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So, I made a HipHop Mixtape about INTPs


Local time
Today 2:37 PM
Feb 17, 2016
Hi all,

My name is Cryston, my rap name is Mr Cryston, and I recently completed a Hip-Hop mixtape about INTP's. Each song is named after a different INTP, real or ficticious. (some are debatable, but i thought they were close enough to justify the song.)

The link is here -->https://soundcloud.com/mrcryston/sets/logician

Anyway, I really want to share this project with as many INTP's as possible, not because I think it's the most brilliant piece of work out there, but because we're notorious for having low self-belief, for second guessing ourselves, etc. Which translates to us not completing projects. I'm sure many of you are like me, and have 20 unfinished projects for every completed one.

So this is a little shout-out to my fellow INTPs to say 'See, we can complete things!"

Also, I want to encourage more INTP's to be rappers. I think that rap music is one of the last places where you can be, in some respects, a philosopher. I think it is a place where INTP's can shine. Some potential INTP rappers include: Jay Electronica, Mos Def, Lauren Hill...

So first off, thanks for clicking the thread. If you've got 2 or 3 minutes, give one of the songs a glance and good bad or indifferent, tell me what you think. Some of the song titles include 'Copernicus', 'Shikamaru', & 'Ricky Williams'.

Thanks a bunch, Everyone.

- Cryston


Local time
Today 8:37 PM
Dec 4, 2010
I listened to Copernicus.

Iffy reverb on the presentation voice.

Beat's weird in all sorts of ways, good and bad.

Your flow is surprisingly good. I especially like the change of tone to a bolder more aggressive one. Didn't really perceive the lyrics on a first listen (which is a personal thing and not to the detriment of your writing).


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 8:37 PM
Aug 16, 2011
I listened to Asimov, the only guy i know AND enjoy to relate to. Then i got lost in related tracks ...

It's a cool idea. If i could rap, i mean even just come up with lyrics about characters, i might enjoy doing tributes to fictional characters like Django (Franko Nero), Willard (Crispin Glover's Interpretation), Tetsuo (from Akira), Powder (Sean Patrick Flanery), Neo (Matrix), Gollum (Lotr) and pseudo-fictional personas/clichees like Kafka, Poe, Tom Cruise (that might be so funny) ... it would also be very challenging and fascinating to do a shaman - not that i could do that.

I am probably not INTP though ...


Local time
Today 2:37 PM
Feb 17, 2016
Thanks for the feedback guys.

Brontosaurie: yeah my mixing skills need work, but day by day as they say. I appreciate the comments about the flow.

Nanook - that's one of my favorite parts. Trying to make it about them but now in an obvious/corny way. It's fun.


Local time
Today 12:37 PM
Jan 24, 2012
Copernicus: Music was too all over the place and incoherent, vocals sounded like they were being yelled by an angry fat man at some parts. Song had nothing to do with Copernicus. Pretty okay for an intro track. Heard most of the lyrics before in other songs i.e. 'something amazing that would tear your face off'; etc. Could have used more originality but other parts were alright. 1/10

Descarte: Suffers from the same vocal issues as the first track. Maybe need a higher quality mic. Beat was alright at first but it ends up sounding too frail. Could have been alright until the chorus brought a forced mainstream appeal. It wasn't that sexy. Song was too long. 1/10

Linus Van Pelt’s Blanket: The aforementioned issues with the voice persists. Wasn’t thrilled to be listening to the nasally humming of said voice throughout. Subject matter had potential but song was too short. Will wait for the remix. 0.5/10

Honest Abe: Asked a few interesting questions near the beginning of the track. Was surprised at the beginning of the song, it sounded like 90’s Southern California jams but was immediately disappointed once I heard the rapper’s voice. It just isn’t that appealing or cool and hard for me to listen to. Now that I think about it he sounds similar to Jumpsteady. 1/10

DATA: Robot theme was cheesy. 0/10

CMichael: Probably the best sounding song so far. 3/10

Thomas Wayne: One of those cheesy songs… 2/10

Ricky Williams: Had potential. Too much Fi. 1/10

Shikamaru: Huh? Idk. Ended up getting distracted. 1.5/10

Man of Letters: Some improvement, it sounds like. Less restricted, not as gimmicky, sounds like he’s having fun. If only the other songs were like this.

Most of the beats weren’t nice enough to have them play out for an extra minute or so after the song ended. The flow on most songs wasn’t that good. Should work on that. The tape was too gimmicky. I’ve heard some songs titled after people’s names but never anything on this level. Would possibly have been better if not for that. Overall: C-


Local time
Today 2:37 PM
Feb 17, 2016
I gotta be honest . . . . I wasn't expecting such a high grade from all those scores. Thanks for the listen man. :elephant:
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