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  • Correction: I never assume you're successfully trolling me.

    I do consider it though. But I think it unlikely. What's it to you, anyway? If you are, then you're simply successful. If you're not, then you needn't play games as they're meaningless to me anyway.
    Which characters did you 'enjoy'?

    On dreams, Does this 'nonsense' denote a negative?
    Not wait, it's okay, I'm still schizoid.

    Well offline, here I'm almost a normal functional human being.
    But I don't want to be! (whiny voice)
    Well maybe it's simply a totally natural drastic change. Or maybe you're opening up, or maturing, or becoming more serious, or whatever.

    Like before: the most recent period of seriousness. You broke out in a sincerity rash all over the forum. It seems more pervasive now.

    I can't read your mind you know; I'm an INTP (excuses lol) not a psychic ball.
    You're being sincere/not performing/past the shits-and-giggles stage. It's like before, only worse. Usually that sort of change indicates something amiss (to put it lightly) in one's life, whether or not the change is desirable.

    Paraphrase: Your unmitigated niceness is concerning.
    Aye. I have to be up early.

    I don't know if I can manage a real time conversation with another human being just yet. Take that as a compliment. If I wanted just to ignore my psyche and be entertained by jests, I would have sought you out. But seeing as I rather bear with this, and you have lost your taste for jesting, it has worked out rather well, I think.

    And did I imply you were not a treasure? There are more treasures gathered here on this wee forum than any other corner of reality. As far as my tiny perspective is concerned.
    'scuse... I has been wandering further reaches of the internet.

    um.... you know, That's perhaps the most un-melkorish thing I've heard from you. Perhaps.

    And indeed, I know torment. Mostly from my failure to be properly human, I would say. The finer points of humanity... windows... broken windows... does life still dwell behind broken windows? Where does it go if we burn the edifice and smash the glass?

    I'd better leave before more of this twee garbage escapes.

    Please be gentle with Aphasia, he's one of life's rare treasures. ^^
    Depends on the person and purpose. And actually, body posture, movement and facial expression are causally linked to mood. But I'm not sure of the effect in cases of extreme mood (very low or very high).

    What exactly is the problem?
    Long story short, I've had lots of stuff to do, and actually I still have lots of stuff I'm supposed to do, but I'm here anyway :p Kinda too busy to talk a lot, since most of my time is spent reading the posts.

    And I do remember you. A card-carrying, mustache twirling villain can't be all that forgettable, even if you're largely trying to kill technically invulnerable... things :)
    Oh well, I don't deal with it so well, but I guess not so bad either.

    Expectations and dissapointment... Such dangerous parts of social interaction, aren't they? I think we, as INTPs, don't expect that much in a way, for example, we usually don't expect someone to do something good for us, as other people do. But I think we create expectations in some other ways. I don't know, though, it might be just me... I just find my stupid teenager hormones too difficult to deal with. And rather amusing to play with my own mind and analyzing why I act the way I do.

    What about friends? Are they just acquaintances, or real friends? Considering a real friend as someone who you can talk with about anything. Or in the middle? I'm a little interested about how you live in real life.
    Well. Greetings again Melkor. How are your dreams? Did you like Deathnote?
    It wasn't really intended to help; just got caught up with the urge to link someone to a pop atrocity (albeit a catchy one).

    As for investment, I meant that I haven't a good track record.

    Concentrate on the shoulders melly, the shoulders. Nice and broad now.
    I didn't mean the pleasantries, but never mind.

    It may not be important to the conversation, but I am genuinely curious as to your state.

    Blah blah conversation blah, I'm not invested in your well-being at all blah.
    Average, with a little hint of progress recently - how're you?

    (Why do you start these conversations? Not that I don't enjoy them; I just don't understand them.)
    'tis lovely... and saddening.

    Persuades me to cleanse the earth of humanity.

    But then all the world is saddening, seen through the right (some may say - wrong) eyes.
    Yes, high fantasy would be the best descriptor of it then. It's an entirely constructed quasi-medieval world. I really should read Tolkien sometime.

    From your description, should I assume that you read books such as The Blade Itself and The Darkness that Comes Before? If not, I would recommend them. Especially the second one. It basically has most of the things you described, and as a result I had to put it down when my favorite character was killed in what was obviously the bloodiest way the author could think of.

    It was hard to keep up with, too. Very convoluted.

    Out of curiosity, how much/often do you typically write?
    Very shrewd...but if truth were just popular lies the concept of a lie would be meaningless would it not? :P
    Oh, I hope you are joking! With your album of pretty, androgynous guys in your profile I would think it'd be a compliment for you.. ;)
    Hey you, when am I going to be paid for hitting your profile so often and keeping you in the notoriety stakes lead?
    I could have swore I had replied to this... I must be losing my mind. O.o

    Well, it can be simple to misinterpret what is being said, especially in cases where I'm the one elaborating.
    I realize how inherently conceptually and abstract I store my ideas (frameworks and connections largely devoid of details or real world comparisons) and how that exhibits itself as unorganized thought in the situations involving portrayal of my theories and general ideas into interpersonally recognizable terms.

    I entirely blame the English language for not being succinct enough, but if you misunderstood something I said I would hardly consider it that unreasonable. :p

    Did I tell you that I recently realized that I know both an ENTP and a 'probable' INTP reasonably well in real life?
    Though it's far less intriguing than it likely sounds.
    Oh, I would, but the withdrawal would likely kill me as well as anyone within a fifty-mile radius. Assuming I haven't become so saturated in sugar that I dissolve first.
    All caps and bad spelling? Must have been Conan :D

    I must say though, that the image of your good self as the purple teletubbie has some kind of divine fittingness. :p
    Party? Dear god no - not one of those vile conventions.

    My idea of celebrating is to escape all humanity, throw myself off a cliff and spend the last moments of my life pretending to fly.

    Celebrating together is like, you know... running up to the giant's causeway on a cold windy, moonlit night... both of us shoving unconscious Cog off a cliff then playing rocks, paper, scissors to see which of us gets pushed after him by the other.

    Flyyyyyyyyy little birdie! Be freeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
    A swift kick to the gonads should set you to rights *clockwork orange boot to loins*. That somehow failed to wor...*stabs in heart and slowly twists the blade*
    Joyous is the day I find myself here in Melkor's profile! Scalpel in hand, an unconscious Cognisant littering the floor!

    Melkor, let us celebrate!

    yeah... I admit my appearances may be erratic, but sweet? How about bloody?
    Hell no, my hankie, but you can haz scalpel.

    *forgets what the hankie's for, blows his nose with it, then passes out because of the anaesthesia it was soaked in*
    I very probably left myself signed in while I left to attend to all those riveting tasks that mortal bodies seem to demand umm... attendance to.

    Ah, my dear Melkor... do I have excuses? Bend me your ear.

    *notices Cognisant* May I borrow your hankie?
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