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Search results

  1. You get a chance to check out any of those movies?

    You get a chance to check out any of those movies?
  2. An obscure presence on internet forums?

    This forum or in general?
  3. Listen to Hip-Hop?

    No, I understand. Admittedly, growing up on the East Coast during the 90's pretty much makes it impossible for me to be objective about this. Im not saying I dont like Drake. I actually think he is very talented. My point had nothing to do with whether his music was good or not. I...
  4. The Hip-hop Thread.

    Nowadays perhaps. Old JayZ was one of the greatest. New JayZ is terrible. Note I did not put down a new JayZ album. Say all you want about Kanye, but at least he tried to bring something artistic and new to mainstream Rap. Also to note, I qualified my statement with "done in mainstream..."...
  5. The Hip-hop Thread.

    Classic Rap albums IMO: Jay Z- Reasonable Doubt Jay-Z Reasonable Doubt track #13. Bring it On - YouTube Biggie- Ready to Die Biggie Smalls - Suicidal Thoughts (Original) - YouTube Biggie- LAD Biggie Smalls - Ten Crack Commandments - YouTube Mobb Deep- The Infamous Mobb Deep -...
  6. Listen to Hip-Hop?

    In the 90's when it was good. Now, not so much. All of you who named Drake.........sigh....What they do nowadays is not Hip Hop. It is RnB/Pop. The Roots may be the only Hip Hop band that has stayed pretty consistent through the years.
  7. So which guitar should a beginner get?

    Fender Strat. Check Ebay. You should be able to find guitar + box for around 200. At least I did a few years back.
  8. Cool

  9. Last movie you watched

    adding to my list: Triangle- I would recommend this one out of all the ones I listed. Probably the last "horror" movie I have watched that I actually liked. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187064/ The Signal Let the Right One in: Not the American version, the original
  10. Last movie you watched

    I keep seeing that movie on my download site. Not sure what keeps me from watching it. Is it black and white? I don't do black and white movies. Also a disclaimer, if I said in the above post that a movie was French, I would be cautious for the less desensitized. Especially al interieur...
  11. Last movie you watched

    Other fucked up/ weird movies. Not sure if already listed: al Interieur(inside)- French movie Martyrs- French movie The skin I live in- Spanish, new antonio banderas Chugyeogja(the chaser)- Korean I saw the devil- Korean Park chan wook revenge trilogy (oldboy etc) La pianiste 13 tZameti-...
  12. Health Subforum

    If there were a health forum, someone would have to write up a disclaimer to the effects of " do not use this as a substitute for medical advice" Even forums specifically for medicals students/ physicians often have such a disclaimer. I am undecided on the subject. It sounds appealing, yet...
  13. Gotcha

  14. Yea, DCBA vibrated my brain in such a way as to make me feel " under the influence". Amazing song.

    Yea, DCBA vibrated my brain in such a way as to make me feel " under the influence". Amazing song.
  15. Why the " I guess"?

    Why the " I guess"?
  16. Da Blob

    Thank you Jenny. That is the first response on the topic that has helped ease my mind. In reality, it is not just about dablob, it is more an issue of the social dynamics of the forum as a whole. I realize the tough job that moderators have on the forum, however, as others have mentioned, I...
  17. Looking People in the Eyes

    This is undoubtedly the case. I said "lazy" mostly in jest. Sorry to derail the thread for a second, but in the framework of the MBTI system, can this process be explained by specific functions at work? If so, which ones? I do not feel this warrants a completely new thread to tease out.
  18. Got it, will reply in a sec.

    Got it, will reply in a sec.
  19. Been listening to some dub step lately. More particularly skrillex. Some of the songs really...

    Been listening to some dub step lately. More particularly skrillex. Some of the songs really speak to me. Not sure how lasting this electronic music phase I'm going through will be, but I find it interesting. I just listened to that Jefferson Airplane song below and it hit my brain with a...
  20. Looking People in the Eyes

    After revisiting this thread I feel the need to expand upon my link as I realize how the meaning of which can be misconstrued. I was completely ignoring the whole "lie detector" aspect of the link, instead I was trying to add into the discussion the correlation between eye movement and active...
  21. does identifying with your "type" (particularly INTP's) bring you fulfillment?

    This. I really cannot add anything more to what was said here as it encompasses my exact sentiment. Just quoting for tally purposes.
  22. As with my other PM's, I have no way of knowing whether they went through or not. Let me know...

    As with my other PM's, I have no way of knowing whether they went through or not. Let me know if you got it.
  23. Have any more music rec's for me?

    Have any more music rec's for me?
  24. Trouble accepting INTP categorisation - any valuable insights?

    Seems relevant here:
  25. Trouble accepting INTP categorisation - any valuable insights?

    Being in medical school, I am sure you are aware that almost everything is a spectrum. Nothing is going to fit into a neat little box. That being said, I think it would be helpful for you to research the different functions. There are threads on here that really explain them in an in depth...
  26. Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    Since nobody else posted it: Meow super trooper- BEST QUALITY 720p - YouTube
  27. Da Blob

    Meaning, his percieved infractions + being INTP = not that bad As opposed to His perceived infractions + not being INTP = bad This: After a while you grow tired of the "Hey Im INTP, do you do X weird behavior as well" threads.
  28. Developing/Controlling Fe

    I think most INTP's, for some reason or another, have repressed their emotions in one form or another. I myself wonder if I would still identify with being INTP if I developed them? I doubt it. Controlling emotions is another story, and probably the source of the problem in the first place...
  29. Da Blob

    I somewhat agree with this as well, but I fear that this is because I find "faith" and "subjectivity" to be an irrational qualifier. Both of which Da Blob was a staunch advocate for. He seemed like an intelligent individual, so his stances always confused the hell out of me. However, it gave...
  30. recommend me anime.

    There are plenty of ways to watch anime for free without Netflix. Funimation itself has its own youtube channel that pretty much has all of its anime in sub and dub format. Other than that, just google the anime you want to watch and you will find some type of stream...
  31. Da Blob

    That is weird. How do we know he was really banned and did not just change his user title? Im just confused and would also like to know. On a side note: Is there a thread dedicated to who the mods are in the forum and who has been recently banned? If not, I think there should be.
  32. Moments of Happiness

    I too gave up wrestling in college for a "career". For I while I did muay thai, boxing, and submission grappling to satisfy my fix. I need to find another gym around me.
  33. Moments of Happiness

    I wrestled in High School as well. Like you, I loved it. Although I like some team sports, wrestling is bascially 1v1. No relying on anyone else. When I was on the mat I was in a zone, oblivious to the outside world. My coach could be screaming at me and I would have no idea. Ahh the...
  34. The Artistry Of Stress

    Hmm...I was thinking more of a copy paste to the forums itself, but I see how that would be a problem with it being that long. The max file size for an upload on the forum seems to be 64 kb, so Im not sure how plausible that is either.
  35. The Artistry Of Stress

    :kilroy:What about those that do not have facebook?:kilroy:
  36. Bullying and how to handle it

    All jokes aside, I was never bullied. If anything, I protected people from bullies. It just did not seem right to me. To expand on my previous answer of "dont feed them", basically, figure out the motivation behind the bullying. Once you take that motivation away, then what fun is it for the...
  37. Ask An ISTJ!

    How long is your attention span on your own thoughts? When it runs out, where does it go?
  38. Bullying and how to handle it

    Same way you handle a troll, dont feed them. When that fails, a quick chop to the neck should work. Or you can go WWF on them. Body slam justice small bully vs fat kid.flv - YouTube
  39. What mood do you have to be in to talk to people?

    Scroll up two posts and look to the left.
  40. Holding on.

    PEARL JAM - Hold On - YouTube
  41. What songs put you into your happy place?

    Cool, thanks man.
  42. Battlefield 3

    Depends on the class. The sniper rifles suck. The new Support class guns are ridiculous. They reload about as fast as an assault rifle.
  43. Battlefield 3

    The L85A2 that you unlock as the second assault assignment is actually really good. I am now using that instead of the FAMAS. I never really liked the FAMAS in the first place. M4A1 is also really good.
  44. Battlefield 3

    The main gun on the jet is the best way to destroy vehicles. Rocket pods will almost always disable the vehicles on a single pass, but I have found that the machine gun is much more reliable at destroying it in a single pass. You dont need to unlock anything.
  45. What songs put you into your happy place?

    Well that sucks. Looks like last time the site went down some of the videos in the thread got messed up.
  46. Battlefield 3

    Nah, its pretty easy. At first just try rising to a really high altitude, then make a pass over the battlefield while holding the brakes. If there are any vehicles on the ground, they are pretty much dead. When I do this, I get about 20+ kills on average in one round of rush. I feel kind of...
  47. Modern games are boring. NES is King.

    Sequelitis - Mega Man Classic vs. Mega Man X - YouTube
  48. Battlefield 3

    I play BF3(PS3). Going on my jet service star 6. Anyone else any good in vehicles? My tank is pretty good, only thing I cant use are the helicopters.
  49. Social anxiety disorder: my weird story

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