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Search results

  1. Strange occurrence in Facebook's "People you may know"

    It's been one year, not two!!
  2. Strange occurrence in Facebook's "People you may know"

    hm. I don't like this one little bit. but there are plenty of people with the same name :confused: plus how do they even have family connections like that? I mean, these family members have different last names. I don't know how any of these family members would even know about this...
  3. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  4. Strange occurrence in Facebook's "People you may know"

    So, I know someone who has a facebook. On their facebook they have only one friend, and as far as I know the only details they have in there are their name and date of birth. Now, in their "people you may know" list, facebook has included all kinds of people that they know. Family, work...
  5. What is your ideal death?

    Edgy, artsu. Very edgy.
  6. What is your ideal death?

    I have to be consistent. Pain. Pain and more pain.
  7. Staying with the forum

    and you should know >: (
  8. Staying with the forum

    Re: Can't think of a title Update: I had a fucking tick in my arm. That explains the panic attacks and my fatigue recently. Not sure if that's why I over-reacted to the joke or if I'm just retarded.
  9. Staying with the forum

    Re: Can't think of a title I over-reacted, triggered maybe. I've been having a panic attack for almost 2 hours.
  10. Staying with the forum

    Re: Can't think of a title It was an odd joke, to say the least.
  11. INTP - relaxing the mind

    What are the stated benefits? I've found meditation to be highly beneficial for certain purposes. I've found that even within seconds it has the ability to lift my mood, and doing it over extended periods creates a change in mindset which is really rather wonderful. It depends how you go about...
  12. Staying with the forum

    Re: Can't think of a title Excuse me, Gopher, but why exactly would you say "a certain paranoid member" instead of mentioning the person by name? Are you aware of how incredibly shitty that is to do? I'm sure you're completely aware of it actually, no one is that dense.
  13. the four dimensions of reality: space time energy distance

    Heh, was just thinking this today. It's still time though, just... condensed. Much meaning, little time lapse. The story is set in stone. In one way we're always outside of time because of the whole thing about the present moment, although I think the present is actually future+past as...
  14. intp forum and its meaning - rant and rave

  15. Staying with the forum

    Re: Can't think of a title I was going to reply to the OP but then I read this and was like, yeah. So that's about all you'll get.
  16. Top five favorite movies

    Oh, I forgot Spirited Away.
  17. Profit seekers

    sigh, and for my next thread... lol'd -- People don't understand how much better the world can be. Instead, it's a fcuking mess. What's up with that? -- People seem to assume that human nature is this static thing that is working in today's society the way that it always has and always...
  18. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :elephant:
  19. is this thing on?

    :D I'm gonna place some bets on you being an INTJ though.
  20. Animekitty's Type

    I wouldn't call it logical, or detached, or cold :S You're probably associating with INFJs, who are logical (to a degree), detached (to a strong degree), and cold (possibly), but that's not because of Fe. However, I think what you also may be getting at is that Fe is less sincere. One common...
  21. Microdose LSD

    Yet another Pizzabeak dumbinism :D I have a logic to prove it is true though aliens are good aliens run the government therefore the government is good Now what you said is smart :) lol When I tripped I saw how limited science was and there are all kinds of dimensions to the universe that...
  22. Animekitty's Type

    Contradiction. Since when are Fe types not caring? :ahh04:
  23. the four dimensions of reality: space time energy distance

    Something like that.
  24. the four dimensions of reality: space time energy distance

    How? Is it always escaped and never escaped at once? Or is it some times escaped and sometimes isn't? :confused:
  25. Ask an ESFJ

    when you do a fe then do a si, then a ne and a ti and then cross over and do a fi then a se then a ni then a te what is happens next? does u jump on the big big beat?
  26. But what is thinker?

    what is thinker does it thinks? or it tinkers when is blinks doesn't eh knows the thinking? in the head it goes words and also pictures and strangenesses doesn't it has a feels? emotions when it does a thinks doesn't it have a senses and intuitions too what is thinker? will we ever know thank u...
  27. Its official, I found my type.

    It's basically from comparing you to several people that I believe to be INFJ.
  28. the four dimensions of reality: space time energy distance

    I expect them to use their fcuking brains and think of ways to observe the universe that they haven't already found, rather than simply exploring the implications of methods currently available. A dedicated spiritualist can pull off powerful feats. If spiritualists and scientists worked together...
  29. Its official, I found my type.

    Well, my view is that you're an INFJ. An INFJ might seem like an IxTP if they over-identify with Ti. That would make them less directive, and seemingly calm - seemingly because they're not truly calm, not to a strong degree anyway, but trying to keep calm by moving energy away from their...
  30. About a thread I made when a bunch of stuff was erased from the forum.

    I would need the full list to explain what I was thinking at the time. I'll give it a go though, by explaining how I might psychologically explain them. - how much resources one has to draw on (mass) - the pace at which one thinks/acts (velocity) - how much one can do without growing...
  31. the four dimensions of reality: space time energy distance

    Yeah space is just 3 dimensions of distance. Unless there is some kind of abstract space. I'm thinking of something like Kant's a priori conception of space. Something like... having an essence which can be perceived in some manner. But that's quite a stretch... I would say that having both...
  32. About a thread I made when a bunch of stuff was erased from the forum.

    Determination, Resilience, Achievement that one? All I remember other than that is that I had linked it to dimensions in physics, like mass, time, distance, velocity, energy.
  33. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    nice connection with username ; D
  34. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Freeeeeeeeee ziiiiiinngggg Moooooooooonnnn
  35. Profit seekers

    I doth admit, There is something to be said for selfishness. [...] On topic though, wasn't this a great movie? :D
  36. Top five favorite movies

    been so long since i watched moviez but onesz that i liekd were Stalker The Great Silence Fistful of Dollars Yojimbo Eraserhead I think I got the rec's from the same place. Good place it was.
  37. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I flirt with death For one who knows Beyond all knowing And turns In flames it rises This sickly beast One who has risen And still rises, Ever more. So it was said... Of times of old... That the burning is behelden Of all that is gold Dost thou turn? For he who spake? Unto...
  38. is this thing on?

    Woah woah woah... There's no such thing as an ambivert. Cognitive functions go in an order, there might be variations but it goes: dominant function, then auxiliary, and so on. So you either start with the introverted consideration then move to the extroverted or the other way around. INTP...
  39. It seems I'm rejecting my Se

    I thought I would update on this for anyone interested: So I was right, it was the shut-down sequence. Fe shut down, problems socialising (I've realised how Fe my focus on friendship is) and Ni shut down as I stopped dwelling on my future; then it rebooted. I have to say, it was really...
  40. Profit seekers

    Being rudely surprised by ads coming up on youtube has reminded me of something important. Humans, a good many of them any way, are obsessed with the attainment of profit. Advertisements, with the occassional exception of an informative one, do nothing to advance mankind in anyway. We could...
  41. Hello

    getting Artsu to explain himself is like getting something to something or other But in my drunken stupor the heavens opened up and the seas proclaimed the new found peace sweeping over the lands. :elephant:
  42. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    mmm forbidden donut
  43. Can you succeed in life without finishing high school?

    Can you succeed in life if you HAVE finished high school? I mean, who in their right mind would sit through that shit?
  44. Hello

    Robofatso you have touched my heart so I have awakened from my slumber to say welcome 2 u
  45. The Armchair Physics Thread

    It's mainly a result of philosophical introspection; there's actual quantum physics results motivating it but I'm largely ignorant of how that stuff works. The problem is largely regarding the reconciliation with the all-encompassing nature of our consciousness (it seems as a unity, effected...
  46. The Armchair Physics Thread

    Here's my armchair physicry: Every choice we make, down to the quantum level, alters not just our immediate circumstances, but changes the entire course of the universe. Each quanta that went left instead of right, means that all of the other quanta in the universe also went left instead of...
  47. The ultimate purpose of intelligence?

    It was a well-structured post. Typologically, I've used the quote of your previous post as the Ni, then gone through each of the other 7 functions and ended up hinting at mergings. It did nothing for you?
  48. Noticing the Intro Post/Reply rate correlation...

    Hmm, well by my measure, you do indeed seem to be an INTP. Welcome.
  49. The ultimate purpose of intelligence?

    Here's one: life with grand(iose) purpose is felt by the individual in a manner which is higher than that of a smaller life; one literally is living a better life when it's true. There is something to said for the smaller things because everything exists as a unity unto itself; the higher is...
  50. Personality Types and Speech Patterns

    Yes, the different cognitive functions are going to lead to different characteristics of the voice. One could at least in theory type someone by listening to their voice alone.
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