I am most definetly a neurotic psychotic, which is working out perfect as always,my dreams are blending with my definition of reality and awareness,I have never really considered myself an outsider but I am usually on edge,most would have to agree that death is a necessity but everybody wants to be part of the solution but nobody wants to be part of the problem, do somthing right and nobody remembers do somthing wrong and nobody forgets,but I am friends with everybody. If only there was more time in a day or a lifetime for that matter,I could travel great distances in space to visit other planets or explore to my hearts content the wonders and beauties of our world or travels the realms of inner space and the astral dimensions spanning the enitre collective consciousness to give weight to hollow memories and solve the unfixable inextricable puzzles of the human spirit and use my knowledge to benefit the community as a whole and subsequently perpetuate the cosmic engines of my existance