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  • Out with the bad; in with the good!

    It only took me like 10 minutes to write. I write fast. But it was all in the front of my head.
    Yeah. Modding for five years and raising three kids to adulthood causes irrevocable damage.

    PS. don't feel bad. i still don't remember who most of the mods here are, even after I look at the list.
    But don't worry. The developmental issue you are experiencing will sooner or later be transcended by yourself and you will end up having a higher social intelligence than you have ever had before. I know this, as I have experienced the same issue in my past (And because I study the psyche of course)

    And remember, My speculations are detached. They are not to be taken personal. Take it in logical.
    Why the F* do you even think that they gave you RULES? Because that is all you can see.. Damn content. The context won't get through to you. And I, rather than others... Am being selflessness and try to make you understand this. FOR YOUR SAKE. But no!! You can't accept your own ignorance. Which ... is the definition of a fool. I'm not being offensive, I'm being realistic.
    No! This is exactly what I described. Try to interpret another for an instance. Damn.
    Besides, "spitting hate and arrogance" implies selfishness. That implication can't be farther from the truth. I have an exceptional IQ and EQ, why the fuck would I even bother with bothering? That doesn't make any sense to me. And once again I will repeat: I'm responding to the context, not content, as your content is delusional. Content that is delusional can only be set onto the right path if the delusion of perception is being corrected. I am trying to describe that perception. But you, whom is being a fool, ignores to accept my interpretation. Instead, you disregard it. Which... is arrogance. So don't bullshit me with your bullshit and try to understand the context.
    Haha! Your ignorance is hilarious!
    I won't even argue against what you have said as it is based on delusion. A fool, how intelligent he may formulate his foolishness, can't be discoursed to a rational pursuit. To then choose to ignore the ignorant arguments of the fool, has nothing to do with selfishness, but to the contrary (selflessness). And that you probably can't see the connections from this post to that of yours, is your disability, namely that of a fool. Don't worry, it's a developmental issue you are experiencing. Sooner or later you will transcend that. Due to this issue you will end up having a higher social intelligence than you have ever had before. I will see you then.
    no...I moderated another type site for five years, though.

    that post was what is known as a "joke." hee hee.
    I wouldn't mind so much if I believed he had nothing to offer. He reminds me of Lyra. He freshens up the place, but he seems to forge himself a niche in miscommunication, which messes up our beautiful forum :P
    It's what I do. I'm on a bit of a sabbatical, so I buy and sell estates and storage lockers. Not a bad way to make a living.
    I hope I don't get sent to Siberia ;)

    I probably should have pulled the punch a little bit, I really am just trying to be constructive.

    It unsettles me that someone can write so poorly then blame everyone else for not understanding.
    I believe I could put in plain words what the mods (and really, any of us that care about you) would like to see out of you. Read into what I'm saying here. Shoot me a PM if you're confused/ need help/ want to talk about it.

    Or if you want cookies.
    Ahh that Pennywise. I did not know til now. The objects cause anxiety however only when sick. Hurm... it is true about the tasks... I just find everything I like doing and combine it together and see what the end result would be if I did that. That way every small talk builds towards the big one that just happens over time. With them all being things I like it's more of a passive goal than an active one I suppose.... Obviously you can change the passive goal but you get the idea.

    Playing the idiot is fun, honestly I really enjoy it. It's an exercise in Ne which is always interesting.

    Also on a side note you're in sibera for a week xD.... I think that's almost because you are all Ti not enough Ne which is odd that that would get you in trouble... and your ability to focus on one thing and make it a big deal is a little overwhelming. I find it amusing though. Don't worry though. It will change with time.
    Heh, yes I have gone through that often. Dancing clown you say? I always had a cat, like the one in wonderland and a digital hourglass thudding up and down faster and faster... I think the hopeless and powerless passes soon... Not sure exactly when that happens though.

    You do a good job of talking to yourself anyway :P normally I would need to respond to get half this information out of someone ^^

    You are Duxwing! Your archenemy is infinite regresses! I am The Gopher! I play an idiot on the forum! But yes personal details was what I was aiming for. Long term tasks are a pain. I just prefer multiple short term tasks. Makes it seem easier. Whats your little brother like? I have two younger brothers.
    In my pm I forgot to mention we have a Formal Debates subforum too, since it's your thing. :)
    What about you? All I know about you are the forums you visit the games you play and the books you read.
    I would appreciate some reciprocation on my thread, if you look two posts after your quote, you will find the answer you were looking for on why you will be hard pressed to find your "empirical evidence."

    You appear to have been posting less... Or perhaps I've just had more time on my hands. Growing weary after nearly 2.5k posts? :p
    Weeks have indeed passed. I finished my last final three days ago and flew home from school yesterday, so I imagine I'll reply soon. Patience is a virtue young Duxwing :angel:

    And I like him. Reminds me a bit of my high school self.
    It just feels strange because the entire relationship was possible only because of seemingly random chance and intuition on both parts, and as quickly as it happened, it disappeared almost completely.

    Also, make no mistake about it; although I won't necessarily be happy if it doesn't work out, I don't expect any grievance to be had after the fact if nothing comes of this. The sadness occurred more because I felt I had personally messed something up that I could have salvaged - not because it didn't work out.
    Minimal communication. I've invited her to a couple things after my last message to you, but to no avail. I'm planning on letting it relax for a while longer (more than a week more) and attempting to at least salvage a friendship.

    I still think there could be something here; I unfortunately accidentally came on a little strong and ended up repelling her and flipping myself into a brief but very uncomfortable state of depression/anxiety in the process. Still need to work on that, yeah.

    With my recent self-prescription of daily physical activity, better diet, and a morning cup of tea, I've been feeling more energetic and healthy (and thus more stable and less depressing). I hope that my renewed optimism combined with a recent haircut should at least give off an impression of improvement (ie good vibes, man).
    I seen you've replied. I've not read the post entirely. I promise i'll reply later, but I should head to bed right now.

    You might want to quickly check your post as some of the quotes seem to have messed up. Realise i'm enjoying and learning from this debate, no grudges whatsoever. I do think you've got quite a few things to learn about drugs, but so do I. I'll reply in the thread tomorrow once I find the time. Thanks.
    "The implication in the statement above is that he is stupid because he dropped out. Solitaire jumped on that hole in your logic like a bear on a hiker, and you got mauled."

    *evil grin* Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh...
    Continued 2:

    My focus right now is trying to relax as much as possible. Play a couple games over the internet with friends while discussing nonsensical subjects, eating the right food, exercising, etc. I am failing the area of actually doing activities that I enjoy which get me outdoors.

    One of things I need to avoid is debating people over the internet. I have too much of a drive to "win" that it consumes too much of my time.


    How are you? What have you been up to?
    Continued 1:

    Stress itself does not leave in adverse emotional states but I do get sick easier. I managed to come down with a bad cold, which was followed by my wisdom teeth becoming infected. Not particularly fun.

    My friend is amusing. She is an ISFJ. When she becomes stressed it is manifest in her behavior. She decide to "unload" on me by trying to start arguments. I think I handled the situation quite well. Not reacting and stating that understood she was stressed and missing her family.

    A PhD candidature is one of the more stressful things you can do in your life. If you can't get that work, life, social life, stress balance right, you self-destruct.
    The issue of not getting enough sleep continued. One of my friends had the same issue in her own apartment. We decided to look for a place together. We found one really nice apartment in the CBD near all of the night life and fine restaurants. Since she has refined tastes but is comparatively poorer than I, finding an apartment with her was quite difficult. I ended up giving into subsidizing her lifestyle and we're not even romantically... lol. I look forward to getting some decent sleep in a week's time.
    You're lying through your teeth, just like you did later on in the discussion when you said that you were merely exploring possibilities.

    Of course in saying that I've implied willingness.

    Suddenly it's less appealing isn't it?
    Regarding the pm.

    Case-in-point if I try to lock myself in a cybernetic tomb there will be a line of people outside wanting to show me the joy of life, the more I try to hide the tomb the longer the line will be when they find out.
    Yeah I'm sure 64 players is awesome, 24 can be so empty on the big maps.

    That's what Proximity Scan is for. ;)

    Not if you don't kill the person who killed them, so they'll just be immediately killed again :p. But yeah I'm thankful to get revived after sacrificing my player to destroy a tank with C4.
    Aw. :( Sorry it is so stressful dealing with him.

    How come you get dragged into things with people who frustrate you? Why engage him if you know it will end poorly? Just curious. it sounds like you still feel compelled to talk to him.
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