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what happens when an intp gets motivated?


Local time
Today 7:37 PM
Aug 28, 2010
leamington spa, UK
Mmm... is there another way??? I really cannot have goals! Normally, I just "hear" the wind, follow the air and produce everything needed in an adequate quality only when I'm under pressure..not for the goal though. It's impossible an external goal to motivate me!
I think that I came to life only in my last year in university when I realised which should be my research area within psychology that gave me a purpose in life! For the last year in my PhD, I'm beyond motivated in creating conceptual & analytical frameworks & even finding the strength to plan ahead all the minor details!! & communicate with people to gather data!! As you can imagine I basically almost broke down.
What I've notived though it is that the more motivated the better I get into playing tricks to my mind, creating constant fictional deadlines, creating a total mess "chasing my own tail" months before the "real" deadlines, which I would normally completely ignore till the last minute. Once obsiously having everything somewhere around me, everything is just sorted out on time without following any specific plan (it's funny to see other people assume that you must have some sort of masterplan that guide your every step, goals etc... pfff!!) :smiley_emoticons_mr


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:37 AM
Oct 22, 2010
(I am posing without reading other posts for accuracy.)

When I get obsessed with something all of my mind is focused on that one thing. Usually an idea, problem, or puzzle. I don't even realize it's happening until afterwards. I completely lose track of things like time, responsibilities, sleep, and hunger. When that happens, in my mind they don't exist. When it starts to happen I realize my goal I think about weather or not it's worth it, and once I decide it is, I get this overwhelming urge to act upon it, as if I need to move really fast. Almost all the time these occurrences are related to an understanding of something, and once I understand it or fully realize it, I get a feeling of ecstasy.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:37 AM
Oct 22, 2010
This order:

Forgetting to eat
Oh dear lord where did the time go?
Hey, twenty pages of work completed! Woo.
Collapses from exhaustion
Repeat until done

Basically something like that for me. But not sure about me being intp sooooooo yeah.



Local time
Tomorrow 1:37 AM
Feb 9, 2010
30 hours of vice city stories. i constantly obsess over girls too. i think for us to reach our potential is like trying to find the middle spot between the ticks of a clock's long hand. somewhere between being productive and downright obsessive lays our potential. I have spent an entire day modeling my face, working with python(programming), then writing it on books and writing it on my wall literally, then just forgetting about it. now i am on C++ because I don't like indenting.


drop your weapon! =D
Local time
Tomorrow 2:37 AM
Nov 4, 2010
What happens when an intp gets motivated???????? Something that is incomprehensible to people of other personality types or even other intp's.

Motivation is a hard thing to grasp for us. It would take a lot of desperation, depression, or anger to motivate us. Supposed to be motivational things such as love, hopes, world-peace-crap-whatever are not motivational at all. "what does world peace have to do with me finishing this stupid report just to get a grade????". something like that is the reason why it doesnt work. it is simply illogical. [ maybe that explains my attitude way back in highschool LOL :D]

BUT when EXTREME desperation, depression and anger steps in... it's time for the cavalry baby. :twisteddevil:
Words like "you will regret the day you made me your enemy!!!!" .. or something like that... are words that would probably come out of my mouth (more like repeating it inside my brain for a fortnight.. sometimes i think we're the villainous type hahaha :evil:).

I'd get so obsessed with my pent up DDA(desperation, depression, anger) that i would be motivated enough to do something about it. And back to the question.... what happens when an intp gets motivated??

1. someone gets fired
2. someone gets hurt
3. someone gets humiliated
4. an intp drools with satisfaction

Well, those are based on my experiences. I don't know about the others. Maybe it's only me who's the villainous type :eek:. But of course there are good effects.

And here's a short example.
I was bored to hell with my piano lessons. I was already taking lessons for 4 years and i was still on an average level. I just could not think of a reason why i had to be good at it. So i confronted my dad and said "dad, i hate piano lessons. stop it or i'm gonna kill myself" (haha that's exaggerated of course). but my dad said, "you can stop ONLY when you can play better than your sister! blah blab jukjok tomkup gah! :mad:" . When i thought about it, my sister was not that great at it either. She too was in an average level. And, as we know it, there is no escape from the forced slavery that our parents put us in! :mad: So there grew my DDA.. Afte a month i became so great at it that my piano teacher said "I don't know what to teach you anymore". So... HURRAH! for DDA. I thought it was the end.

It wasn't. After spending long hours with my dad bursting from humiliation in my imagination.. i came to love playing the piano. I think that's a good thing. So angelic of me :angel:.


Local time
Today 1:37 PM
Jan 20, 2009
Well, when I was in ninth grade I got kicked out of school for fighting. I was almost sent to juvenile hall. To make a long story short; the kids parents sued me for the medical expenses that their insurance did not cover, the judge told my parents that they had 6 months to pay $5,500, they were bankrupt and could not come up with the money so I quit school and I paid my restitution by working shitty part time jobs. So I guess that the realization of being bullied in juvenile hall would have been far worst than being bullied in school. Ever since then I have been motivated by my overwhelming fear of failure. I have accomplished a lot more than that in the past 16 years though.:D


Local time
Today 1:37 PM
Nov 14, 2010
i hop online and post if people around me are tired of hearing my awesome ideals!


Biking in pursuit of self...
Local time
Today 2:37 PM
Nov 12, 2010
Somewhere North of you.
When I'm motivated I focus completely on the task and neglect absolutely everything else. This ends most commonly in me collapsing from exhaustion about 5 or so days into it, unless the task is accomplished before that time frame. Alternatively, some asshole or other external force nags with enough insistence that one must stop, which inevitably provokes loud and lengthy concatenations of expletives, general viciousness, and murderous fantasy, and the incapacity to regain the lost drive.

I share this sentiment entirely. It seems the majority of those posting here experience the same reaction to motivation, that being complete devotion to the task at hand. I find the same thing myself, but have also seen the "general viciousness, and murderous fantasy" when I'm interrupted from my obsession.

As is the case with a number of the topics in this forum, ir is so good to know that I am not alone in this. Now, when my friends accuse me of being a little nuts, just because I'm obsessing over one task, I can point them to this thread, and tell them that even if I am nuts, I'm not the only one.

Jean Paul

Ideas from nowhere
Local time
Today 2:37 PM
Oct 18, 2010
It becomes an obsession. I'll plan an entire week around finishing a goal, starting as soon as I wake up, and staying up late working on it. Apetite, need for sleep, friends, family, all of that is ignored until I am done.

^^^^ sums it up quite well


Local time
Today 2:37 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
What? No procrastination?

Jean Paul

Ideas from nowhere
Local time
Today 2:37 PM
Oct 18, 2010
Oh theirs plenty if it's something we aren't motivated to do.
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