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  • Hmm, if you have the money i'd get the Aenima album, Lateralus is awesome as well though. Look up the songs Aenima, Schism or Parabol/Parabola they have pretty cool videos :)

    Enjoying the forum?
    Yeah, we say hella hella times. Good night, I'll be going to sleep too.
    Nope, I doubt a tsunami would be able to reach us. I'm more worried about there being like a magnitude 10 earthquake.
    Hah! Lost is cool. I never realized until recently that John Locke was actually named after the philosopher. I started a new book so I will probably just read that when I get home. Another hour and a half until work is done.

    Nice! Congratulations. :D

    Any exciting plans for the rest of the day? I am working on replacing a failed switch here.
    So, a black hole exists in the middle of every galaxy, right? Have there been any observations of when two galaxies collide? What happens when two black holes meet, do they just combine?
    Sorry about the questions, hehe. I am rarely on AIM either. Contrary to my demeanor in our discussion I am not actually all that talkative, you just fascinate me!

    Anyway, I better get some work done around the house. Have a great day!
    You used to dance? What kind of dance did you do? I dig your profile photo btw, it is cool.
    BSG RULES!!! I haven't watched everything out there of it yet though. I am incredibly curious to know whether intuition is truly programmable. I like programming, but I never got much into it, maybe one of these days I will get more into the AI side of things. For the moment there is just too much other interesting stuff.

    Networking tech is based around data transfer, obviously. I was amazed at how far down the rabbit hole goes in terms of routing protocols, error correction, physical signalling, multiplexing, fault tolerance, etc, etc, etc.

    What do you do for a job? No rush for the vids. I doubt I will watch the Nova movie until right before I read the book.

    I will study those links once I wrap up this book I am reading, I appreciate you providing them!

    Do you mind if I add you to my AIM list? I noticed that you have yours listed on here. Mine is neverami.
    Unfortunately there is little to no one that enjoys that in a broad sense where I live. I do have a group of IT administrators that I meet with and we discuss things, although I don't believe any of them are intuitives, my roomie may be an INTJ but he can't seem to hold a theoretical convesation on topic, he always gets side-routed with details, details, details and ignores the big picture. Perhaps that is a Ni thing, or perhaps he isn't predominantly intuitive.

    So, tell me of some interesting things you learned last night! That is, if you aren't busy. Please don't let me take up your time!
    Ack, this character limit is killing me!

    Our Threaded Case Study for college was to design a theoretical network/infrastructure system given a large set of conditions. It was REALLY fun, although I usually feel a bit embarassed saying that.

    I can see how required research in a typical university setting could be frustrating; although I don't know much about the atmosphere of them. One of my biggest problems in school was simply that there were MUCH more interesting things than what I was currently studying. I am REALLY big on surrounding myself with others that are intensely curious and enjoy theoretical conversations.
    That is AWESOME about your trip! I wish I could have joined you. The video is called "Parallel Universes," which is on veoh, they make you install a veoh player but I haven't found any detrimental effects from installing it http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/educational_and_howto/watch/v18403388DhPHaSqh#

    I am not sure if I have watched "The Illusion of Reality" yet, but it also looks interesting

    "Dangerous Knowledge" was interesting but I don't grasp the mathematical concepts of multiple infinities.

    Ooooh, I found "Elegant Universe" on google video! :D

    I only have an associate's degree in Computer Networking Technologies, but I agree, I absolutely loved my experience there, we had a great teacher. I really fell in love with networking technologies, especially since the jobs pay fairly well, REALLY well if you advance far enough.

    You are awesome! I will add that my list of books to buy! I watched a film on M-theory which was fascinating. Unfortunately, my math skills are nowhere up to par to understand it all from a logical sense. That is something I hope to remedy in the future!

    You will have to let me know how you enjoy your trip to the observatory! Being a professor at a University sounds like it would be REALLY fun, assuming you would continue learning and not simply dole out the same crap every year, after year, after year.

    Where are you attending college, if you don't mind my asking?
    BTW that trip sounds like a blast, I wish they had stuff like that around here! They probably do in Des Moines, but that is about an hour and a half away. Regardless, I should see if they do any of that kind of thing!
    Book is The Passion of the Western Mind. Astrophysics! Quantum Mechanics is highly intriguing to me but I don't know anything about it. Other than that I am fairly clueless of the topic overall! How are you enjoying your studies???

    I tend to perfer doing the dishes over doing laundry, but both are OK.

    Here is a link to the book, http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/586992.The_Passion_of_the_Western_Mind_Understanding_the_Ideas_that_Have_Shaped_Our_World_View

    It basically covers philosophical and theological progression of the west starting with Greece up to modern day. it is pretty high-level but it is great to understand the overall big picture for those of us with no formal education. I have really been enjoying the read and it opens up a lot of research paths for me!
    o_O What kind of lecture?

    I am plugging away at work waiting to go home and clean my messy room, then read! I have an obligation to finish this book this weekend, and do laundry....
    Pandivergent, spiraling towards the stars.

    I have glowing triangles for eyes, and they're casting spells.

    Feel the blue light explode inside your brain.
    Nooopppe, can't say I have.
    Though I should also add that the male mind has a much higher frequency of discovering (inventing?) inklings of indecency first!

    So trust me on this.:D
    I suppose I should be the first to tell you that 'unfold me' has certain, 'erotic' undertones that really don't go so well with this forums young,mainstream audience.

    I'm always afraid to say it. I know this one person who uses a short "i", and ends it with an "een" sound. For whatever reason, my mind's fallen into the habit of using either and I always just end up avoiding the word altogether to keep from mispronouncing it. :/

    So... I guess replace "everyone" with "me", because I seem to be the only one having any trouble with it, heh heh.
    I hate "Divine", no one seems to be able to come to consensus on how to pronounce it.

    I do like "Consensus" though, that's fun to say.

    Just thought I'd contribute. >_>
    Oh, I'm sure I'm much more addicted than you are. Hehehehe..
    The 'New Posts' section is AMAZING. My favorite part.
    Nerds are the best. Live it. Love it. NERDS!
    Yes, this is true. Weirdness is the spice of life! The cherry on top of the cream tart of life.
    (Ignore my mindless metaphors. I'm in the mood where I spout random philosophical nonsense that makes no sense to anyone who knows what I'm talking about.)

    Do you also give different words weird connotations that no one else understands?
    I know, right? I love it. Drawer feels so awkward.. 'draw-wer'.
    And chunk is just lovely. It's just.. CHUNK! CHUNK!
    I love being weird..
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