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  • Try biking or running to relax, and escape into a world of pure imagination. Think of cool things, like a T. Rex piloting a fighter jet through a black hole, or shooting a Gatling gun that shouts other Gatling guns, or jumping to the moon! Let your intuition roam free, and you will reap the spoils. :)

    If your thoughts return to your problems, then force them away, saying, "I will solve these problems later; I need to relax right now," and keep the flood of intuition going. Just go from one thought to the next without regard for reason and sense. Then, after a definite time, return to your work refreshed.

    Websites, cars, quite a workload! No wonder you sounded harsh a while back-- I should have noted that as my reason for asking earlier, D'Oh! :) Carve out time to chill out despite all the work, though. You'll need a clear mind to get through it all. And as for being misunderstood, who's misunderstanding you?

    Regarding own8ge and me, I feel frustrated. He's so emotional that I can't reason with him. Any ideas?

    An electrical engineer eh?
    Can I pester you with my dumbass questions?
    Have I pestered you with them before?
    A word of advice: The unnecessary blow falls instead upon its sender. Provided that the aforementioned idiots' ideas remain their own, ignore them. And when they cannot be ignored, idiots who control the conversation will either eject you or leave before you can convince or discredit them. Yet most importantly, even when you can speak truth to others, opt instead to write: the pen, when reinforced by evidence, is mightier than both the tongue and the sword.

    If they voice an objection, then judo-flip them with this: "I'm trying to protect everyone else from your errors." This gives you an unassailable moral high ground because if they say that they've made no errors, then you can either point the errors out or just call them presumptuous, and if they say that no-one is in danger of being hurt, then you can either say that "If the result of this debate won't affect anyone or anything, then why are we having it?" or "Aha! Now the charlatan shows his true colors: He takes no stock in knowing the truth! And from this we can extrapolate that he only wants to spread his disease, his pack of lies; (turning back to him) why should we even bother considering the opinion of a liar and a charlatan, again?"

    You've gotta get low and get mean with idiots like these.

    Yeah, it's normally either two, or three parties with the third calling "plague on both your houses" while largely being sidelined by the other two.

    But I wouldn't characterise it as Liberals or Conservatives necessarily, like I said.
    Since the thread got locked...

    ... if someone drew those cartoon strips for art class, either they'd be tossed out of school and locked up as a threat, or they'd get a grant/job from some shock entertainment company and make a cottage industry out of it...

    ... or both.
    And this thread, http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=15343, greatly elucidates much better what I was trying to get you to talk about.

    "I'm not understanding your position on the scientific method well, in regards to changing/animate objects. But I think I see where you're getting at with the issues of psychiatry."

    ^ I gave an appropriate reply to the original thread.
    You've been here quite somevtime. Hmm

    That's why I said I could get into an argument about it. :P

    I don't believe "no one deserves anything". Considering what anyone deserves deals in arbitrary value and feeling estimations, which I have trouble with. The world is random and complex, sometimes you're just unlucky, and not everything can be achieved through effort.

    If I deserve anything, whether it's compassionate or justified, I wouldn't feel confident about it, nor do I have that confidence to make that estimation about others. Except for the rare occasions I'm passionate about something.

    I know you didn't mean it exactly in that context, and that's why I considered it unrelated. But I do understand what you mean, that if there isn't mutual acceptance/respect then it's unfair for one party to make a request on the other, thus they don't deserve what they request, or your compliance.
    I could get into an argument about that last part, but it's cool. I don't think you're a nuisance to the forum or anything like that I was just wondering about how you're doing, yourself.
    Alright. I'm not sure but it seems like it's alienating you from the forum, I don't know if you care about that but I know it won't help any frustrations you have about the forum.
    hey, what's up?

    I'm not really all that familiar with you, but I noticed you tend to pop in and out of the forum, and everytime seem to be venting some frustration of some kind.

    I'm just curious if there is anything behind it.
    Oh sweetness.

    You already have that power, you just need lose your inhibitions.

    I can help with that. ;)
    Ewwwwwww. Definitely not my type. XD

    I hope you got a gift receipt!

    I have no idea what he's holding either. O-o

    I'm guessing some sort of magic mushroom or carrot. Either way, DISLIKE!
    P-pet!? :o
    Yes please!

    Now just put these obligatory kitty ears and tail on. :D

    There! Perfeccct!

    Ahem. Now we just go walkies to the dark tower of malevolence and draw all the curtains!

    (I know my birthday is technically over, but hell. gotta get my gifts worth!:D)

    That's a nice late birthday present. :D

    (Where do you get these pictures? O-o Also, bondage<3)
    Oh I'mmmmm guna love yooooou, til the heavens stop the raaaain!
    I'mmmmm guna love yoooouu til the stars fall from the skyyy, for you and I!
    Aww, drat.

    I was thinking about your post, and how to reply. I thought it was a good question; probably actually one of the few "right" questions I've seen people ask pertaining to MBTI, getting at the core of the issue.

    Instead of all those questions about whether so-and-so type is the best at such-and-such activity.
    Yes, the whole thing is a paradox, so to speak. The acknowledgement that everything is subjective makes the idea of objectivity null. But then the idea that everything is subjective is subjective too, thus you can have objective reality again D:

    Yeah, nobody ever asks me about this stuff, so it's interesting to think it through, because sometimes I'm too lazy to think things through.
    Ah. Reluctantly.
    I hate to see you arrive, but I always luuurve watching you leave.

    *Takes photois with telescopic camera*

    You know I used to be a massive potter fan, and got less keen on it as I got older. One thing I never approved of was any of the 'pairings' people came up with.

    That however, is weirdly arousing. D:
    You bastard. Why did you change that naughty nun avatar?

    This is definitely a downgrade. Bad form.
    ld is the man, nice avatar. did you see last season's finale of curb with the quasi reunion of seinfeld?
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