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  • "Regarding the storage, great! Parents can be so helpful! Being her back a Talibani head to mount over the fireplace as a way of saying "Thanks"."

    I suppose you're right. But I hate having knowledge that I know has flaws and not being able to dissect those flaws. Maybe I just need to learn that not everything can be perfect...

    Yeah, that's why I'm keeping the car and my motorcycle (which I would have put in storage anyway :D but now I can save money). My mom agreed to keep it for the year and half that I'll be gone, as well as some of my things. So that's nice. I just have to finish the website for cash. And it's almost done. :)
    no no. I just have a hard time not trying to understand things that I don't understand. If I don't understand something, I seem to have an unconscious drive that wants to figure out why; it makes me tired, but if I try and suppress it for too long, it can make me agitated.

    I guess it could be worse. :)

    I'm selling this stuff because I'm going into the Army soon and won't need it, although I decided to keep my car and ship it after tech school (AIT). The Army will kind of suck, but I need a job (and it's a good one) and the money is good; and I need something to put on a resume when I get out. Plus I'll at least have a secret security clearance for any government jobs (that I would get priority for) and maybe even a Top Secret clearance if I can get it upgraded.
    That reminds me. I have a rusty bike I need to fix as well and sell. It's a nice bike. :(

    Sometimes I try listening to music, but that makes me want to think. Running does work pretty well, but sometimes I need to think while running and that screws it up. :( Then I go running and end up thinking the whole time and then when I stop I sit somewhere and think for hours...
    I kind of find the fighting with own8ge entertaining. :P There's probably not much you can do, since you guys communicate differently.

    Yeah, you're probably right about relaxing. I find it hard to turn my mind off though. Even when I relax, I'll get lost in thought and then when I'm done, I realize I never really had a break...

    kind of like now...when I'm on the forum. :storks:
    Hi. Stressful...I have to finish a website for someone, fix up my car and sell it, and feel anxiety over being misunderstood. :(

    I see own8ge is fighting with you again. :)
    Nawh. I hug my pillow to sleep if I feel particulary lonely. Not because I'm sad or anything, simply because I enjoy it. I think it's healthier to find alternatives than to simply deny these emotions all together.

    I'm reading an interesting book, where at a point it is proposed that one can only truly love strangers. People you're not close to, people you don't meet and don't have to deal with. Because only then this love cannot be corrupted by all the discomforts of people being near eachother. I don't really agree with the thought, I think loving someone you can hold, see, discuss with, ... can be truly refreshing, but ohwell.

    I simply noticed a contrast from the nihilistic dux to the loving everyone dox. I guess I felt like questioning it. I'm sorry if i bothered you :p
    Both my love and my misanthropy follow from my empathy. It's a strange world, I guess.

    I like hugs, so if you want to you're more than welcome to. I guess it'd be slightly strange, but who cares.
    Don't take this as offensive, it's not meant to be, but howmuch of your love is genuine and howmuch of your love is an act? I did see you slightly slip up there :p (someone edited / deleted the post). Not that you'd gotten mean or out of place at all, I only detected a defensive tone... But that was enough <:

    Tl dr Hai.

    Just thought I would let you know that the issue we talked about has turned incredibly in my favour. I cannot thank you enough for your help!

    Additionally, after further analysis, ENFJ is also a very likely assessment (as opposed to ESTP). Darn function stacking...

    "Now, if you're complaining about my tone, on the other hand, then you've hit the nail on the head, and I can only give you the old platitude "I'm working on it". :("

    Cool, glad you're thinking about it.

    I wouldn't intercede to say such on a thread unless I felt it might be constructive (I notice latte and a few others flagged such as well, and I doubt they would either.)

    There are others here who have a "debate" mindset, proxy and cog as examples (who probably not coincidentally seem to get on well with you. :D) I think the difference is that you're a little more prolific. I wouldn't take it as an offence.

    As for Lyra, I'd just take the high ground and leave it - you both have pretty much irreconcilable worldviews. But it's up to you, obviously.
    So what do you do when you're not here on this forum? I don't remember what level of school you're at or even whether you are out at this point...sorry, I've just been horribly distracted lately by taxes and real-life stuff...

    Oh dear, god will punish me for corrupting minors.

    Except I've already been punished.
    And I think you've already been corrupted.

    Well... carry on then. :D
    Double V and Scorpion.

    Alas. Ducks are attractive critters. A woman could swoon over a big duck.

    EDIT: Okay, there goes that stupid automated double entrende power, I seem to stumble into them. just ignore me.
    Double V, is that his name? Don't quite remember... I remember having a go at them in regards to same-sex marriage. There was enough substance there for them to sound like they knew what they were talking about it until you actually dug into it and then it made no sense at all. They both seemed to be very entrenched, encapsulated thinkers, and already had their view nicely constructed, except it didn't sync up to real-life data.

    So is Darkwing Duck REALLY your cousin? ;)
    If it helps, I did my own "major league bout" with that guy, and after it was done, put him on ignore. I don't need that crap from him or the V guy. I don't have the time for lots of superfluous conversation, where the other person isn't even taking my POV seriously to begin with. What's the point of that expenditure? Nothing I say, however good or bad, will impact his currently held worldview. It's another reason why I didn't want to waste time with Blob.
    As much as I (or anyone else) may say that the emotional viewpoint is the wrong one, it provides a fairly unique perspective among us, and more perspectives to which we may compare our own is never a bad thing, so no need to apologize.
    It's more than just that one thread, though. You seem to be far more empathic than most everyone else here. And what is morality if not codified empathy?

    I still stand by my statement that were I dead, I wouldn't much care if people were degrading me. Not any more than if they were doing so while I was alive, at least.
    Interestingly enough, I was having the same problem (kind of) that you were with a certain someone.

    I feel like I handled it adequately enough; when people are attempting to argue using fallacious statements and personal insults rather than hard logic, you just need to be stern and make them understand they're being stupid.

    Also, I hate when people misconstrue my points (be it purposefully or not)

    You're welcome :)

    You may not want to read this.

    You are generally obnoxious in arguments because of your patronizing attitude, general know it all attitude, and stubbornness.

    With that in mind, I can understand if you annoyed scorpiomover, although I haven't read that entire argument.
    Pseudeophed, short for Pseudeophedrine, is the word I like to use because I want to refer to the active ingredient as apposed to a specific brand name medication. Not that you can actually get your hands on it in the states without a doctor's prescription anymore.

    Anyway, I'll get back to you on the rest later.
    If he doesn't properly explain the insight behind the experience than everything he purports is moot from the get go.
    Ok, say that your age has nothing to do with whether or not your arguments are correct or incorrect.
    Just tell him that you do not wish to have a conversation with a person who employs disingenuous and fallacious arguments.

    Personally, I think he is bat shit insane.
    We agree on the ends which society should focus on ie. welfare, security, self-determination, etc. but our "ideal" means differ. Converse to the portrayal, I am not zealous in my beliefs. I get taxed to pay for things like welfare, security roads, etc.? I don't mind. I would pay for such things anyway. When the actions of those who control the state starts to become egregious such as the mercantilism of the financial/banking sector and wasting billions of dollars on trying to mitigate climate change, I do start to mind. Effort has been focused on trying to give people the knowledge of detrimental effects.

    I do think socialism, fascism, mercantilism, etc. are philosophies which lead society down the path of misery and should be attacked vehemently when ever an ideologue appears.

    Advocating and debating for anarcho-capitalism is just a bit of fun due to it being an intellectual exercise. With people such as yourself around the place, it makes the process all the more interesting.
    I am not too sure about the guy's motivations. It is obviously a game and the only way to win is to not play. Regrettably, the insecure among us seem to like to go along with the madness. Probably because someone is recognizing that they exist.
    A number of years ago Lyra was pretending to be a 14 year old girl in a homosexual relationship. Pretty strange stuff.
    Copper bushings would suffice though I'll be using replaceable steel ball bearings and spray on lubricant if it starts to stick, inside the servos the gears are typically made of super tough karbonite, steel or titanium, even the nylon ones last well. Generally speaking machines that need serious oil or applied grease are heavy duty or with long duty cycles, whereas something like a cordless drill will be used until something fails (which may take years even with daily use) at which point it'll be replaced entirely, and since my bot will be a prototype I'll probably be making all kinds of upgrades and tweaks as I go, I.e. more stuff will get broken by me fiddling with it than it being worn out in the machine itself.

    Yeah :o
    Yeah, some people will use someone's motivations against them. By saying I have no opinion on the matter, but am looking to expose flaws only, some might use that to manipulate or think I am being dishonest in not presenting a view they can attack; for example, such as suggesting that if I have no opinion, nothing I say matters or that I have no ground to voice an objection if I don't have a stance of my own. That I'm attempting to deny any full truth of everyone's arguments (which would probably be true to an extent) ... and other such things.
    Please forgive me. For the time being I am dealing with the effects of long term sleep deprivation. My flat mates like to "party" a tad too much. They don't fulfill my request to turn off the music by 11 pm. Instead the music continues until 4 am. I will have to solve this problem or what is left of my cognitive faculties will vanish. Yes, there will be blood. Well, or at least talking to the landlord.

    I think I became a sort of masochist for truth very early in life - and attained a sort of pleasure from realizing sobering truths. And after I attained one specific truth, which is that feeling sorrow toward any Truth is itself a subjective reaction to something objective, I was able to deconstruct it and respond to truth in whichever way I desire. Mostly I feel awe, smallness/meekness, and perhaps even a tinge of love for it, now. o.o
    Well, the thread was written in september, and we've been together since about october.
    (err, i'd rather reply here to you rather than sharing personal information in the thread >>. not that i understand why you're even curious!)
    He is very wise and disciplined to do so; the ego is an all-consuming, ever-growing danger to the well-being of the host. The ego is perhaps a more potent distorter of reality than many hallucinogenic drugs. He knows he's not nearly as altruistic as you perceive him to be. INFJs are very aware of the ideal and we constantly compare ourselves to it, and promptly see how far short we fall. This is why many of us have low self-esteem that we may not even bother, unlike the NTs, to thoroughly cover up with arrogance.

    Are you saying that you've pretty much bypassed emotion as a way to deal with emotion? You must see how it's bound to blow up in thy face, thence. That seems a likely story for a young INTP, though.
    Ah, yes, Radiant Shadow is quite impressive, though he's loathe to accept compliments. I don't know if you've noticed; it secretly cracks me up.

    subwayrider's angst, eh? lol

    How's your life?
    To tell you the truth I've been wanting to learn how to sail a boat. Not necessarily a whole yacht but maybe a nice little catalina. How did you learn? Did you take a class or is it a family tradition? There are several yachting clubs that teach sailing if you join their clubs. I could then sail up and down the Pacific Northwest of my country. It's sort of a day dream of mine.

    Also, just out of curiosity on how the various forum members see me, how old do you think I am? Roughly? I've had some call me old, young, male, female....apparently I'm not easily pinned down.
    Certainly! Sounds like a capital idea! I'll get drunk and you can actually sail this little thing. I'm not so good with things like...ropes...and sails...and stuff :D

    Also, you don't have to drink if you don't want to but keep in mind that in many countries 16 is legal drinking age. Though I know what you are getting at. In our country 21 is the limit...seems kind of silly that an 18 year old can die for their country but they can't drink yet. Oh wells.
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