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  • Architect, did you try what I suggested? I think that may be the issue, but it takes some patience. We have checked the settings and there is nothing there we can do. I don't know if Fukyo has heard from support yet, but I asked today.

    What you need to do is avoid using brand names like Microsoft, Mac Os, Google, etc because that is what the filter is picking up on since you are using many of them in the same posts. Also, book links etc.

    Otherwise I think we'd have to create a new profile for you....
    sorry, I found that you had already talked about both the proper keyboards and the Dragon software after I had already posted
    Congratulations, glad to hear it! Keep going with it, you'll stop getting sick and you'll love it. The next thing is to keep an eye on carbohydrates. Fuhrman doesn't like grains, but I actually tried a pure Fuhrman approach (no grains) and it doesn't work quite so well. So now I just stick to steel cut oats and sweet potato in the morning, a little rice sometimes later in the day and that works great. I think he's amended his approach to accommodate a little grains as I have. The problem with grains is its too easy to let them take over your diet.
    I was going to wait (but ENTPs can't do that), but I've been on Fuhrman's diet plan for a week now (already been taking D, B, and Omega 3), and I got the INTJ mother on it too, hopefully will get the ESTP on it, but the dom Se might be hard to control lol, anyway not that I truly identify about caring about them, but maybe it would do something for my Fe, anyway, but by my own weight loss just each day/this week, i will be already at my ideal weight in <6 weeks

    just wanted to say thanks, you can add +4 (not that you're keeping count) to lives you've bettered via AA.

    (4, self and family)
    I have a small memory of that, I think because there's a lot of free time on that day and it's quiet, so learning more about being an INTP was on my list.
    I'm a cyborg, every waking moment of my life is being recorded.

    I'm actually not kidding on this, it's one of the experiments I'm running.
    The live human experience is far more entertaining and interesting to me than the previously written.

    what I mean,

    I hope you're tracking your development/process of turning yourself into a cyborg as much as possible. It will make for a good story.
    If you caught my response to your response to my "bad physicist" thread, I apologize for my rudeness. My attitude was unnecessary.
    Please do review the 2,000th post of your Ask Architect Thread. I'm aching inside! :(

    If she knows about typology maybe you could show her my luminous awareness thread? I think this may help her understand my peculiarity of writing? :)
    Oracle is my wife (an INFJ). I set up the account and have been typing her responses as she doesn't like to be on the computer. I talk about her so much I thought it would be interesting to see her responses to questions.
    I don't see why you won't have that. While I think there are philosophical issues to be considered in mind transference, in reality I don't think it will be an issue. What happens when you wake up from unconsciousness? A reboot.
    I will never be happy with our state of technological advancement.

    Knowing that I, of the present continuity, will never experience the freedom of having a digital mind that can be transferred, copied, backed up, and modified, has on occasion reduced me to tears.

    To see the global satellite network with near real-time augmented reality vision, to feel warmth through an IR camera, to watch global events in motion as dialogue changes throughout the internet, and so much more.

    I want it so bad.
    I joined not too long after it opened and grabbed the "Architect" name, after having been disappointed that some defunct user had it on INTPc. Didn't post much as I mostly on INTPc at the time. Left there about a year ago to focus my forum time over here.
    Just post it on the forum, if I find it interesting and have something to say, I'll add to it
    I will also quit spamming ya VMs if you so desire, however I just figured out something unrelated (but typology theory related) thanks to you and thd.

    -> I thrive having people to bounce my ideas off them, even if they say nothing, writing or speakig helps it go
    Since im on a 'roll' (jk), I imagine youve already considered, but inf s, besides everything anna and drenth have mentioned, also possibly correlates to some lack of fine motor skills (see sports/handwriting or anything related), of course I imagine it can be trained, just nowhere near as 'natural' as s dom/aux, unsure about tert s's at the moment. I have an extremely small data sample, one intj and one entp (two intps, but still its tert s) so ig if you know any inf s irl you could inquire
    :p way to be a buzzkill jk:)

    of course i agree with you, idk how crazy someone would go withot juat one
    Should look at the witch hunt thread, think you might be amused/interested
    (My way of asking forhelp, its WORDS! For gods sake!)
    Ah as if you weren't worshiped enough, not too (m)any would challenge your word on typing people! A lot more logical(reliable) than some *cough**cough*PL etc*cough* other places

    srs. that thread. hahah.
    Go ahead and use AA as that's the best place for it, you can't "spam" it with valid questions.

    Hmm, hard to answer in visitor messages, do you want to move this over there?
    Seeing as I don't want to overly spam Ask@Architect,
    I value(am jealous of) the INTPs, besides the obvious Ti dom, I'm actually speaking of being a (stereotypical,) introvert, being an N and an (stereotypical) extravert, you're pushed (by your being)to go deal with and meet people. But as you know 75%+ of those people will be S :/ i mean do you see the irony in that?!? The only upside is being that meeting more people (and tert Fe = can put up with a little more bs(people) than the INTPs inferior Fe) = hopefully higher chance of encountering other Ns... oh pros and cons...
    Yeah, it's annoying. I think he must have taken it to mock me or as a joke. Wish he's change it.
    Own8ge's avatar is making me very confused. I keep on thinking I'm reading one of your posts until someone is sanctimoniously declared an INFJ , then I do a double take XD
    I skimmed the spotting intuitives thread. Here's my $0.02:

    I find it is much easier to spot sensors because they grate me. I am just talking to a person and they reek sensor. It disrupts my internal harmony a bit. With an intuitive, interacting is more natural, so you are not conscious of their difference from you.
    Hmm I've been thinking about making a big post in the "spotting intuitives" thread but ran out of steam to finish my thoughts. I think that a lot of extroverted intuitives will be typed as sensors. This seems to be most common with ENFP's and ENTJ's I've found; the former because they often lack a way to express their Ne as anything more than what could be taken as Se observations or ramblings, and the latter because they typically have very well-developed Se that allows them to adapt themselves extremely well to sensor-dominated environments. I've noticed that ENTJ's tend to be guarded with their Ni around people they don't trust and default to Se and Te when around "simple folk"; my brother is an ENTJ and if I knew nothing about him I would probably type him as an ESTJ if I just observed him in almost any public setting, mainly because he doesn't often show his Ni in public, or if he does he condenses it into a frank statement.
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