Well, I'm an Ni-dom, so I see lots of possibilities, but the first thing I thought (somewhat defensively) was that you were accusing me of being somehow "Machiavellian." lol.
Then I thought, NO, that's probably not what he meant.
Then I thought you meant that GOD is Machiavellian.
Then I realized I was confusing Machiavelli's "The Prince" with "Candide"! lol.
Then, when I read your response, I thought you meant something along the lines of: "Hey Wonka, if you'd try to understand your enemy, you might find that you actually respect him."
At the moment, I think the last one is what you were getting at. But I think it's silly, and a misread of the whole situation.
And in the end, I'm just not sure what you were getting at.
And I really don't want to assume anything.