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Search results

  1. Guidelines for People

    There are a great many cultures that have an even greater variety of rituals related to courtship. Cog merely suggested another such paradigm. I don't know what all the hooplah is about: His proposal seemed innocent and approached from a scientific viewpoint. Just becuase one looks at humans...
  2. Guidelines for People

    Cog's suggestions are quite pragmatic. When one sees it in light not of dogma or communalism, but rather as a comparison of system, with cog's suggestion having perhaps a higher turnover rate in terms of people matched longterm, or people happily matched. There are many types of courtship: Sex...
  3. Yeaah..

    Story developed over a matter of weeks, I work with him so my employers told me what was unfolding. Eventful... well you know, there are lotsa stories. News. Something I witness with my own eyes, thats eventful. What type of crime do you experience?
  4. Guidelines for People

    Dont get too envolved in peoples lives. Dont be too distant from them either.
  5. Yeaah..

    Today I was conducting relaxing bussiness in a town 125 kms from me. Took this photo of a closed shop: A young zulu boy ran after me. "Sir are you a builder? My mother needs someone to build a house. " "No I work on a farm." Oh... with stock, sir? No, I drive tractors. Maize and patatoes...
  6. Intro Message

    Hey human! Well, what else do you like? And of greater import: What music dost thou love!?
  7. Yeaah..

    Just talk about life. Your existence, views on the universe... things you sense. Any old thing. Like random thoughts but more personalised, focused on what is around you, what is your environment. Past few weeks I was discing on the tractor... swarm of 100+ storks, migrating from Europe...
  8. Shorts

  9. NEO Members

    Been absent for a while. But I see people joining. Not posting. This thread.. maybe if you as a new member sees this; you shall post within. No intro, just talk about random shit. On this forum... the old guard dying almost dead. You want an unique slice of internet pie? You took the trouble...
  10. On the Vacuity of the Concept of Existence

    Uncertainty... I seem to be ape. Existence and nothingness might be the same. Can a boabab concieve of galaxies? So... can the human reach immutable truth? Far tech has taken us. Of the universe we do concieve. Yet... a true scientist cannot discount any reality, even a reality along...
  11. what do you look most forward to in 2019

    You know what sucks? The Gregorian calendar. Julius Ceasar invented and implented the thing, then someone just added some bits and POOF! Ceasarian calendar no more. At least we still have July.
  12. Hai :3

    Happy welcome to our newest member. If you want to know something, I am always here so feel free to ax. We have great subforums so jump right in! We hope you stay, and also have a great day! (Chatbox impossible in this format? It was better than monkeys on heroin manning warships. I loved it...
  13. what do you look most forward to in 2019

    Breathing, eating... ah yes, water. Water might be nice. Also, war. Been some time since the apes gave us a good made-for-cinema war.
  14. Chicken or the Egg

    Dinosuar > Chicken Therefore: Egg > Chicken
  15. Chat Box

    a field of bones. vultures circled. Rome has fallen. Long live Rome.
  16. How would you describe your week in three words?

    I agree.. weed better, and south africa weed much cheaper than alcohol... o nce I buy car no more booze only ganja and psycheds. But. look at musicians authors etc.. how many alkies? alchohol bad health wise and many times famiLy wise, BUT !Art wise? hmmmm. idk. One author , Samuel Lafferty...
  17. How would you describe your week in three words?

    Alcoholic. I was indoctrinated a christian and am now an alcoholic, and I say: alcoholism is better for the mind. Health? Bah!
  18. How would you describe your week in three words?

    Potato-harvesting. Lawn-mowing. Psychosis-inducing.
  19. Metaphysics

    Ok let me state it like this: Here is us. There is Antares. Here's a galaxy, there are billions. We have looked farther and decided to formulate a big bang. Beyond that? What is our universe? This is the uncertainty that I refer to. The hypothosized dreams (simulation, overworld, christian...
  20. Metaphysics

    I agree. But Macbeth did not wake up to find after his demise that he is bigger than the universe. Look, for most intents and purposes I agree with the anthropocentric, realistic view, but uncertainty shall forever remain. I do not say let us guide our lives by the what ifs, but rather admit...
  21. Metaphysics

    Hmm ok Ill try to explain the overphilosophy of uncertainty. For now, I seem to be human, pretty certain that I have two hands. But: If I were a deity being bigger than the universe, merely asleep, and this reality all a dream, would I still have two hands? If we were all in the matrix as...
  22. Metaphysics

    In a metaphysics thread and on a scale of universal ungeocentric philosophy, yes. As an ape, no. Duality of thought is not an abomination. That being said, I have nine fingers so perhaps my hands are expressable in a lesser than two fraction...
  23. Hybrids and Humans

    I can easily imagine science-bred human hybrids. Elephantine things with multiple organs grown in tanks, acting as donors. Beings with gills/greatly enlarged external lungs used to terraform and cultivate oceans and lakes Ratlike scramblers with cat eyes and bat ears, sent into mines. Then...
  24. Metaphysics

    Every thing is uncertain. Even uncertainty itself.
  25. Greek Philosophers

    If I had enough money to live as a beggar in a barrel, I would do so. Meanwhile: Meaningless toil.
  26. Realism, does Plato's Forms exist?

    Hmmm. I am a maggot man myself, along with the macrobacteria that feed upon flies. As I have not read Kant I give no congruent rebuttal, only this: relativistick philosophy. If a caveman bashes another caveman with a rock to gain a woman, or a spacelord nukes a planet to gain five solar systems...
  27. Realism, does Plato's Forms exist?

    I never read any Kant. But I found out (true?) that he never in his life left one area. So is his philosopby then confined to one geo place and one time era, or is Kant relevant for all ages and geoplaces? Do tell me.
  28. Realism, does Plato's Forms exist?

    Cog makes much sense on this one. A way of thinking rather than a way of knowing. You can have an average appromixation, such what do most humans think of as chair or communism or tortilla, but to have perfected forms one needs an overworld, a dimension where perfection is immutable. What then...
  29. I don't like giving charity

    @onesteptwostep Dont have an opinion on USA per se, but from a governmental viewpoint it makes sense. If the senate and house were filled with bhuddists, but the genpop protestant... I like the US constitution though for its ideas back then and think many countries can follow such ideals...
  30. I don't like giving charity

    @onesteptwostep I would say that as an uncertaintist/atheist/agnostic/whateverthefuck a dictionary says my system of being is, that there is still hope, hope more materialistic. On the metaphysical plane hope would become a postulation rather than a certianty of revenant life, as in "this is a...
  31. I don't like giving charity

    I get where TransientMoment is coming from Re: A community based upon sharing. I've seen it here and there among farmers, willing to aid the neighbour with an implement or letting his cattle graze upon harvested maize at no charge. Such conduct is becoming a rare thing though, the age of...
  32. Back by popular demand.

    Is there a way to say "bucko" and still sound eloquent?
  33. Can I have fake internet friends please? (for similar people)

    @GidMan Im feelin yah man. Ignore the bourgeosie skotina.
  34. Does the sense of the range of colors undermine beauty?

    @Serac True, true. Peacock tail by essence is a thing of colour and pomp. But now: A silhoutte of a forest. Lets say the original picture was hues of green with intertwining vines. You know, a normal picture taken by a norm person. Now... many things turned to greyscale take on another aspect...
  35. Does the sense of the range of colors undermine beauty?

    I live in a rural backwater with many rural macguffins having their fields close together. This is where I agree with Hadoblado. You see, I weekly encounter rainbows in the miniature. If the sun is positioned right in terms of a center pivot's spray, or if a hose reel's thump thump of water...
  36. Do you report drunk drivers?

    Have a few popo friends here that Ive space caked and beered with. Many stories... It takes so much paperwork and legal costs to try and convict an owner of an illegal gun that many officers simply take the gun, say they found it in the bush and let the perp go. Many criminals throw their...
  37. Do you report drunk drivers?

    The road needs more anarchy. Breed good drivers by natural selection. I rolled a 4x4 down into a forest once when drunk. The problem is this: (well on dirt roads at 2 am at least) Alcohol makes you cocky. Taking turns at 80 km/h on an unknown road when sober you would go 40, 60 max. Drunk...
  38. The Random Thoughts Thread

    found a cat today. small wound on cranial muscles. milk was given as well as food. it and sand roller cat i found near a township. weird cat, the sand roller, sorta just ignores humans. howls sometimes. new cat dirt encrusted but immediately trusting a human. blotchy cat. nose split in diagonal...
  39. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Boney M """ Rasputin
  40. If you could have any pet, what pet would you like?

    A herd of Tolkienesque Oliphaunts and the entire Serengeti as my personal domain. My Rookdom gives free citizenship to all midgets alive, as well as legless amputees. We gonna mine deep man. We gonna steal yer diamonds from beneath yer lazy arseholes. We gonna be next gen sir, V21, we gonna be...
  41. The Random Thoughts Thread

    https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-24/google-wants-be-your-media-mommy Damn me too ... nice way of putting it. Poeple like us become television pundits Or scam artists or couch salesfolk.
  42. It's always nice coming back here...

    Verily!? Oh, how ye rankle my indubitability. Mayhap a quackish charge, yet is not the core the encapsulation of another interior? This we must determine!
  43. Take A Stand/Take A Bow

    Ah! a thread of life. At times just take the boat, whether frigate, trawler or duggout, just take the boat down the wide river of life. Why plan man? You do not know whats around the bend. Rapids. Desert shores. Floating temples. Toadstool villages. Just. . go with the flow. Enjoy the view.
  44. Take A Stand/Take A Bow

    The first rule of fight club is... I like your mind. Welcome.
  45. It's always nice coming back here...

    Ah, ahah! The odor of witch hath doth done entrance within towards the castle dark! Burn her! :pig::phone::pig::phone::monkey::mobile...
  46. Free the fucking whales!

    All viable reasons, yet I disagree with the pre-crime. When members of the forum choose to stray or make brevity of a thread, and break no other law than that, I do sincerely not believe that in that instant their collective exchange should be lumped in the bottom drawer. At least put it one...
  47. Split from "One of the coolest bullet point lists I've seen in a while"

    Just imagine midget mermaids using them as mounts in jousting tournaments.
  48. Free the fucking whales!

    https://www.intpforum.com/threads/split-from-one-of-the-coolest-bullet-point-lists-ive-seen-in-a-while.27485/#post-591338 Ok, a suggestion for forum improvement. Recently a thread has been split. Now, I know mods have rule: Stay topical. But why should viable split threads(meaning those that...
  49. I hope my thoughs are all wrong

    In an universe of so many billions billions of stars, no thought is wrong, no thought is right. General rule is to never trust anyone in a bussiness relationship, that does not mean be paranoid, rather it means that people are not always reliable and predictable. Even your own father might meet...
  50. Culture Wars

    Not to mention the glaring absence of horsedick. Truly, if I want to waste my time riding a virtual pony, there should at least be a fair pair of genitalia dangling about. Sad sign of our times, these Equus eunuchs.
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