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Talking to yourself


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 1:17 PM
Aug 21, 2009
I gave that some consideration too... but well.. of course I'm going to assume that he just thinks I'm crazy.
I'd rather be crazy than be seen wearing one of those things


Local time
Today 1:17 PM
Sep 12, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
I have arguments with characters in TV shows, books, etc. I point out their fallacies, suggest alternatives, berate their stupid decisions, make witticisms, name tropes I recognize, predict plot twists/later events, etc, all out loud and often remembering something else and having to clarify what I've already said.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:17 PM
Jan 26, 2009
I have internal conversations and spoken conversations with myself. Usually it's only when I'm alone, like walking my dogs, or with my friends. I find that I do it when I'm trying to solve a problem (e.g. when doing maths), when I'm a bit bored or lonely, or when I'm really pissed off. My friends have learned to tune out or ignore me if I start talking randomly.

If I'm REALLY happy and am alone, I'll even start singing to myself. :D


Local time
Today 6:17 AM
Aug 12, 2009
I don't talk to myself alone, but I can carry on entire conversations in my head. It's how I think, make decisions, and sometimes entertain myself. That would lead to the random laughing out loud.

^ This.

Especially the laughing part. It's always so awkward. Then I have a conversation in my head about how people would react upon seeing me, usually displaying two 'me's ' talking and imagining the extra party in my heads reaction to alternative scenarios.

Then someone does actually see me, and they ask me what's so funny, and I can't really say much, other than something along the lines of it's a personal or inside joke you can't really understand. But it's really, really funny. And they tend to just chuckle and walk away. XD


Local time
Today 5:17 AM
Nov 13, 2009
Portland, OR
I'm scared to verbally talk to myself, because of the "appearing-crazy" factor. I have a constant inner dialogue, though. (Sometimes I think that certain Js don't have a constant inner dialogue...)

This is pretty much how I do things, without the "fear" of looking crazy, I just don't see why I should have to work my jaw muscles for something I don't have to, although I can't seem to keep onomatopoeias inside, so I'm known for making wierd sound effects


Badass Longcat
Local time
Today 8:17 AM
Oct 27, 2008
Lost, after wandering irresponsibly away from the
Oh, god. Constantly, if I'm not in public. Sometimes, I will even though I'm in public: that's about the only halfway interesting use of a cell phone in my life. Geerally, I have 'debates' wirth myself: if a subject has interested me, I make an effort to internalize the information by debating a point on the subject to myself, trying to set out an argument. It's not really necessary for me to later remember the information, but it entertains me and makes me feel less lonely. I used to talk to my dog, tell him about whatever interresting new thing I just found, but he lives with my family, not me. :( So I'm alone now.

I also, when I'm working out how scenes in my comic/story ideas will go, act them out when I have the leisure of solitude. Props can be improvised or simply imagined: I don't turn to face myself as though I were occupying the same space as the characters, though. I just imagine I'm seeing the scene through the currently acting/speaking character's eyes and leave it at that. That, my friends, is too little people interaction coupled with way too much free time.


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:17 AM
Dec 8, 2009
I don't talk to myself out loud, but I've had conversations going on in my mind ever since I've been born. I've dialoged more with myself through out my life than I have with real people. A lot of the time I'll be having a conversation (in my head) with someone about how I have conversations in my head with them.

All of the conversations of I have in my head are also with people who I know or have known; friends, relatives, therapists, teachers, etc. I've never had conversations with characters who I've created, but that does sound interesting.

gepcy loc

♪♪♪♈Mondayz, time for Alchemy♈♪♪♪
Local time
Today 7:17 AM
Dec 7, 2009
I thought i got it from my mom, lol.

Have you ever had an emotional thought at an odd time and expressed the emotion on your face with out noticing. Once in the middle of my of one of my college class i remember thinking of something funny during an exam, and it showed on my face and I giggled a little, I looked up and my teacher was looking at me funny made me want to laugh even more.


Local time
Today 8:17 AM
Dec 8, 2009
I often have entire conversations with myself out loud, but I don't notice it, which leads to the people around me giving me strange looks or thinking I'm crazy.

And one time I was walking around future shop, looking at the video cards and I noticed one of the workers following me. She then came up to me and asked if I was alright and I said yes. She did this a couple times and later found out from my sister that I was having a loud conversation with myself about video cards.

I'm used to all these strange reactions since it happens so often and I now try to keep my conversations inside of my head.


Your Mom
Local time
Today 1:17 PM
Dec 13, 2009
Under your bed
Normal people beg to differ that you're mentally stable if they caught you talking to yourself. My classmates caught me many times and they'd start laughing. I told them afterwards, "I do it all the time at home. Many times before I go to sleep!" with a big grin slapped on my face.

They all went like o.o


Local time
Today 8:17 PM
Mar 3, 2008
The bluetooth headset thing only works if you're verbalising aloud. If you're muttering to yourself (or only mouthing the words, in my case), it's not gonna help.

It does seem really creepy to outsiders. More than once I've been told on the train that I was talking to myself, and the other person always had a kind-of pitying look.

I've been seeing a counsellor for a year or so for this problem. It doesn't really seem to help all that much. At first it started with cognitive change or whatever, then it ended up with the counsellor concluding that it's better for me to try something like eating sweets or whatever to make it less obvious.

I don't know how you folks suppress it in public. I can't do it.


Local time
Today 5:17 AM
Nov 13, 2009
Portland, OR
I realized the other day, that although I rarely say mythoughts outloud to myself, music I almost always move my mouth silently, and I have gotten comments from that

EDIT: in response to Walfin, I don't feel the need to speak outloud, so I don't, but I do find it difficult not to mouth the words to the music I'm listening to, and have no solution, I have given up on fighting it


Local time
Today 8:17 AM
Dec 14, 2009
Wow, yeah, I definitely do this kind of stuff.

Particularly the out-loud phrases, funny voices, nonsense songs, and sometimes... just... sounds?

Usually it happens when I'm walking, thinking very deeply about a problem, or showering-- in other words, when my mind is off somewhere else.

While this habit has certainly resulted in a fair share of awkward moments, I think that it has also really helped me in learning foreign languages: the sounds and words just get stuck in my head and subconsciously processed over and over. It's quite fun, actually.

Lastly, no one else seems to have mentioned it, but I have a fairly distinct memory of the day that this outspoken internal dialogue began, and being confused/put off by this new voice in my head. If it weren't for the fact that all of you share this same habit, I'd think it was nothing other than early-onset madness... :storks:

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