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Search results

  1. Auburn

    Pedagogy & How to Raise Actualized People

    @Hado - did you end up going? :) ..or how'd it go for your fill-in? I also found another vid about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR0_sZtCfJ0 This one talks about Sudbury schools, which I think is what Summerhill falls under. And I found a list of the existing ones online...
  2. Auburn

    What do you perceive to be your greatest flaw?

    I echo Jenny and Rixus' despair at a lack of direction and productivity. Maybe it's just my imagination, but grinding through logistics/work feels about 5 times more taxing/draining for me than what I see happen with other people. Bits of my soul just die if I devote 100% of my brain power to...
  3. Auburn

    Is the internet dying?

    Really? I really loved the msn look: I have this nostalgic attachment to the little beveled avatar square thingy. I liked seeing it blink into green from grey. It was way more personal. And you could customize your background. Then again I'm prolly attached to it because of the positive...
  4. Auburn

    Is the internet dying?

    @RedFire - I hadn't thought about how the first gen (which were teens when the internet exploded) has now started 'adulting' and we don't have time anymore. But that's precisely true for me as well. Far less free time to devote to interests in general. And the new gen prefers the more...
  5. Auburn

    Is the internet dying?

    *confused* I think it's a trend because of all of the above. But also because I can see this trend has been measured statistically. http://imgur.com/3fiUnuR.jpg The number of people in the world that are online has dramatically increased in recent years. ^ Positive relationship between...
  6. Auburn

    Is the internet dying?

    Said video links several sources, for example the list of neurological studies at 2:24, author Nir Eyal, etc. I also study a little marketing and know that a lot of the way the internet works is by playing off of human motivational centers. Think of it like a natural selection process that the...
  7. Auburn

    Jungian Analysis of The Lion King

    Well, by Jungian Analysis I mean analytical psychology, not MBTI (though that's a curious take on the characters). Roughly, the typology would go: Mufasa: Great Father (King) Sarabi: Great Mother Scar: Dark Father Nala: Anima Simba: Hero/Self Rafiki: Shaman/Wise-Old-Man/Eternal-Self Zazu...
  8. Auburn

    Is the internet dying?

    As a follow-up question, have any of you found an existing analog to the early internet experience? Is there a platform or medium (on or offline) which you frequent that you may find fulfilling those needs for the less trivial?
  9. Auburn


    A decade old? Welp, lets give this poor thread a proper burial... rather than harass the dead. :segen: Closed.
  10. Auburn

    Is the internet dying?

    That I think I figured out how to say it. It's as if all of the chitter-chatter/noise, salesmanship, politics, gossip/drama, stores, bills (etc) that made real life... Real Life... has migrated to the internet. So the internet has basically become an extension of the mundanity of the world...
  11. Auburn

    Is the internet dying?

    ^ I've seen this trend increase over the past 5+ years. Has the internet discussion age come to an end? Has global information become so widespread that everyone's opinion is now also diluted in equal proportion? Have Twitter, Instagram, Facebook (etc) conditioned our generation to digest...
  12. Auburn


    Genetics. Because any sort of "fix" that is mindset-based will be fickle and socially contingent. So even if we "solved" how to live civility and equally with each other, fifty years later we could see our utopia uprooted by a lashback from repressed urges for chaos and war. Domesticate...
  13. Auburn


    I'd much rather live in the modern world. I've grown up a little to realize it's always been bad. But the world is better now than it's probably ever been. We always find new things to complain about. Our moral systems may be faulty but they have been evolving along with our technology. So...
  14. Auburn

    Yes, brand new carpet and curtains too. Now don't soil it again.

    Yes, brand new carpet and curtains too. Now don't soil it again.
  15. Auburn


    colors work too, one for each entity? that'd feel pretty seamless
  16. Auburn

    Auxiliary Function, Conscious/Unconscious?

    (split these off from silvermoon's type-me thread, since it's veered into another topic now!) I'll try my best. I'm aware that I may have unconscious biases (speaking of!) here, given previous encounters we had. I generally don't think what you do is inappropriate. It's quite informative, and I...
  17. Auburn

    Auxiliary Function, Conscious/Unconscious?

    Re: Still cant figure out my own Type, even though Ive got great at typing others I think you're greatly compressing the matter here. As you're aware - by the content of your own post - the topic and his conclusion is hardly a "matter of fact" as it is a matter of interpretation. Arguments can...
  18. Auburn

    Jungian Analysis of The Lion King

    For those a bit spooked, or off-put, by the often cryptic language used by Jung in his works, this is a *skeptic-friendly* version of his concepts :D, as explained by Jordan B. Peterson. He covers many of the core elements of what archetypes are, why they matter, how they are real (and in what...
  19. Auburn

    The Sixth Function

    Aha, gotcha. Hmmm. Well I have some cool resources about the archetypes which I might share in a different thread. :) I'm thinking becoming familiar with analytical psychology could help in this inquiry. (I'm pretty familiar with the Hero, Mother/Father, Child, Anima/us, Senex, Trickster, but...
  20. Auburn

    Auxiliary Function, Conscious/Unconscious?

    Thread for discussing the Auxiliary function, according to Jung -- and whether it classifies as conscious or unconscious. :) [split from silvermoon's thread] [/spoiler]
  21. Auburn

    The Sixth Function

    Thank you OmoInisa; I'm glad it was helpful. I've had a similar disenchantment experience, after absorbing as much as I could from the experts before realizing this is still very much a frontier. But frontiers are the most interesting places, no? Agreeing with you for a moment, would it be ok...
  22. Auburn

    Last anime you watched?

    Same idea as the "last movie you watched" thread, but for talking about the last Anime show or movie you watched. I recently watched "Your Name" ...and it's gotta be up there as one of the best films I've seen. It even managed to melt my cold apathetic heart, just a lot little. It's won a...
  23. Auburn

    The Sixth Function

    Indeed. I've historically had little desire to draw any sort of connection between the 8 functions and the Jungian archetypes. I still hold that same position today, generally speaking, so my above post was more a type of ...experiment... to evaluate things from Beebe's perspective (which does...
  24. Auburn

    The Sixth Function

    Yes. And this is explained more properly with a different view of what the roles of the functions do. Archetypal Roles of the Functions Pe (child) The Pe function, regardless of hierarchical placement, plays the role of the Puer Aeternus. It is responsible for giving a person's personality...
  25. Auburn

    Quantum Sociocybernetic Map of the Aggregate Coaxial Exchange for the New Rules of the World

    Oh I see, I misunderstood the A-F progression of letters as being a progression in scale or hierarchy. The wikipedia article seems very limited in detail, but abundant in beautiful concepts. I love the premise, but as with many other attempts to rectify problems in our socio-economic and...
  26. Auburn

    Beta Males

    These are really big questions. It's always great to expand boundaries, but I'm not so sure this would do that for you? Categorization can be inhibitory rather than informative if it is inaccurate. From what I've read, Humans are a species that uses a combination of different mating strategies...
  27. Auburn

    Quantum Sociocybernetic Map of the Aggregate Coaxial Exchange for the New Rules of the World

    @QuickTwist - I think you're missing the point a little bit. As milo said earlier "A-F is more a reference for the programmer of the simulator to create a template for all of the possible personality traits" - so I don't think it's the whole story, but a rough outline of what would be a more...
  28. Auburn

    Everything CT

    Thank you. I'm glad you resonated with it, though I can't really remember what you looked like..! 0: It's been a long time.. But I'm sure your Te can find a lot of value in straightforward quantifications like these. Here is some more content we just uploaded. The next installment: Je-1...
  29. Auburn

    Quantum Sociocybernetic Map of the Aggregate Coaxial Exchange for the New Rules of the World

    I'd be totally up for this, if only it was doable? What metric would you use to identify, and thus proceed to arrange, these personalities? I'm assuming it wouldn't just be the A-F metric but a comprehensive psychological(neurological?) understanding of each individual? Do you have any...
  30. Auburn

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  31. Auburn

    The Sixth Function

    Hmm. But those qualities (of developing a vision of the future, dabbling with ESP for fun, having a clear 5+ year plan, etc) can easily develop in a TiNe, or any type, without the need for Ni to be considered. The way he talks about these qualities is kinda going back to the behaviorisms (as...
  32. Auburn

    7 Potentially habitable exoplanets

    I'll add to that, a press conference + Q&A video with the mission pioneers that I found today on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht4yQbH_UC4 And a link to download the NASA app: Eyes on Exoplanets It's an amazing app, a 3D space program much like Celestia, with so much packed...
  33. Auburn

    Getting Unstuck, Evolution & Growth

    There's more struggle/pain here than what I could possibly understand. But I can empathize, to different degrees, with all of you. There's some really good suggestions here, many of which I could learn a great deal from. I've been ruminating on this for a while. I think, one type of very...
  34. Auburn

    Oh! That makes me feel better about the decision. O: It took me a while to decide to push the...

    Oh! That makes me feel better about the decision. O: It took me a while to decide to push the button. It's one of those kindof borderline cases, which have the most potential to get dragged on and cause the most problems. I wanted to catch it early if possible. Lol forum hoppers (@Sinny too)...
  35. Auburn

    How does Ti work

    @Architect - Ah, a few clarifications are in order. My hypothesis (wouldn't really call it a theory yet) for the neurological placement of the functions isn't contingent on locality. By that I mean Te isn't "this and that region". But Te uses "this and that" region to accomplish its task...
  36. Auburn


    Mustafa removed early for a variety of compounding reasons, including: - misogynistic/offensive posts - propaganda - incoherent communication/language - being warned repeatedly w/ no change. This isn't the place for Islamic propaganda, or that of any other religion for that matter. Religious...
  37. Auburn

    How does Ti work

    More or less. What I find to be a likely discovery is that the brain utilizes large scale cross-region networks in the brain to complete complex thoughts. This is what Nardi calls "brain circuits" I recently came across a very curious study about how the brain organizes its operations...
  38. Auburn

    I want my two seconds back! D:

    I want my two seconds back! D:
  39. Auburn

    How does Ti work

    Pragmatically speaking, there are some individuals who could be called NiTi, in the sense that they give mental priority to Ti over Fe, even if the resting state of their psychology would be Ni-Fe-Ti-Se. There's always a deeper reason for this type of distortion, as NiTi isn't a naturally...
  40. Auburn

    Everything CT

    Waat? D: Hmmm, works okay for me. Try: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/cognitivetype.com Or wait, try a hard refresh of your browser (Ctrl+Shift+F5) when on the page. Or maybe a proxy server? I swear I still have 10 days left before the next bill. Those bastards. :p
  41. Auburn

    How does Ti work

    It's no fun without a little... anticipation :rolleyes: Can't give it up all at once, hon.. Going back to the computer analogy, and getting into the methodologies of these 4 judgments... There are 2 subtypes of judgment. Ji discriminates how well aligned things are within themselves (I) Je...
  42. Auburn

    Nice to meet you

    Like universe and character creation? I love it when a fantasy story has a meticulous backstory and causality to its world, especially with a sort of science to species anatomy. Makes everything believable and the immersion into the universe becomes seamless. Ever try a fantasy world of your own?
  43. Auburn

    Nice to meet you

    Your narrative reminds me a lot of the french film Amélie, I wonder if you've seen it? We have a few roleplaying threads around here too. I hope you enjoy your stay, Spaintastic. And here I thought we had something in common!
  44. Auburn

    How does Ti work

    So if you imagine a computer as an analogy... Bits/bytes come in, and they get sorted out by the processor. In cognitive typology, the four J functions are four different modalities of sorting out that information. And just like computers, our brains make countless micro-judgments per minute...
  45. Auburn

    Everything CT

    Err did I say that? D: ...... Ok fine, bring it awn. Ah yes, the actual, tangible material. I started uploading the signals this week. So far I have: J-1: Rigid Posture J-2: Face Centric J-3: Angular Motions J-4: Exacting Hands J-5: Subordinate Perception P-1: Fluid Posture P-2...
  46. Auburn

    How does Ti work

    The way Ni and Ti come together is in the formation and crystallization of truth paradigms which have perfect internal logic, but which are predicated on the intuitions of Ni's far reaching sense. Ni+Fe plays a guru role, where Ni's vision/worldview helps inform and guide social landscapes into...
  47. Auburn

    Ti vs Fi - Compare/Contrast

    Oh wow, a blast from the past. A succinct way to describe Fi is as an introverted judgment function which is intimately connected to the human emotional register. The emotional register, generally, is the limbic system and the somatic experience of the body; the main bias of which is life...
  48. Auburn

    How does Ti work

    Right. As with any natural or artificial (i.e. computers) processing system, without data there is nothing to judge between. Judgment cannot happen without content from which to draw distinctions and delineations. Each of the judgment functions is a different methodology for discriminating...
  49. Auburn

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Proof that we live in a marvelous universe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXTpASSd9xE
  50. Auburn

    Lyra's Obituary

    Really? ... I'm wondering if I could ask... what was he like in person? I always wondered what he was like outside of forum life, but unfortunately we never had a chance to meet.
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