It helps to know what you really want or require, but how much can we know with our limited vision? We are inclined towards the present---a one dimensional POV---and, as a consequence, it becomes difficult for us to accurately evaluate importance. In addition to limited perception, our own habit of assumption bolsters the speed of our own ignorance. In this way, we blind ourselves...unknowingly. We fear not knowing anything, therefore, we make excuses and change reality to calm ourselves down; we fool ourselves into believing that we know, for our own psychological safety. In society, the government tells lies and the multitude believes obediently---not out of analysis, but out of fear for a worse scenario. They control the masses with knowledge of psychology.
I do not value setting goals but I do think it is universally helpful. That is, in the long run. I do think that you want to do something but, by time, you just don't know it.