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  • Indeed! Santa's reindeer must be awful slow after all that eggnog I suppose they consume in your neighbourhood. :p

    I return to my chrysalis with wayward regularity, only to find I have to shed most everything to squeeze back in. That's what my shocking memory is for. There is no yesterday, only tomorrow.

    You're such a sweet caterpillar. I shall knit you a lovely pink sweater with little red apples on it. *pats*
    Barely thoughtful? Oh, you social caterpillar, you make me smile.

    If I acted my age I'd be soliciting you for - wait.... >> *coughs* Back-rubs, tea and bubblebaths?

    Consider yourself lucky I have the mental/emotional development of a 17 yr old male....


    Hey Melkor?

    You're as thoughtful as you are beautiful, m'dear. ;p

    You must ask Tyria about the ultimate evil fate that could befall our silver-haired hero. >>

    Also... if all those kittens farted. :x
    Nope, I just typed in killer robot into google and found this pic. Kuja? You identify with a villian?
    Simple to you, not to me. I don't understand. Safety is separate from attachment. But here this, would you be attached to the person who fed you when you were painfully hungry? That person served your value but why value things that promote your value?

    By "see", I meant what specifically? What are the patterns in "the things you like"?
    "Humans form attachments on the very important and widely abused element of trust."

    I don't understand. Based on trust? How is attachment connected to trust?

    Trust is boring to me by your definition.

    Have you studied the things you like? What do you see?
    you can try, but i'm afraid you'll find my beans a bit too salty for that...
    You need a horde of giant, derelict, purple-haired kittens to make a living home for you. You'd be warm, safe and tormented for as long as it took to smother you!


    I'm so tired. I'd hang around to play, but my inferior feeler brains can't take all the strain. ;)
    I wouldn't call it a pit. More like a giant hole in the ground. Nice avatar.
    Well, I never really thought about his type and just decided to look it up on a whim. It is definitely obvious now that I think about it.
    LPolaright means - LeftPolaright
    Left Polar Right as a nickname.
    The left polar of right more specifically.
    Which will basically mean that there is both right and left, both of them have 2 polars (which would imply that they are spheres) and I simply state that I am the left polar of the right sphere.
    But it could extend to that:
    left, right polar (as a sentence but originally it still looks like - "left - polar right" - as though I ask someone to look at the left and ask for the right polar.
    I'm completely lost. To all parts of your mesage.

    I am truly sorry if I made things worse at any time. *points to sig*
    I find humans horribly complex and everything else simple. Shall we swap minds?

    I have saved that adorable profile pic. *leaves feeler germs all over your page*

    (Honestly - when I collect all the best writers and lock you together in a castle until a book emerges, you'll be grateful I include Aphasia.)
    Quistis? o.O


    I'm pretty sure Words said at some point he was 17. And Feeler? Are we even talking about the same person?

    I have no idea what you're talking about, regarding brothers. :/

    Keep pushing the tiredness, till it falls down and dies.

    (funny to think of you having a sister.)
    Take me away from here Melkor-kun. The world's too complicated.

    Let's go to some sea-cliff castle and tell ghost stories. We'll invite Aphasia.
    It's a fool, you fool.

    And it reminds me of you. All pink and mushy, lying in a pool of watery bloody liquid. :p

    Actually, I'm almost on a liquid diet. You could help me :D

    I'm here for not very long, sunbeam.

    oh - I can msn for just a little bit, if you're game.

    Now please excuse me while I go beat the hell out of a sunbeam that didn't linger long enough. :pueh:
    Your profile picture?? I thought you were dude.. Seriously.
    I don't know. I'm confused. No offense intended though.
    A lot of INTPs have reported similar experiences, I thought.

    Although now that you mention it, that sort of behaviour sounds a lot like the INFJ Mia from the Princess Diaries. :D [NO I AM NOT A PUSSY MY BROTHER READ THEM TOO SO THERE]

    (Words? I wouldn't have thought you two would have anything to say to each other!) ("I want to HAVE WORDS with you!" :mad:)
    Apparently the pickings on that forum aren't too good.

    ENTP sounds likely as well. It's the tendency to see the world in narrative/archetypal soundbites that seems like Ni, to me. I saw the same thing in lor, but it's even more pronounced in you... perhaps you're really bitter, or playing off someone else though.

    (Honestly, I'd have said you seem more INFJ than lor, who I could quite readily believe is INTP.)

    Who else is with me on the INFJ front? Or is that private?
    What?? You come and reply to the message NOW?

    I had no idea what you were talking about at first, but knowing melkor... :p

    I don't really want to argue about confidence at the moment. Just think in terms of evidence and probability, and making decisions to take conscious attitudes in order to maximise gain. An attitude doesn't have to be solely dependent on external circumstance.

    Who else thinks INFJ? :D It's not your sensitivity. It's a Ni-ness that I sense in your words. You also seem to seek out interaction in a way that's different to an INTP. This could be due to several things though.

    I'm not at all 'confident' of my ability to tell INFJ from INTP though, and I don't really have anything invested in my accuracy. I'd be interested to hear any counters you have.
    You're a strawberry fool, my darling cuddly-wuddly cutesy itty-bitty wittle INTP...awwww......

    With non-stop Fe! :p
    Vaan? No. No! NNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    So I was wondering in a semi-related tangent, can you recommend Final Fantasy XIII? There's been a lot of talk about its linearity and I wouldn't mind that at all if the story was engaging. Well, is it? The battle system does look interesting but a whole game of just- wait... what the?

    NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!111!! VAAN???!! Oh God, why??!!!
    Melkor has a thing for blondes.

    Is this a Quistis cosplay?


    oh right. yeah we're fools nothing like INFJforum. Best to be one's own kind of fool.
    Yay! 2 votes Melkor = INFJ! :p

    Melkor my dear, I'm officially giving you control of my life for the next 48 hours. I sleep... you make all my decisions for me.
    Sorry for being so slow answering.

    Now, that's what I'd call an EPIC game. Final Fantasy VII had some pretty nice places, they would be wonderful in HD, don't you think? Aw... But they're just rumours... I want a trailer saying "Final Fantasy VII: Back to Midgar" or something like that. Oh well, they'm have to get it done someday...
    Lies! There are no INFJs with boorishly large personal space!

    We all take up as little room as possible.



    I am soooooo.... tired.
    Quistis is awesome; who else can whip T-rexes to death? She was by far and away the best of the FFVIII lot - shame she didn't have more screen time.

    Although I get the impression you're more of a FFVII person? Ultimecia could kick Sephiroth's arse any day. Plus, she's looking better than ever in Dissidia; be amazed by her CGI awesomeness!

    (Sephiroth displays some cool here - if only for punishing Squall.) ;)

    Dear child, you're slipping! The perfect opportunity to refer to me as old game, and you just let it pass! *tsks*

    Plus... "cuter albeit less practical"? Can you not see what a true feeler thou art? No one but a feeler would make such a choice for such a reason! Melkor, I declare you a closet INFJ! :p

    Where's my video!? Don't make me sit here and cry!

    Nice picture, by the way.
    I like what you've done to
    your hair.
    I told you quite some time ago that I joined this forum in order to have a better understanding of you when you insulted me.
    Which I'm not even sure you intended to do, I just interpreted it that way.
    Though I know you said it on purpose, but not to upset me. I just took it personally.
    If you change that avatar for any reason, you should be summarily dismissed from forum grounds.
    I'll be malingering around msn for an hour or two before I collapse this evening, if you happen to feel brave and chatty. I've discovered an old game that's addictive.
    Your reputation precedes you; but I'm glad you liked it (?). I imagined you singing that particular ditty about Lor: yes, it seemed very appropriate.

    You seem to be taking the news that you otherwise sound like an undead Rasputin remarkably well.... :slashnew:
    Sharing Tyria with you would be like... like... umm. oooohhh.... 'k then! *prepares to toss coin* Which half you want!? :D

    Oh! Timeshare? My bad :o
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