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  • Thanks. I've been raiding DeviantArt for A Clockwork Orange themed stuff as of late. (Of course I had to change it before I responded (<-sarcasm), but my mood has changed with a bit of bad news, so...)
    19 Australia! Did you lie about your age when you were younger? (sorry for sounding creepy) but didn't find any 19 year olds in my preliminary search :P
    On a side note I have been curious how old are you? The only own8ge that seems to be in existence is 23 from the Netherlands.
    Is that your favorite kind of videogame? cod4? I don't know. I guess I thought it might help with me figuring you out. I hope you don't mind.
    I'm not sure if foreign functions are so ready to your consciousness, unless(I think) you have an understanding of the functions themselves. I think we do have some sort of original intuitive understanding of functions but I'm not sure if its enough to make ourselves have the capability to assign them as principles. Our default functions are the way they are because that's always where we land ourselves unto after perhaps excision of foreign principles. You can't be a non-Ne type;) if you keep showing manifestations of Ne. It is quite deterministic actually. There's strong discomfort against a non-preferred function and natural comfort for preferred function. I don't think principles can fight against that boundary... or maybe I just haven't known enough people.
    *scratches head* How do i put it... There's some negative history regarding podlair and some old members(long gone) here who I talked to frequently. They didn't fare so well after getting mixed into this stuff. They seem.. unstable. And I don't think you're in the right mental condition to handle new things like this. You have your own issues right? Anyways, Just an advice bro.

    About career, how about college or university?
    Hey, it's no problem. I think I get you. I'm caught up right now but I'll message you sometime soon.
    You make no sense. Either step up or don't. I'm not interested in convincing you to prove you're not incompetent. If you don't want to you don't want to.

    Claiming a test is too easy is no proof of competence. Rofl @ your comments though.
    Sorry dude. I don't really like to type random celebrities on the net. I don't even know who Fanning is. My EFP samples are primarily those around me. If you want a broader perspective of ENFP though, i recommend looking at Simon from Yogscast in youtube.
    I see. But if ever you're met with counter-data, you are welcome to consider the alternative I've presented. On the whole, I'm glad that you seem happy. Would be a waste to spend that brilliant mind in sadness.
    'truly *useful* people-reading is a very nuanced thing which is hard to quantify empirically, even if it is truth. both podlair and i suffer from this issue, the differences is i admit that people-reading isn't empirically provable atm, and make attempts to via the right approaches. they insist their personal impressions are empirical & capital-T truth.'

    Falsify or charlatan.
    How should i put it.... playfulness in general and playfulness in an Ne manner. P's are generally and quite apparently more playful than J's. Because you are an intuitive playful type, you can only be an Ne type. I mean I don't really expect seriousness coming from a guy whose name is "own8age." Also, playfulness varies in that Se types(which includes Ni doms) have their own type of playfulness as opposed to Ne types. Yours is certainly not of the Se kind, which is more represented by jokes showcasing vulgarity and sensory imagery, so it can only be the Ne kind. Ne jokes are more of the random, counter-intuitive, unconventional type. I think your humor sort of falls under that.
    Oh, yes.. physiognomy.me - heh. that project is discontinued. it won't accomplish much else.. but i still have my own personal knowledge.

    truly *useful* people-reading is a very nuanced thing which is hard to quantify empirically, even if it is truth. both podlair and i suffer from this issue, the differences is i admit that people-reading isn't empirically provable atm, and make attempts to via the right approaches. they insist their personal impressions are empirical & capital-T truth.

    it takes an assimilation of massive levels of information & cross-analysis of that information to weed-out inconsistencies until only the consistencies remain. i have actually succeeded in teaching this to one other person, though. but it takes time.
    Well... for every individual statement Adymus makes, it must be analyzed for truth on its own merits. That said, a lot of what Adymus says about the functions is accurate. A lot of what Podlair says about the psychic 'experience' of having that/a function, is also accurate. I judge these things as accurate despite whose mouth they're coming out of. Dispassionate Information.

    But most all that Podlair/Adymus says about saving the world, about the failure of Jung, about the inaccuracy of MBTI -- is aggrandized/exaggerated out of a desperate desire to contrast themselves from it. I also question their concepts of inspirational pairings, peak-pathway, and many of their facial reading cues too.
    I loved the spirit of your post.

    Also: "as you can't educate someone who can not <make> sense."

    That shit's funny :D
    you know this perpetual J/P discussion is extremely draining for me, so excuse me for not having responded yet and perhaps not responding at all (i've already started in my notes, but .. it begins to feels like a cubicle job)
    you know what? your profile picture (black jesus) looks like friggin bert hellinger. or will smith. enfp.
    2) when you begin to interact in this one world of your perception, you bring the extraverted aspect of it into the foreground of your attention and that's what you relate to. when you abort hasty interaction, and Pi is your default, then the subjective aspect will be immediately in the foreground. when you interact while and by means of consciously relating to the subjective aspect, than this is extraordinary and perhaps weird. it may look like sleepwalking, performance art, dancing in trance, or more simply: you are doing family constallations family constellations (he might be enfp using some transcended vision of NeSi). or you are just talking with someone, while speaking from subjective perception. but talking doesn't count as interaction with the world of perception.
    1) now the two perceptive functions are creating the world we live in. what we see is the comprehension of data, which was assembled through the functions. when you use introverted perception, you will be, to use your expression, 'in RAW mode'. this will affect your whole world. theres is just one world at a time. it consists out of both elements (like meaning=Ni and facts=Se), both aspects. but it's one world. whether in memory, imagination or in the eyesight. one.
    im pretty sure that jung intended typology to be as complicated as human being are. he was not a reductionist and was not interested in practical application of his typology, such as telling slaves in what position to work, based on test results. he used the typology for serious psychoanalysis. he would give instructions to treat people very differently, based on what types they are. for instance he would advise against trying to evoke someons shadow (for example the Fe of Ti doms) because this would create a psychotic "transfer", a relationship of dependence, where the client gives his responsibility away ...
    No derailment. I'm just waiting until something gels in my mind. I suppose there are many Ni people. My post came about from my experience with only two Ni's. I didn't mean to generalize to all of them, but if you can get across any disagreement with what I said ... well I'll look again.

    This may be an off the wall question, but do you see people as having all 8 cognitive functions or just the top four? My guess is the four we are not supposed to have we can experience consciously but only for a moment and then discard them due to the predominance of the top four.
    by artists i meant: highly introverted and by that i mean: capable of being theoretical for sure.
    Yeah. Hard for me to make sense of what you're saying. Hence no reply. But in MBTI's language, can you tell me what type you are if you know? That could help me.
    "If i am right", then you are either NiFeTiSe, NiTeFiSe, or any Ne dominant type. not that i have a good idea about who you actually are, but you seem to have a bad allergy against those who use Ti, to the exclusion of P, which is quite typical in T doms. calling them autistic .. i experience it the same way. entirely out of touch with perception ... very weird phenomenon. i have often had the intuition, that those who are the most out of touch with P are TiSe types. oh, and "if i am right" than it's quite silly to think of T doms as perceivers.

    (autistic delay)

    and Fe follows:
    oh, it's nice to be appreciated, thank you. :)
    Yes, its not objectve but i do think its feasible. I see that your trying to quick type...to the extent of factoring in glances. I think its a good direction. I think Quick typing is basically the same thing as what sherlock Holmes does, if you've read the book. Once you've met and typed a great number of people, i think you'll notice physical similarities and trends.

    I used to be very active on most MBTI forums, but I've settled here.
    Yes, I'm positive it is significant. I am not debating that point, I just want you to spell it out in words. :)
    Awww, thanks own8age. You're sweet.


    PS Not in the romantic way, I mean. Confound you, Fe!
    It's not that I don't see any intuitive "form" to your writings (when they are properly written) it's that I disagree with them. In other words, were you to say, "Full pails move slowly," in response to a fat person being hit by a bus, I would laugh at your joke (that fat people are too slow to dodge buses) but admonish you for being so cold.

    The problem, then, isn't that I don't understand what you say (usually, for sometimes you really do leave my head spinning) but that I disagree. However, I do sometimes disagree to such an extent that to avoid getting "sucked in" by your words, I disengage. It's kind of like an athesit reading the Bible: after reading twenty times he might start believing it.

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