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  • I'm fucked up. Spent these past few months in hedonism. It's quite rare for me to get visitor messages. Usually, I would have to start the conversation first. How you?
    Great, I've reserved a special spot for your walking chair near the forum fireplace :D
    What's the difficulty with this? Basically it's a recurring trend where I want to pull someone towards the "deep and meaningful" world of the IN, and simultaneously enjoy the sensation and validation of the ES world. The problem is - neither can last for any great extent. They need the constant dual stimulation of the F and ES world, so for them, I'm just another object. I need to share the my D&M side, but they're able to do no more than dip into it occasionally. Net result = frustration.

    I really am starting to think I'm fit for short-term relationships only. And that's not just romantic, but any relationship.
    You know what though I really do feel being an INTP is hard. I was friends (drinking buddies, mostly) with this girl at work for a fair while. We'd kind of get touchy feely each time at drinks and one day we eventually made out. I unfortunately got a bit emotionally attached even though she has a long term live-in bf of 7 years. Then I got mad at her after she became a bit distant, had a massive falling out, then recently made up again.... and made out again last Friday.

    Anyway I don't want to bore you with that story because I've told people enough lol. But, from an MBTI perspective, it highlights a deeper issue. Shes an ESF of some sort - I never thought about MBTI in all the time we were friends, but in hindsight I probably mispegged her as an ENF.
    Iceland... was never in doubt really. Guildford LOL there's a suburb in Sydney with that name, it's pretty much bum town lol. You'll also be pleased to know my normal quest is over and I'm more and more reverting to my usual self of thinking far too much and being emo all the time... so if we do meet up, we'll either have some intense intellectual discussion or I'll bore you with my tales of woe
    I got my leave approved :) 6 months starting December 2.

    But... I can't decide where to go :( and ideally I'd book flights by the end of this week. Nailed it down to Reykjavik, Barcelona, Bordeaux or Kastelorizo. They've all got pros and cons. I'd stay a couple of months in each, but I'm not sure whether I want just a long holiday, or to actually try and relocate...
    I just came by your profile, and I wanted to say, I like your biography! Alright, just passing through, have a nice day!
    Don't worry, if not I'll just quit. The 12 month thing is a bit of a facade anyway, I actually have no intention of coming back.
    I don't really want to do that much. I want to do less than I do now, really. Just a bohemian, non-material life

    I'll most likely do 6 months in Vietnam, then 6 months in Iceland. They haven't officially approved the leave yet though
    If you're right, I am due for one hell of a climax after years of doing nothing! :coverlaugh:

    And that sounds like the best band ever! God you're efficient :D
    Me, friendly :o Steve is his name huh, do you realise you just used a real name on a forum! Doing anything for the 2nd year anniversary? ;)

    Nothing's really new with me, I'm just trying to save up a certain sum of money so that when I finally decide on my grand plan, I'll have the means to go through with it. Knowing my INTP ways though, I completely accept that I may never actually decide on anything. I'm ok with this. I also want to start a band, a book club, and learn software engineering.
    How's my p-ness? Ah you know all the right things to say Alisa :p

    My boss called me the friendliest person she's ever seen. And she was serious. Something clearly not right there! Do you think theres any reason for your opening up? I think a sociable INTP can certainly look like an Enfp, at least in my case.
    I just posted a reply to you on my own wall :/ here it is

    :o (blush)

    How's things?? How's the INTPness?
    Low and lazy :)

    Yes I posted a couple of threads and got bugger all replies! Ah have I lost my charm? :p
    Go normal or go mad... they are both equally hideous. Thankfully the first is not possible and the second is not probable.

    Now where are those beers and cocktails? And yes I meant plural!
    Perhaps last week was a mirage because I have nosedived since then. Back to the depression thread for me I think. I don't know, trying to be normal and somewhat succeeding works and it doesn't. I probably had the happiest year of my life last year. I genuinely had freedom. But it's unsustainable. And that's my flaw. You'd think by 29 I'd have found some sort of balance.

    I don't actually do drugs! Well, unless you count beer and... well, beer. Hell I don't even drink caffeinated. But I like reading about how they work, I find it kinda fascinating. I mean we all know coffee gives you a kick, but why??
    Maybe its the beer and cocktails talking but I miss you just a squizzle.

    Um I had somewhat of a bteakdown!! Except it was a posituve, so could possibly call it a ... break up?? No that doesnt work either. Anyway I am happy enough learning about the biological effects of various psychoactive drugs in my spate time :D. Glad that you are well and have rorted the work-from-home system for all it's worth :D
    You really think they'd let me into England!?

    Not without ten thousand celtic warriors and a pool of animal blood!

    Aghh, it's okay. I've been bullied into something resembling a social life.
    Well alright, I usually only go down the road to buy drink, but I talk to people almost every day. D:
    Oh, don't worry. You guys have got a lot of Nothing so you should be able to hold out and make a profit before your site gets attacked for its dreadful lack of lesbians and kittens.

    I'm rooting for you.
    Haha, yeah, no problem.

    Say, you wouldn't have happened to restock any of those lesbians or kittens, would you?
    Oh haha, awesome, thanks. I was a little confused that it wasn't letting me log in at all.

    If I ever get some spare money I'll buy a couple shares of Nothing. I'm currently short on money right now, though, so I can't really contribute for the time being.
    you could quote the post, if you can make up a fake name next to it. i have issues with seeing my name in a public spot like that.
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