what is called journalism in my country has zero information value, unless you are new to this world, and born yesterday. I feel like reading news...
  16. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Yeah pretty much true. But people rarely talk about beliefs. Like normal people see journalism and politics as a function of society that actual does solve problems. So even trans people act like political activist when we know that Trump nor Hillary will ever solve anything like racism, or...
  17. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    This implies that people have control of their sex drive. If they do not that means they will have sex and kids when least expected. Or it means people are lazy and don't want to control their sex drive. It also implies that since not having sex implies a risk of having kids, that people who can...
  18. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Yes our calories be it body or brain are turned into no power. The machine turns, but never gives outputs. But Zizek has given a solution to this long time ago.
  19. ZenRaiden

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Yeah that guy singing straight out of heart.
  20. ZenRaiden

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  21. ZenRaiden

    Last movie you watched

    watched GT in theater in 4D it was alright, but it was painfully lame. I was expecting more visuals on cars, rather than drivers in helmets pretending to drive. Seriously 4D sync with movie did not work. I was shaking in the seat, and the camera was on some drivers face, like wtf fuckkity fuck?
  22. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Ukraine is like a black Friday for Russia and US. No one is nuking anyone over a 90 percent discount console. People like Putin and Hawks in US tend to turn into psychopaths when it comes to turning a blind eye to suffering and mining gold. They have done this a million times over before...
  23. ZenRaiden

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  24. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    I heard some guy on youtube explain money very well. Money does not make you a better person. It simply magnifies the person you already are. I think the same goes for modern society and technology. It does not improve anything. Technology simply magnifies who we are as society. So yes if we...
  25. ZenRaiden

    knowing thinking learning sensing

    In spirit, yes, in praxis no. When it comes to prussian model of education a doctor would learn 1 percent of what doctors learn today. But unlike modern day doctors you had to know these things in and out by heart. Like literally a doctor was expected to know the little they know about the body...
  26. ZenRaiden

    New Communism

    Also I hate 21 century fashion. Nylon made blouse with computer generated flower pattern is a garb worth 2 cents and looks like a 5 year old bagladeshian kid made it during night shifts. And instead of it costing 2 cents it costs 70 euro. But as JP said people value expensive things. So I see...
  27. ZenRaiden

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  28. ZenRaiden

    Barbie Movie

    I was not mocking it, but the times these ideas were alive were different. Those ideas after wwII were actually good ideas. They were not bad ideas. They were good fit for the time period give the way jobs worked. I also don't think women or men actually enjoyed this idea. I was not mocking...
  29. ZenRaiden

    What do you value?

    Spiritually I value anything that expands our consciousness and horizons, and our ability to be in touch with more than mere sum of its parts. Intellectually I value the ability to connect the dots, but in depth and novel ways, with reason, sense, and logic. Emotionally I value passion...
  30. ZenRaiden

    ChatGPT – nothing but a parlor trick

    Language has a set of symbols, called words, and each word is a stand in for multiple associations. That means each words associates with number of words. That means if it works with language, its just a formula in math. It can do what humans do very fast, that is associate words. But since it...
  31. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    To me if people could predict things in the past more or less we are at a tipping point where future is entirely outside of human control, and by that mean there is no philosophy or knowledge that will get us prepared for this century.
  32. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    I don't know. But to be fair, people always expect the worst. Every generation expects the end times, and things getting worse. What tends to happen that end times don't come. Mark Twain though warned about the modern times https://www.gutenberg.org/files/86/86-h/86-h.htm#c43 , so did...
  33. ZenRaiden

    Barbie Movie

    Yeah and responsibility is often defined by people in relationship not society. Of all things when today women can make multiple that of men easily. Also money on food are not always the greatest expense. Often times its only the highest expense for low income families. For higher incomes...
  34. ZenRaiden

    Barbie Movie

    Yes the bad guys. Not all obviously. Yeah, most people are civil, but the idea is to treat people well behind close doors, that is indeed where things really show. That is where barbie movies don't help. That is where character good or bad happens. Yeah I agree, even the notion of patriarchy...
  35. ZenRaiden

    Patriarchy and the 5 Monkeys Experiment

    This was because women could not match physical strength of men and politics and war used to be a single domain. Its also hard to breastfeed a kid while screeching on the battle field and drumming the war drums. Man and women in the past were just being practical. Today this is not the case...
  36. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Definitely. Its not so much the internet. Its just life has already too many distractions, and adding social media in moments where we don't have distractions causes our minds to lose tranquility altogether.
  37. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    yeah. Honestly I don't care about media anymore, and I think social media is a hook for many minds. Is this forum social media? Is youtube social media? I don't know. What I mean is that society has always had capacity to change. We have the capacity to evolve that is almost infinite. But...
  38. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    I don't take marriage seriously that is true. I will never get married partner or no partner. Just saying. Not because I don't believe in loyalty. But when I am loyal a ring on my finger what make me more loyal or less. I know that is a pointless tangent, just saying. Marriage no longer...
  39. ZenRaiden

    The Heroic Woman

    What ever happened to mothers just having a baby and chilling and kicking back. Oh yeah, we live in a dystopian society where we need superheros, because our society fails at everything basic - even crime prevention. I noticed that American specific hero worship is societal inclination for...
  40. ZenRaiden

    I guess I did not know?

    For those interested being autistic and empathic there is difference according to this lady. Her channel is gold mine for autistic people.
  41. ZenRaiden

    INTP or INTJ test

    I got 82 percent INTP. But that may change.
  42. ZenRaiden

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    I was watching memes to cheer me up and I read up on this wojak doomer thing and realized I became accidentally a doomer according to memes. I don't believe humanity will collapse, but rather deflate a little and if extinction comes humanity will simply fizzle out in like 10 000 years or...
  43. ZenRaiden

    Ego and MBTI (INTJ vs INTP)

    Getting home with the downies. People with down syndrome have literally better social skills than me. I blame my brain, but since INTPs exist in the gene pool there must be a reason why we are the way we are, but honestly at this point in life I would have a better shot at life if I had...
  44. ZenRaiden


    Hi. Nice moon there, be a shame if someone landed there.
  45. ZenRaiden

    Ego and MBTI (INTJ vs INTP)

    Ti sux socially.
  46. ZenRaiden

    Patriarchy and the 5 Monkeys Experiment

    I view women as having set of assets that males sometimes don't have. In some ways they can be like men and in some ways only women can be women. I approach this from simple perspective. I ask myself "If I had a daughter would I want here to be her self?" The answer is yes. If women thus have...
  47. ZenRaiden

    I guess I did not know?

    Well finally someone explains this to me lol. Like I did not know its this. So essentially not too honest first date, but honest later. Eh Jesus. I kind of knew this is how it works, but did not know they mean vulnerability by this. Like I did not even know this is important. I also dissociated...
  48. ZenRaiden

    I guess I did not know?

    I was thinking about this today, but essentially corrections happen depending on your personal subjective experience. Some are tiny and need 100s of reinforcements, and some happen quickly. Some happen over few times. It depends what specific corrections we are talking about. Exposure as...
  49. ZenRaiden

    I guess I did not know?

    Good point. I basically decided to get better so I can actually have relationships that are intimate. Getting tired of being virgin supreme and not having actual people in real life who can like me. I struggle to be vulnerable emotionally. I have yet to figure out what it actually means. I...
  50. ZenRaiden

    pain, trauma and sadness stuck in the brain stem

    Due to my trauma I had lots of repressed anger and maybe still do. I don't really know. Rage too. Sadness and guilt shame were just cover up emotions. I know this sounds weird, but if you feel bad, because of past, being angry is OK, but expressing this anger meaningfully is hard, as trauma no...
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