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Search results

  1. Stoic Beverage

    Is there anything interesting there? (Or are you imagining purple buffalo?!?) ...Sorry, too much...

    Is there anything interesting there? (Or are you imagining purple buffalo?!?) ...Sorry, too much time on my hands.
  2. Stoic Beverage

    what does the poster above look like

    Looks like a blonde and a brunette making out. (...Actually, I always pictured snafu as a monkey. A very angry one.)
  3. Stoic Beverage

    *Drains goblet* Huzzah! ... ...So, er, what now?

    *Drains goblet* Huzzah! ... ...So, er, what now?
  4. Stoic Beverage

    ...Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn... *Offers up a goblet filled with the...

    ...Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn... *Offers up a goblet filled with the blood of a freshly baptized infant* Drink, and be Corrupted.
  5. Stoic Beverage

    Oh dear... I'm not sure what to say, aside from saying you have proven a worthy adversary...

    Oh dear... I'm not sure what to say, aside from saying you have proven a worthy adversary. [SPOILER] ...I think this has degenerated from being shocking to being simply outrageously silly, but I'm okay with this. Edit: Damnit, I can't get it to show the video. Forgive my derp and follow the...
  6. Stoic Beverage

    O.o Damn, you're good at this... It's almost as if you've had practice at dealing with people...

    O.o Damn, you're good at this... It's almost as if you've had practice at dealing with people like me. En Garde! [SPOILER]
  7. Stoic Beverage

    News Websites?

    Anything, I suppose, assuming you check it regularly. Probably should've thought out the original post more. Oh, well.
  8. Stoic Beverage

    News Websites?

    The title pretty much says it. What websites do you go to for news? (Not counting satire. I'm looking at you, onion.)
  9. Stoic Beverage

    A new game paradigm?

    That sounds delightful in every way, especially because becoming a master necromancer has always been a dream of mine... Yet, I don't think a big game maker would ever pick up on that, just because it's too far out of the range of "things guaranteed to sell", so you'd probably never get...
  10. Stoic Beverage

    A palm to the face and a ba-dum tss to your statements, respectively.. Quickly, mention...

    A palm to the face and a ba-dum tss to your statements, respectively.. Quickly, mention something that's emotionally charged!
  11. Stoic Beverage

    :borg0: I can relate. (Woo! I almost never get the chance to use that one.)

    :borg0: I can relate. (Woo! I almost never get the chance to use that one.)
  12. Stoic Beverage

    If you had unholy magicks at your disposal, I'm sure you could manage. ~~ So, do you intend to...

    If you had unholy magicks at your disposal, I'm sure you could manage. ~~ So, do you intend to melt their faces off in retaliation?
  13. Stoic Beverage

    Roguelike enthusiasts?

    Lemme see... I play DF, but I'm terrible at it. I either die upon the first invasion, or I've managed to commit suicide by then by playing with pumps. I also play Nethack, Dungeon Crawl, ToME, and a couple of the 'bands, all with similar levels of ineptitude. Woo!
  14. Stoic Beverage

    That would be absolutely wonderful... Although, to be honest, I'd probably just use what I learn...

    That would be absolutely wonderful... Although, to be honest, I'd probably just use what I learn from the libraries there to fulfill my long-standing dream of becoming a master necromancer, eventually turning myself into a lich and marching my undead armies across the world... ALL WILL BOW...
  15. Stoic Beverage

    Well. I'm bad at new topics. ... Yep. Still bad at them.

    Well. I'm bad at new topics. ... Yep. Still bad at them.
  16. Stoic Beverage

    ...My interest is piqued. Reminds me of the crude disassembly of Animal Farm we had to do in...

    ...My interest is piqued. Reminds me of the crude disassembly of Animal Farm we had to do in English, though... I like the book, but that class is horrid. English is a class that sure as hell needs teaching, but the teachers (all the ones I've had, at least) have been completely ineffectual.
  17. Stoic Beverage

    I'm familiar with the novella, but not with the movie. *One trek to wikipedia later...* Robin...

    I'm familiar with the novella, but not with the movie. *One trek to wikipedia later...* Robin Williams in a serious drama? Oh, now I'm interested in seeing it.
  18. Stoic Beverage

    Well, today was a rather dreary day. Nothing special. The clouds released minimal amounts of...

    Well, today was a rather dreary day. Nothing special. The clouds released minimal amounts of snow and sun hid from the day. As for school, it remains a chore. I had a noted lack of a drama class, although I didn't sign up for one, as it is not my forte. As for the highlight of my day: Probably...
  19. Stoic Beverage

    Heh. Don't worry, any terminology of mine has been learned over the past couple of months. I...

    Heh. Don't worry, any terminology of mine has been learned over the past couple of months. I never really listened to more music in the past, but I have been much more as of late. I'm enjoying the change. Anywho...
  20. Stoic Beverage

    Well, that depends. If it's composed of stuff like this, I'd love it. I haven't looked to...

    Well, that depends. If it's composed of stuff like this, I'd love it. I haven't looked to extensively into it, but I generally like post rock. If you're looking for other instrumental stuff (a bit different than Hammock, but still), you might like the band Mono.
  21. Stoic Beverage

    Uuuhhh... Well, some of the songs will be a little "heavier", but you could try the album that...

    Uuuhhh... Well, some of the songs will be a little "heavier", but you could try the album that Oblivion Ocean is from. Entropia, by Pain of Salvation. If'n you be too lazy to look up the songs in the album, then it's yer lucky day. [SPOILER]
  22. Stoic Beverage

    I understand your reservations, but I assure you that it's not all nearly so bad as you think...

    I understand your reservations, but I assure you that it's not all nearly so bad as you think. In fact, there's quite a bit of metal that doesn't involve any screaming, if that's what came to mind. (I actually can't stand most screaming.) Note, most of the metal I listen to is progressive...
  23. Stoic Beverage

    I restrain myself from expressing distaste, and nod politely at your listing of groups. All the...

    I restrain myself from expressing distaste, and nod politely at your listing of groups. All the while, my headphones are blasting metal. It was a good time.
  24. Stoic Beverage

    Ho-hum. The probability of me already having asked this is nearly 100%, but if so then I don't...

    Ho-hum. The probability of me already having asked this is nearly 100%, but if so then I don't remember the answer, so I ask anyway. What kind of music do you listen to/What are some of your favorite bands?
  25. Stoic Beverage

    It's likely more of a life than I've got. If anybody mentions dating near me, the friend nearest...

    It's likely more of a life than I've got. If anybody mentions dating near me, the friend nearest me will give a quip about how I'm in a romantic relationship with my laptop. >.< Also, for me, it is technically Friday as of a half hour ago, so good luck with your paper! (Completely after the...
  26. Stoic Beverage

    Usually, I would simply comment on the lack of topic, thereby passing the burden of topic-dom to...

    Usually, I would simply comment on the lack of topic, thereby passing the burden of topic-dom to you in a relatively subtle fashion. I am far too tired at the moment for such silly business. Therefore, I will be outright in saying that I have absolutely no idea regarding a topic tonight, so...
  27. Stoic Beverage

    I fear it's a bit late for that...

    I fear it's a bit late for that...
  28. Stoic Beverage

    I... What? Mind successfully blown. (Edit: Makes more sense once I looked up Hetalia)

    I... What? Mind successfully blown. (Edit: Makes more sense once I looked up Hetalia)
  29. Stoic Beverage

    Challenge: Accepted. (It's prolly gonna be ducks.)

    Challenge: Accepted. (It's prolly gonna be ducks.)
  30. Stoic Beverage

    This is no conversation! This is... Uh... An astonishingly profound discussion of philosophy...

    This is no conversation! This is... Uh... An astonishingly profound discussion of philosophy and society? Well, I feel like I should honor the upcoming occasion, although I've no idea how.
  31. Stoic Beverage

    Heh, aren't I the articulate one? But, in all seriousness, I repeat my damn. 47 pages is quite...

    Heh, aren't I the articulate one? But, in all seriousness, I repeat my damn. 47 pages is quite a lot.
  32. Stoic Beverage

    Damn. We're good at talking.

    Damn. We're good at talking.
  33. Stoic Beverage

    I congratulate your good fortune. Unfortunately, my school operates off of trimesters, not...

    I congratulate your good fortune. Unfortunately, my school operates off of trimesters, not semesters, and so my classes remain as monotonous as ever.
  34. Stoic Beverage

    I admit to feeling considerable curiosity at your first statement. Regarding the second, I can...

    I admit to feeling considerable curiosity at your first statement. Regarding the second, I can only give a sagely nod.
  35. Stoic Beverage

    Naturally. I'm not sure what to say here, so I'll complain about how I'm sick, and how much...

    Naturally. I'm not sure what to say here, so I'll complain about how I'm sick, and how much being sick sucks. I'm sick, and being sick sucks.
  36. Stoic Beverage

    This disappointment is shared. Or, would be, hypothetically. Then again, I don't think it...

    This disappointment is shared. Or, would be, hypothetically. Then again, I don't think it would. Should the cause for disappointment actually happen, that in itself would be the destruction of the medium through which the disappointment would be shared. Bah. It's the gesture that counts, or...
  37. Stoic Beverage

    Gah. It would have been difficult not to. I'm more or less apathetic at this point. Utterly...

    Gah. It would have been difficult not to. I'm more or less apathetic at this point. Utterly ridiculous laws are constantly proposed (and altogether too frequently passed) here in the states, so I wouldn't have been altogether surprised at this one getting through, although the resistance is...
  38. Stoic Beverage

    It's rather annoying, I agree. Still, occasional pauses are entirely acceptable, especially...

    It's rather annoying, I agree. Still, occasional pauses are entirely acceptable, especially considering that this is a fairly small site. Such places have the nasty habit of ceasing to exist, seemingly out of the blue. A few days down here or there is much preferred.
  39. Stoic Beverage

    Oh, but movies must be judged exclusively from their trailer, just as books must not be read...

    Oh, but movies must be judged exclusively from their trailer, just as books must not be read, simply valued by their cover!
  40. Stoic Beverage

    Hmm... My favorite would probably be "Seven Samurai". Lord of the Rings is close, especially...

    Hmm... My favorite would probably be "Seven Samurai". Lord of the Rings is close, especially because the movies did great honor to the books, at least in comparison to most movies based off of books. How to you feel about the movie they're making of The Hobbit?
  41. Stoic Beverage

    ...*ahem*... ... Uh, favorite movies/books/media in general?

    ...*ahem*... ... Uh, favorite movies/books/media in general?
  42. Stoic Beverage

    It's quite cold today. I've received virtually no snow this winter, which is remarkable where I...

    It's quite cold today. I've received virtually no snow this winter, which is remarkable where I live. I don't particularly care for the cold, so it's pretty unpleasant.
  43. Stoic Beverage

    Sounds fairly terrible, depending. I mean, if they're giving you methods to write music, then...

    Sounds fairly terrible, depending. I mean, if they're giving you methods to write music, then it's a waste of time. Music theory is important, though, even if you're one of the more intuitive musicians. Err, not that I really know what I'm talking about, but hey. I reserve the right to stick my...
  44. Stoic Beverage

    Uh... I have no idea either. ...I feel intelligent.

    Uh... I have no idea either. ...I feel intelligent.
  45. Stoic Beverage

    If you'd like. Or, what actor would you like to portray you?

    If you'd like. Or, what actor would you like to portray you?
  46. Stoic Beverage

    Your family sounds absolutely wonderful. *Cue movie involving wacky family switch, with the...

    Your family sounds absolutely wonderful. *Cue movie involving wacky family switch, with the heavy-handed lesson being "the grass isn't always greener on the other side".* *Stoic Beverage is portrayed by Sean Connery.* *Nocturne is portrayed by... Uh... An unspecified female actor.*
  47. Stoic Beverage

    My family generally complains about how I spend too much time in my room, and that they never...

    My family generally complains about how I spend too much time in my room, and that they never see me. Yet, if ever I want to play chess, backgammon, risk, monopoly, etc., nobody wants to play. *Sigh*
  48. Stoic Beverage

    Man, I haven't played Monopoly in years. Even when I did, my sister would always demand to be...

    Man, I haven't played Monopoly in years. Even when I did, my sister would always demand to be the banker, and would use her closeness to the money to cheat blatantly. Sigh.
  49. Stoic Beverage

    :applaus: I'm currently working on day #5,528. Pretty meh thus far.

    :applaus: I'm currently working on day #5,528. Pretty meh thus far.
  50. Stoic Beverage

    Well, I'm sorry to hear that, though I don't suppose it's much aid. It always is extremely...

    Well, I'm sorry to hear that, though I don't suppose it's much aid. It always is extremely annoying when friends have their lives revolving around finding a mate. As for the P.E. ... *Tearful salute* Good luck.
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