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  • The AI is the easy bit.

    Go study the skeletal structure of cats and ball jointed doll articulation, then draw for me what you want your kitty to look like, with articulation, on 1mm graph paper, from several angles and with precise markings for the centre of each ball joint, and for best results figure out the degrees of freedom so you cat is able to move in a cat-like way.

    Now go study how cats walk, run, jump, turn, sidestep, etc, in detail, so I can design the analog circuitry that the AI will use as an intermediary between its perception and interaction with the external world.

    If I stop what I'm doing now I might be able to start construction in six months, maybe.
    Compared to other animals our hardware is much the same, it works the same and some species have relatively more processing power than others. Relative because many species of whale have brains larger than ours, but they're not smarter, they need big brains to deal with the complexity of their big bodies, indeed by comparison of body size to brain size ratio humans have freakishly big brains.

    So aside from that ratio there's also the size of various glands and brain regions, which in terms of software is essentially the same program running with different settings, so fundamentally we're all pretty much the same, it's just that deferent species have brain's optimised to perform different tasks.

    Of all the species on Earth I'd wager we're the most Machiavellian.
    There is no should or should not, but as for what I will do... I do what I want to do and my desires are mercurial, or rather I have few and those that I have I can do little about, except continuing to work on my robots.

    I'm ashamed of how little effort I put towards them really, I spend more of my time in bouts of depressed apathy than anything else, and the drinking doesn't help either, too many weekends spent alternately drunk and hungover.

    It's like I'm in a long dark tunnel and the light's too far away to see, but I got to keep moving, even if I'm crawling I gotta keep going, I can't stop, must never stop.
    Oi. After all these kagillions of months, I thought you were female until I was informed by (Mr.) Wisp. Veh. >.<

    Er, just thought I'd let you in on my surprise! Toodles.
    In terms of MBTI I have not been up to that much. I guess I always try to refine my understanding of people, but not in any meticulous manner. But interesting that you have a feel that you now know what all types look like! Would love to have a little chat about that : ) . Otherwise I guess I am trying to be busy with studying : p
    Haha your final conclusion betrays your inexperience with the enneagram schemata as a growth tool. the fact is you do have an ego structure and it conforms to the enneagram in some way. It doesn't matter if you "highly doubt" it...that's the way it is haha.
    The focus on "innateness" seems silly to me. The ego develops around age five in response to unmet needs. There could be a genetic or spiritual component but, absence of such, doesn't undercut the enneagram theory.
    "I highly doubt the enneagram is anything more than nine arbitrary behavioral categories people fall into. In other words, one is only an enneagram type so long as their temporary life conditions sustain certain tendencies. It is nothing innate. Only contrived dichotomies which could have included many more Numbers or some less - should the creators have fancied such a thing. Thus being any one enneagram means nothing... o.o"

    That's incorrect. The enneagram was streamlined by Oscar Ichazo but the enneagram's spiritual roots are much deeper. The enneagram accurately depicts unconscious motivations and the defense mechanisms of ego structures. You will experience a different reality by moving towards your integration point.
    here's a recent post haha. one of the things i would like to do is comprehensively bridge the enneagram and mbti. i can't help popularity. ;)

    just to put this in perspective haha i'm writing a book on the psycho-spiritual aspects of enlightenment. i really don't care if it sells or not. if it does, cool, if not, i still got it out there. :D
    popularity? maybe you're right. i will check how much traffic personality junkie and celebrity types get per day/month haha. i'm not sure popularity matters all that much to me though. what would the site do? you seemed to have some ideas a moment ago haha.
    Hello Auburn :) It's been some time since I've talked to you, and I wondered if you were still working on your typology project with your friends? (if yes, how is it progressing?)
    The plot of the story leaves me profoundly unsatisfied, it's like a three act play missing the third act, I can only assume that Ewald's death was itself the third act, that this is the folly of a man who would die for perfection, the symbolist point being that perfection cannot exist in reality and so by attempting to take her home he inadvertently ran headlong into death, reality necessitating her death, her death necessitating his.

    Reminds me of something written on the project Aiko website:
    "The Japanese are obsessed with perfection. Living in Japan when I was young, I always admired this quality and tried to be perfect in everything I did. However, as I grew older, I realized that nothing in the world we live in is perfect. If something is perfect, then there is nothing left for us to do. There is no room for imagination, no way to gain additional knowledge or grow. For inventors such as myself, if we make something perfect, then we have failed because it will not have created inspiration in others. It is my goal to create a humanoid that is more wonderful than anything before, but there will always be space for improvement. Aiko and the BRAINS software will never be perfect, but I assure you, it will always continue to develop, progress and mature. Aiko and her software have almost limitless possibilities."
    YES! physiognomy.me is how it is now rather is rather superficial but the core of it can accomplish great things. I wish you could see that. I think Adymus sensed this and got afraid, but I have no proof for that claim XD
    "for every individual statement Adymus makes, it must be analyzed for truth on its own merits."
    Sure, but you must understand, that how he defies physiognomy.me, may be legit. But it also defies Pod'Lair. Actually, it defies typology in total. BUT!! He his arguments are fully out of context thus not valid. You can't say An apple doesn't fall from a tree because we humans have no true objectivity. And such arguments, is all he makes. "False Guru" Arguments.
    I tried to open a rational 'on their level of communication' discussion, but they have blocked me from their youtube page. I suppose, they really are... Afraid of the truth.
    He's nothing but a false guru, Taking things fully out of context and then applying truth that doesn't apply to the situation to win an interpretation of the discussion. You are an INTP and he is fighting you by saying that with being Ti dominant, Typology does not exist. That all while that is fully beyond his principles that conveys that people are not as limited as Jungian typology grants them to be. And that against what he stands for that a personality type is not changeable. Do you sense the foolishness and hypocrisy already or do you need me to come down there and whipe your ass as well? cmon..
    Auburn, I wish to hug you as long as possible, just to express my appreciation.
    Wow, I figured out why I felt familiarity with the avatar from before, the one you suggested a long time ago.

    It's similar to this album art:
    It was an album I was listening to around that time.
    I can't decide whether to change my profile pic to this:
    Or this:
    Or not at all.
    So is that reply coming anytime soon?

    I think I remember how communication ended the time before last :p
    Vehhhh.... >.< .... *calms down*

    .... To be quite honest, I actually don't know what anime this is from thanks to Google images. .....
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