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  • I'll be sure to buy my rounds from Ireland in the future.

    I think she dyed her hair, but yeah.
    Quite snooty, if I recall.
    Yeah, most Dutch people make English sound pretty damn goofy. Probably because Dutch is quite a goofy language haha. So I sound a little Irish? I always try to stay as accentless as possible, not English, not American, not Dutch, just... Neutral, haha.
    I can talk with a British accent if I want to, but for some reason it just sounds weird to not stay at least a little foreign... i don't know how to explain, it just feels wrong, it's like fooling people you're from somewhere else than where you really are from or so. But then again I don't want to sound like how most Dutch people speak English because it just sounds ridiculous... HMM. And thank you c: I would love to do something like that.
    your page has become a bit intimidating melly dear.

    How can you angst properly while retaining friendly relations with so many. :phear:
    If I were some average person, I wouldn't be able to drink. However, I sold him my soul. He gave me black magicks, the right to drink without being smote, and a rather nice pen in return for the wretched thing.
    Now, my only obstacle is the fact that I'm woefully underage.

    Damn you, Time. You restrict my rights now, and sometime in the (hopefully) distant future you'll bring an abrupt end to all of my schemes. I declare thee the bane of my existence.
    Once I find a way to fight an incorporeal law of the universe, I'll bring you down..
    Ah - think you might have the wrong guy. I had a look through my old posts because I was bored but couldn't see anything. I think I'll decide to believe you anyway - I am sorry (:
    Oh my.... how to combat such a fearsome and unemotional construct.... Wait I know *grabs random forum member* I will force him to imitate the FACE OF A SAOTOMEA. (If anything that should confuse and baffle robot face)
    Hmmm...? Oh I didn't notice, *whispers* ehehehe *USES THE OBLIVIOUS AND SLIGHTLY PSYCHOTIC FACE!* (Oh and you so can't do a bemused smile like I can)
    that's a high tech phone that can only be operated using purring sounds
    you won't be able to use it :P
    oh no! I'm being abducted!
    I have to do something about this..
    *took out phone and starts to google ways to escape*
    I think her sweetness is ill-founded. That's
    all, it has nothing to do with hoarding sweetness
    for myself. I'd rather not (;

    You know, Melk, I once stalked and followed a man
    to approach him. At least what I consider stalking.
    Maybe you need more of me in your life? :P

    I haven't beaten Dissidia, I could get back into that,
    yes. I could save myself some money that way :3

    Did you have to look twice at her?

    Your voice is better than thousands
    for games.
    You're probably right. My poor fiance does have to wash a lot of dishes. Also, I'm not entirely sure how he'll go about having children since I shall not be involved. Eh, I'll leave that to him.
    That's kinda what I don't like about
    her, her sweetness.

    They did go for spoilt aristocrat. You
    should start harassing game companies
    and sending them files of your voice.
    Eventually they will choose you to do
    a character ^_^ Maybe not one you
    may necessarily want, but still, I think
    you should!

    Find a real life Aeris Melk ♥

    Yep, that sounds like me. (;
    Lol, Irvine. The hat huh :P I do kinda
    like him :3

    I like Kuja more than Yuna. I actuallly
    don't really care for Yuna all that much.
    Which generally comes off as a bit of
    a shock, but I just.... don't. As for Garnet,
    I am going to take that as a compliment (;
    Kuja is nice. I like Kuja (: Especially his

    I didn't ever think you were angry and I still
    don't (:

    Quistuis really is. I find myself oddly attracted
    to her. I think it's the brains + strength. Plus
    I totally wish my hair looked like hers :P

    Aeris = intense. But in a good way (;
    Shiva is my favourite summon as well.
    She's just so graceful. I think that was
    the goal, though.

    Ooooh Quistis, haha. I always liked Squall.
    He seems so angry and apparently I find that
    an attractive quality? I don't know.

    I have played eight and up (:

    I may give seven a try. I've been wanting
    to buy a new game as of late. I've been
    thinking about this one that Fukyo sent to
    me, oh hell, maybe I'll be wild and buy seven
    and FUkyo's.

    I got really good at playing cards, it was my ultimate
    goal to get everything as well, lol. I was obsessed.
    But then when I play any game I like to achieve
    everything possible.

    I would leave it black and white. Colour
    tends to ruin things. And that looks good, thank you (:
    Why not?


    That's cool.

    I'm a bit of a perfectionist. When I start
    drawing something it has to be perfect.
    Makes it quite hard (; Unreasonable, even.

    Is this going to be coloured or just lead?
    Yes, I did.
    I actually thought about replaying it
    again about two weeks ago :P

    How did it turn out?
    Whiskey now!
    Prune smoothie later.
    *winks again*
    I'm gonna show you the time of your life, youngster.
    Geez.....am I so creepy I trigger alarm bells? Or were you the moderated one, I'm confused. I hate censoring. I know my horsing around is sometimes a little, well....on the limit of what is acceptable, but I like to push boundaries. I hope I haven't creeped anyone out. Although I think Cheese surpasses me in degrees of creepiness.....I adore hir for that very reason.

    And thank you for the clarification.......party of four or less.....I feel so old, sigh. The only game I play these days is Grand Turismo with my 21 year old nerdy mate from uni, bless.

    I'd still like to fit you into a test-tube, though. What fun I could have!
    I vaguely recall getting moderator-style messages from you the other night.......what was that all about? Are you a moderator now? And playing cruel games with sweet, innocent, little old Polaris by abusing your newly acquired power?


    Well hello, sailor.
    I was never one to say no to a glass or three. Mind if I take my teeth out, though?
    After a few drinks it becomes unsafe wearing them around young luscious boys like you.
    I'm not allowed to get married why exactly? Because one of us would be happy and you simply can't stand that thought can you? CAN YOU?
    Only the same one I've always associated myself with. He lets me stick grapes up his nose for my entertainment on occasion.
    I've recently found myself at a university a couple hundred miles (and halfway across the country, for that matter) so that's rather exciting.
    Etes vous?
    You're altogether too agreeable. I'm tempted to kick you because of how little I want to kick you.

    More Guinness for me, then.
    I wouldn't call it a shower of fire, so much as a torrent.
    Who could possibly go without admiring such a complexion?

    In direct response to your post, that wasn't the original concept behind choosing my name. Though I know cold is usually associated with an unemotional/harsh attitude.
    If this makes no sense, it can be attributed to the amount of dissolved ethanol I've consumed in the last couple of hours......

    *hides in the cupboard*

    -The Thing has over-powered me.....Oh dear, what have I created?! It has metamorphosed from flame and ashes.....I had no idea......

    -hang on.....

    *grabs a hold on her sickly self*

    -uh. Four or less....what does it mean?

    *contemplates chess pieces*

    -Less than four, let's see......

    -uh....your Queen is looking straight at my King...

    I'm beat.......by imperfection.....you're just too.....humane!!!

    I was aware already.....hence my feeble attempts at recreating the "improved version".....

    *peeps under bed*

    -There now......I know too well.

    Opens book....

    "Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He was a jolly little fellow. Until the World revealed itself upon his fragile being......there were monsters.....and no one to protect him but himself......"

    Lol.....my experiment has failed, yet again.

    I hereby destroy any Melkorlings created for my own bizarre and inane purposes......

    *produces petrol and flame-thrower*

    *terrible screeching and howling in the background*

    -Happy now?

    You're on your Own.

    *stuffs kitten-heads and puts them on wall*

    -my little Darlings.....let me tell you a story......
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