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  • Yeah, God would've been too dogmatic. It's funny how accurate Blob's part was, I could actually imagine it been him. I'd include others also, but I don't know everyone that well.
    Wow, Puffy....congratulations, I didn't expect any less from you though...;)

    Nah not stressed, just tired all the time. I'm working long hours and have been doing weekends in the field, it's quite cold work + 10/11 hour days and driving home at night. Almost fell asleep at the wheel one night, pretty scary.

    Yes, Australia is mostly vast space....only one doesn't get to see much of that as most people live closer to the coast. But the Alpine area is quite vast, and very interesting.

    Hehe....I tend to stick to concise unblathering when it concerns my travels too...it's hard to describe to other people...experience is such a subjective thing (shock-horror). I will check out your pics now :)
    I just picked up that book today actually, so I've just started on the first few pages:) Fascinating that you, among all others, would be reading that too:) I think you're right. I don't think that it's well known at all 0.o It has 33 reviews on amazon, most of which probably study some related subject at some university. How far are you into it? Is it a tough read?
    Perhaps you and I aren't that far from each other in terms of where we are at in life. Not that I would know.

    I'm not sure regarding england. English comedy holds a dear place in my heart. Both me and my dad are cynics and we both frequently make use of irony. He is happily a cynic and wear it with proudness, me, not so much so anymore.

    Regarding posting, I have the same experience. You are only talking to yourself most of the time. Everyone is. It seems like a waste of time.
    Well, yes, I haven't been drinking much lately and I've experienced a dwindling interest in posting, or visiting this forum:/ (any forums for that matter, but this is the only forum I've been using during the last years)
    No, I'm tired of irony at the moment:P Sometimes I think of irony as a self-protection mechanism too often relied upon preventing genuine conversation. A cynics most trusted tool.
    Thanks, I think I'll watch it next time I'm in the mood for a movie. Yes, I think I might have recommended you blue velvet once. Ironically, the David Lynch film I recommended to you has become your favorite, while your Lynch recommendation has become my favorite (by far).
    Hey Puffy :)

    I am good...just flat out with work and stuff. My pic was taken in the Australian Alps...yes the ALPS of Australia. About 1700 m above sea level, there were these beautiful ravens hanging out, so I took a pic of this one while I was having some lunch.

    I would like to hear more about your trip....and see some pics! Death zone? What is that? You obviously survived?!

    Erm....the I Ching. I will have to get back to you on that one. PM coming up in hopefully not too long.....

    *shrivels into little ball of guilt* :kilroy:
    The one Cognisant posted is made by another. "The comic updates Monday to Friday and is drawn entirely in MS Paint"

    I made some edits to the one I posted, but it's mostly from another also. I see it as a template for the comic if it ever started.
    I'm not much of an illustrator myself, but I thought maybe someone around here with a talent for design would be up for comic practice.

    Also, I remember that Cognisant made a thread a while ago about a forum DIY comic. I think it would be cool for the intpf community, if more than a few people were involved. That way one person doesn't do all the work. I'll probably add to it occasionally.
    The idea was pretty funny. It shouldn't be a priority however, especially if it seems like an obligation. This being the interenet I really wouldn't expect that. Nothing wrong with it having been a momentary thing.

    I know a lot of stuff from his works from various readings, especially because he frequently revisited ideas(e.g. archetypes, individuation, the unconscious) though Psychological Types and The Red Book are the only books that really interested me. Haven't heard of Koestler, but I'm aware of synchronicity and the dream analyses Jung performed with Freud.

    Which experiences of yours do you mean though?
    Apparently my advice on the I Ching takes up more than this little comment box allows. I will send you a PM.
    :p If the target audience are procrastinators themselves, they wouldn't mind.

    How do you find your passion if you are a naturally dispassionate person? Hah. I get what you're saying though. I suppose I could use general motivation more than a specific passion, since I have no problem working in a field that isn't something I desire, as long as it utilizes my natural skills and talents it would be fulfilling enough. Yeah I've casually experimented with electronic music, but I don't think it's something I want to pursue. I'll figure it all out in time I suppose.

    Southern California doesn't really get any snow, especially near the ocean. I've been to Nevada, Washington and Florida, still no snow however.
    Nice, and I really like the first two photos. I've yet to go somewhere it's snowing, even though it's something I've been wanting to do for the longest.

    I graduated high school in 2010, since then I've been alternating in and out of college for several reasons but mostly a lack of motivation and direction. I assumed Electrical / Electronics / Telecommunications Engineering (also Law) is what I was fit for since I love working with computers and other technology, but I realize now the actual discipline and higher-level knowledge and skills involved.
    Well, an ESTP has the same four top functions as an INFJ but in reverse order. That's just something to ponder. I haven't looked deeply enough into the matter, particularly Burroughs the man, to develop a nuanced opinion either way. On a more abstract note, however, introverted intuition can basically be conceived of as this panoply, rather visual assortment of motifs. The Hail to the Thief album cover tends to convey what I mean especially well. Yes, As I Lay Dying is definitely solidly within that period of core Faulkner. There's an excellent biography, One Matchless Time, about Faulkner, with exegeses of around two dozen novels, by Jay Parini. I actually own that one because, one, it only ran one dollar and, two, it provides ongoing references and explanation to Faulkner.
    Another worthwhile book on Faulkner is Stephen Oates' biography. Although a little more pretentious - Oates is an academic par excellence - the writing is pretty top notch but, regrettably, the literary analysis isn't as trenchant. At any rate, and especially if you like multiple, complex narration, perhaps you should graduate to Absalom, Absalom! eventually. Faulkner has some rollicking, gothic, understated novels too, like Wild Palms, Sanctuary, and The Hamlet; The Hamlet is one third of the Snopes trilogy. You describe the temporal and experiential differences among narration well. I suspect this ilk of writing and seeing reality has something to do with introverted intuition. Both Faulkner and Kafka were probably INFJ personalities; although Kafka may have been INTJ. I love The Castle and The Trial...Kafka almost made it into my top five but he only wrote two great novels, dismissing Metamorphosis as non-novel, which made Kafka's possible inclusion promissory and provisional.
    That's all right: I haven't met an INFJ yet who wasn't loquacious when turned on. Yes, that characterization of most Burroughs fans (i.e., hipster-wannabe douchebags) snugly applies to my experience as well. It's that particular brand of hipster with an abundance of intellectual striving and little insight about it. Hey, what type do you think Burroughs was? You seem to be in a unique position to judge with those six hundred pages of interview material under your belt. Anyway, I also enjoy watching and reading Burroughs' interviews, and I definitely agree that Burroughs was deliberating attempting to expand consciousness en masse, or at least among his ever-growing reader demographic; the Orgone stuff is rather eccentric. And, yeah, Cronenberg is basically an iconoclastic genius, what else is there to say? For the record, I do not consider you a hipster-wannabe douchebag...you are a hipster douchebag...just kidding! :king-twitter:
    no, outside of typology, my knowledge of jung is very superficial. i have only general knowledge of the concepts which you can hardly avoid, like shadow, synchronicity and archetypes.
    What are your three favorite William Burroughs novels brother? I read Junkie years ago, and Naked Lunch has been staring me down from the bookshelf for a few months. As an aside, my life is an aside, Naked Lunch is a weirdly engaging Cronenberg movie.
    It's very surreal, I think I understand what you mean there. I'm not sure why the second guy's work wasn't acceptable.
    I looked up some more in google image search. It seems like mostly mindless violence and vulgarity which I can't really say I enjoy, especially with little context.

    There are exceptions though, like Superjail! and Happy Tree Friends, some older shows too like Celebrity Deathmatch and Ren & Stimpy.
    Perhaps just plot colors along a two-dimentional axis of Happy - Sad, but then again, it should perhaps be a tad more nuanced to make it more interesting. We would have to use some existing model of basic emotions most suited to our use as a foundation. Tiring though. I don't know at all times what I "feel" and would have a hard time bracketing them in either wonder, love, hatred, desire, joy and sadness to use Descarte's model. I'll see if I have some time to devise some scheme after I'm done with my exams:) After all, there could be more unproductive ways to spend your time ...or wait.. :D
    Congratulations on having finished your bachelor:) We are pretty much in the same boat, except that I have one or two classes left. I will not take a master yet however. I'm planning to start a new bachelor in the computer sciences (something I can do in no more than two years.
    Yes, the color thing would come off as a tad distracting wouldn't it?:D I like your idea of putting it in brackets even though it would't have quite the same effect.I can understand your objection to categorizing emotions, but it doesn't seem avoidable.
    Maybe we could make them as vague and as overarching as possible and instead rely on text for further precision if one so wanted (or by means of numerical codes in addition to color).
    I came back randomly. I seem to remember having cleared intpforum.com out of my history, but somehow it turned up I guess?

    I came back here.... I guess because I'm not done here.
    Oh no..nothing worse than avicide in your own backyard. The neighbour's cat killed a native dove in my backyard...I'm positively fuming at their ignorance (it's easy to get a bell, you know). I'm considering felicide....:beatyou:

    No rat-assing for me just yet...how about you? I did, however, have the amazing experience of seeing one of my favourite bands live last Friday (The Brian Jonestown Massacre). Had to drive 8 hours in total and back to work without much sleep in between, but it was definitely worth it. The delirium that results from insomnia could almost be said to have an intoxicating effect. I had one drink, and it seemed to strangely "sober" me up....:confused:

    I shall get back to my humdrum assignment now (another late one). A PM is hopefully not far off...
    *looks guilty*

    My P'ness has taken over my world lately, hence the extreme absences...mental hibernation. I'm just not doing anything I should be doing.

    I'm living the Douglas Adams quote: "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

    Oh I am very familiar with rushed conclusions :D...it's funny how they can be quite brilliant or disastrous depending on the moment of inspiration, and the five minutes it took to write them...

    "I saw a rat once; I had been chucked into a bush by some rat-assed pals, and it scampered - not ran - across me, trailing some kind of indelible shit over my chest."

    Erm.....across your chest. (?) It makes me wonder why you may have been in the horizontal position near said rat, in the first place.....:confused:
    //You know what Puffy? We should adapt a secret color code scheme (ie. red - angry, purple - melancholy) which is to be used in every post we make on this forum for us to know the mood of the other posting. It would be a fun intercontextual, meta-comunication game of sorts, or whatever you call it, between the two of us! We could also use it to trace, not only our thoughts (as they are presented on this forum) through time, but our emotional states as well and how they impact our writing/thoughts! (I wouldn't be surprised, however, that, for instance, if the color blue represented "meh, I don't particularly feel anything" that it would constitute 95% of the posts made)//
    embuzzled? Why if that isn't the cutest word I've read, I don't know what is! I think multi colored and varied smily usage (all positive of course) suit you really well!

    I've always found it easier to become all fuzzy and merry-cherry in private as well! :D in isolation that is.
    Total, merciless, isolation..
    .free from people... caring, loving, people..
    from friends...
    from family - mother, father, brother..
    from a nice, understanding girl.. from.. from....

    *starts sobbing heavily*
    That sounds pretty cool, I had a similar idea to have a room completely covered with luminescent paint/paintings, with maybe beanbags for chairs, and running music in the background, it would be sort of a stress-free chill out room.

    Never heard of Wyatt before, but I really like the sound of this one, very immersive, and jazzy. I wouldn't mind hearing more of him.
    Awww:) He is still here Puffy, only slightly toned down and wearing white:) Taking the form of someone with such a positive, all loving/embracing attitude - childlike in quality was quite liberating and felt really good. Why can't you, dear puffy, try dressing in pink and start spreading some love and color on this forum? If only for a short while:) It is a suiting reaction to the appearing to be but really isn't, emotionally lacking, or sterile environment that makes up much of INTP forum. Worshipping the concept of objectivity, trying to portray themselves according to certain norms derived from ideals currently in fashion, where the use of smilies is frowned upon :( , where opinion makes one scoff, where emotion is enemy (how ludicrous!), and where the color of pink is a cardinal sin.

    To please the intellectuals, you can call it post-romanticism! XD
    I could see that, I was thinking they were pejorative monkeys for not observing proper procedures.

    I finished watching the whole thing and yea it was too abstract for me(I'm guessing it would be a better experience with drugs with all the raw imagery). With the music it wasn't too bad to watch though, kind of hypnotic(dozed off twice about 50 minutes in actually and am now relaxed). The beginning was like what I imagine to be the experience of birth, and for some reason I liked the green filtering.
    Yay! Congrats, how did you go?

    Mine was fine, just a whole bunch of boring graphs and tables supplemented by some rambling on my part.....

    How about rat-assing?

    I'm literally going to get a rat's ass tonight...there is one in my loft and it's making a racket every night, gnawing, scratching, running, rummaging....it's driving me insane!

    Got a ladder from work, and my boss insisted I take the large trap......:phear:

    I am having ethical issues.

    I mean......

    But I need my sleep.

    I couldn't imaging trying to catch the thing, pack it into a box and driving it ten km's out of town.

    Oh, dread.
    I've read Watchmen, but will be adding everything else you mentioned to my to-read list for sure. I am in a similar position in that it has only been recently that I have started reading comics regularly. If you find anything of particular interest let me know! Would be glad to read it.
    Yeah Del always made me smile, the parts where she was "walking her fish" were great xD I've read a few comics, I'm a particular fan of Deadpool and I've read my fair share of X-Men. Transmetro isn't bad. I want to read Preacher, I've heard good things about it. Also, yes, my avatar is Scott Pilgrim. Any other comics you would suggest?
    Del from Sandman? Definitely a great character. I like Death best myself, but Del is a very close second.
    Haha....and I thought stalking was bad...:phear:

    A decent reply to your very amusing and entertaining pm should hopefully appear some time next week (as I need to spend some time recovering from a rather nasty flu...)

    -Not sure what I like about the English either. Nice accents? Funny historic attitude of superiority? The sortof strange paralells whereby a 60 something old English lady can occassionally say something in exactly the same tone and intention as a thirty something rough nut English builder and vice versa. All those brilliant writers and actors?
    -It just might be too indy! I got my first rejection recently, as they didn't want it for the magazine I entered for. To be honest I never really imagined it would make it, for me the achievement was putting together something I was (originally) happy with in such a short space of time in order to put forth an entry. I have failed at that multiple times. 0-0
    Although I can't deny I would have been happy had it been accepted. XD

    -I have no idea really. I guess it's like when you enjoy a particular style of music. Not because you lived through the era that birthed it, or that you fully understand it, or even that you can emulate it.
    You just feel it speaks to you.

    I enjoy the language, the culture, the history and the landscape. That's it really.

    -No idea what Black books is/are. Elaborate.
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