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Search results

  1. redbaron

    I don't like giving charity

    in christianity we already have protestants, orthodox and the catholic church a split and a new leadership structure is not going to turn out the same as every other split and just end up as a new cult of shitlordery because ______________________ (fill in the blank) this is just the same old...
  2. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    doesn't really seem relevant to speculate how many are sex offenders when they go to such great lengths to cover up and protect the people that do it? there's not a percentage answer that would change the validity of the fact that at a systemic level, they're enabling and encouraging these...
  3. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    @Serac my posts are me asking you to clarify or expand on your sweeping statements with reasoning, and highlighting similar incidences of what appears to be the same kind of 'virtue brain hostage' that you're trying to mock here, and asking if you equate them. taking swipes at (your...
  4. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    what opportunity am i jumping on again? dating filters are unreliable and are regularly ignored/bypassed by people, so the need to actually advertise it is still there. lesbians get hit on by men in spite of filters for this reason. given the unreliability of filters, do you consider it...
  5. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    the church as a religious enterprise enables and encourages widespread child abuse, pedophilia and systemic oppression - and then goes and uses all their tax free revenue to hire expensive lawyers to cover it up but boy those people with strong political views though, nope that's the tipping...
  6. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    so a pro-trump dating website doesn't indicate virtues and being "held hostage" but stating your political preference on a dating website does? so why are the "swedish chicks" of special note when that kind of idiocy occurs wholesale in numerous places?
  7. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    @Serac there's literally a dating site for people who support trump that's filled with men who espouse the same kind of things, just in reverse are their brains taken by a virtue and held hostage too? if no, explain the difference
  8. redbaron

    Awaiting Orders

    only someone insane could believe they know The Truth™
  9. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    you still haven't explained how a country where 78-87% of power positions held by men is meant to be an adequate example of "a nation with women operating all meaningful positions in government and any other power structures." there's no point wasting your time with transparent strawmans. own...
  10. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    i can't tell if you're deliberately strawmanning me or what but your post makes no actual sense "In 2001, there had been 7.7% of Filipino women in the Philippine Senate, 19.0% in the Philippine Congress, 19.5% serving as governors, 13.0% as vice-governors, 16.5% as board members, 15.6% as...
  11. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    lol they make up less than 20% of the political workforce how is that an example of "a nation with women operating all meaningful positions in government and any other power structures." in fact, how are social phenomena the fault of women when positions of power are predominantly held by men...
  12. redbaron

    Video Analysis: Women in Politics

  13. redbaron


    skullduggery is a good word hopefully if we say skullduggery a lot it will become common usage as the Google Bots proliferate around the interwebs skullduggery
  14. redbaron

    James Chen - ???? (INFJ)

    james chen is Fe
  15. redbaron

    Here's a dangerous idea!

    if rationality doesn't exist then how come there's a book series called Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality??? checkmate solipsists
  16. redbaron

    Here's a dangerous idea!

    no please it was almost dead
  17. redbaron

    P-hacking and scientific integrity

    @Hadoblado I'm not sure having journals be accountable for integrity helps much, since numerous journals are notoriously biased themselves. Wouldn't hurt to have more peer review ar different stages of the process though, and also replication studies published - even if boring. They don't...
  18. redbaron

    P-hacking and scientific integrity

    bias is a problem if you value the scientific method, as well as for anyone who holds scientific research to a standard of integrity.
  19. redbaron

    Fun Thought at 3:25 AM in the morning

    sounds like depression trust me i'm an engineer
  20. redbaron

    A niggling social problem

    w she just got done writing like 1000 words of nuanced opinion, which you reduced to the strawman of "your point is that pharmaceutical companies are evil" when it clearly wasn't her point at all shape up or im gonna ship you out
  21. redbaron

    A niggling social problem

    can you point to the part where Minuend actually said that?
  22. redbaron

    P-hacking and scientific integrity

    it's detrimental to the reputation of science then but you'd be surprised how many spurious studies spawn other spurious studies
  23. redbaron

    Here's a dangerous idea!

    you say you aren't talking about solipsism but pretty much everything you've said falls under the umbrella of solipsism you'll have to define how this particular very-solipsist-like viewpoint is any different from actual solipsism because questions like, "what if objectivity isn't even real?"...
  24. redbaron

    In pursuit of self-actualization and happiness

    get a pet people with animals are happier than people with kids and if you can't even handle a pet, you know not to have kids later
  25. redbaron

    How do you deal with negative emotions?

    i'd say they're often not a conscious thing, but the reason something makes you feel bad is likely rooted in some experience somehow. behavioural disorders are demonstrated to often have roots in particular developmental experiences - unless they're innate physiological disorders even if you...
  26. redbaron

    A niggling social problem

    oh yeah i read the thread in full sorry bud
  27. redbaron

    A niggling social problem

    is there an instance of this you can describe?
  28. redbaron

    Spiral Dynamics

    sprial d UKnamics fuck in sucks
  29. redbaron

    Spiral Dynamics

    im that dickhead that quotes part of a post just to say +1 but like i really +1 this
  30. redbaron

    If we were to find similarities with other animals, would ants be the closest?

    money can be exchanged for goods and services
  31. redbaron

    What are you all reading?

    obligatory annual 'this thread' comment
  32. redbaron

    Download Thread New

    uh there's forums that unregistered users can't see, and while banned users could hypothetically keep making accounts and trying to manually save stuff - enabling it in a single click is...enabling and encouraging doing so
  33. redbaron

    Download Thread New

    not a fan really
  34. redbaron

    Just curious are their any brown INTPs on here

    Perfectly Mormal Beast?
  35. redbaron

    Are we devolving or evolving faster than ever?

    the studies are really old actually and it wouldn't surprise me if they weren't at all reliable, the point was just tongue-in-cheek mostly and i think there's actually not a statistically significant correlation between IQ and reproduction
  36. redbaron

    Are we devolving or evolving faster than ever?

    you're basically assuming that the two are mutually exclusive, when they aren't there isn't a single factor, some selection pressures are made redundant by modern life, some still exist. there's not actually an 'argument' here because no one is denying that sexual selection exists, it's just...
  37. redbaron

    Are we devolving or evolving faster than ever?

    actually lower IQ strongly correlates with greater rates of reproduction so if we want to go down that route of argument, they're prospering *Serac's hatred of welfare intensifies* the impact of assortative mating is rather irrelevant to my point in any case. people that would have died, now...
  38. redbaron

    Are we devolving or evolving faster than ever?

    less environmental selection means weak genes still have a chance to prosper via sexual selection weak genetics are now viable for mating, when once they were probably culled by disease before mating
  39. redbaron

    Social skills

    lol just ask her out
  40. redbaron

    Why ASMR works?

    ASMR is actually rage-inducing only bad people like it
  41. redbaron

    F vs T wars

    murder is typically an impulse crime, so the F will have already stabbed the T sorry nerds you lose this round
  42. redbaron

    Moved from: ENTP info ~ [Serac & Hado quotewars]

    10/10 troll well done
  43. redbaron

    Have u ever done a nazi salute

    yeah you nailed it dude
  44. redbaron

    I can't write

    i just think you're underestimating the amount of refinement that's gone into most studies. they're usually drafted a few times, then reviewed by multiple people and rewritten multiple times before even being submitted to a journal for publishing. and then at that point there's likely another...
  45. redbaron

    I can't write

    most papers or books or anything else that gets published is a much refined iteration of the source material just write whatever you can. whether it's refined or not doesn't matter because the end output comes later. you're probably trying to write it as you'd want someone else to read it, but...
  46. redbaron

    How good is your metacognition

    i tend to judge my meta-cognitive abilities by how the people around me recognise it in me. i'm a bit distrustful of how accurate my thoughts about my own thinking can be in judging my thoughts about my own thinking, you know? other people have commented that i tend to quickly understand how...
  47. redbaron

    Studying abroad in Austria, France, or Italy

    I work for an Austrian and my very robust sample size of one tells me that French people and Italian people are more betterer people and stuff Italian language is kind of boring to learn but translates well into humour German is interesting but also full of difficult pronunciations French is...
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