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  • Done now. Domine miserere nobis.

Glad to be Here. I'm NC.


Local time
Today 10:25 AM
Jan 28, 2009
Riverton, Utah, USA
Hello, everyone who might happen to look upon this strange new user's introduction thread. I am NightCharm. I happen to think of myself as being more than slightly weird. If I suddenly start speaking in third-person Romanized Japanese, do not be alarmed.

Now, if you have the first impression that I am either insane or do not quite fit in with what one might expect from a normal person... you are correct. First impressions are often accurate, though they are not always accurate. I will stop ranting about this and move on to actually telling you about myself, now.

First thing; I'm not an INTP. I'm an INFJ, which means I act more on feeling than judgement, but I still "Think too much" by most of my peers' standards. How and when did I find out? Well, in September 2008 the school counseling center came into my homeroom class for personality and learning type tests. I did the test, and might I say that I was thoroughly disappointed with the complete lack of detail in my results, which said that I was an 'Artistic Thinker'. Slightly irritated with the school system's conformity to the level of most student's curiosity - which, at most, hits about 5% interest in any subject - I started looking for a more detailed test online and found the MBTI system. I took three tests (to make sure each was accurate), and 2 out of the three said I was an INFJ. Voila. I can't even remember what the third test said.

Second, I was referred here by Melkor/Loki/Foxy-One/(what he seems to currently be calling himself on this forum) kowaii. Shame on him. He didn't capitalize the beginning of his username. He remembered everywhere else. He is my admin (and therefore my insane and somewhat malicious superior) on Impwriters, which is pretty much where I hail from as an internet 'base' - if you don't count InheritanceForums, where I have gone inactive due to disinterest in the topics discussed. I live in Riverton, Utah of the USA, but only for the past year. I spent most of my childhood life in Tooele, living in the 'cardboard'(really, really low quality) houses that were considered top-of-the-line there when we moved in. Lets just say that my family and I moved out just in time to see the entire house basically go down the toilet headfirst, if you catch my drift.

Third, I am most definitely quite disorganized from an outward perspective. My room is never in order, and the only one who can find any single paper in my locker is me. All obligations are carried out faster than needed or much, much too slow. I'm sure you will see some of this as I start wandering around the site. It isn't only obligations... it's school assignments, chores, and pretty much everything else.

Lastly, every random fact about me I wish to currently share will go in this final paragraph, because while I'm sure I could actually categorize everything and put it in its place or make a place for it, this introduction is already much too long. It might get massive, and it starts... Now. - I listen to pretty much every type of music under the sun, excluding anything more screamy or bangy than metal. I draw, and the only parts of human anatomy I can't draw are hands, feet, and anything, anything about a guy's face and hair. They all end up looking like girls, and I don't know why. I space out for long periods of time, just sitting lost in thought. I go through random mood swings which take me from being so high as to name my computer, keyboard, and mouse (but not the screen) to crying at how stupid I was acting when I was naming said objects. I can go into hysterics from one small bowl of sherbet. I dance. I dance a lot. Dancing, however, is not my passion. That would be writing and reading. I will often randomly start researching random events and/or people in history and present day. I am failing my Geometry class because I have found that it quickly gets dull, repetitive, and that my teacher is instructing us at about a quarter of the pace we should be going to finish the curriculum by the end of the year. The closest intelligent conversation to be found near me is on the other side of Kennecott. While I live so near Kennecott, I am allergic to some raw forms of copper. How ironic. I hate swimming. I suck at running. I am double-jointed in several places, and quite flexible almost everywhere else. I am probably the clumsiest person you will ever know, with a record of about three dozen bruises from falling over, getting pushed, running into things, landing a stunt incorrectly, and dropping things on my feet and legs in one day. I'm amazed that I have never broken a bone. My handwriting is absolutely appallingly bad.

There, long intro over. If you want to ask anything about me, feel free. Just don't necessarily think you are guaranteed an answer.

Thanks for reading;

Narrelle Alecia Chalmers

P.S. - The 'Adopt Melkor' thread is awesome. I just had to say it.


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 6:25 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Hi and welcome to the forum, infj NightCharm (nice avatar, btw). May you find interesting and enlightening discussions. ;)
So you're a Melkor-referee?...
Does that mean you are as crazy as him? :eek:
:evil: :D

Well, i'm sure you'll fit in.
Have fun.



Badass Longcat
Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Oct 27, 2008
Lost, after wandering irresponsibly away from the
Hey, NightCharm. Welcome to the forum! (Although if you're on Imp.Writers, we've already met, most likely...) Oh well. Have fun. If you can equate what we count as fun with whatever your notion of the word is... :phear:


echoes through time
Local time
Today 5:25 AM
Sep 8, 2007
Hi NightCharm, be welcome.

What interest have you in INTPs? Are you planning to study us?

At least with a sense of humour you should find our company here tolerable I guess... of course it's Kowaii that makes this the charming, atmospheric mental ward that it is.

And don't blame him for the lack of capitalisation, that was my sheer laziness in neglecting to hit the shift key. Shall remedy it immediately. The only one to damage his reputation should be himself, afterall.

You might want to take note of the other resident loonies, and the fact that we do still aspire to having some interesting discussions. Not every thread is a free for all.


Da Blob

Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Dec 19, 2008
I hope you enjoy the company. do not worry about being counted as insane or inadequate compared to the people on this forum. For others here can out do you on either point. We could name names but why ruin the fun for you....


Local time
Today 10:25 AM
Jan 28, 2009
Riverton, Utah, USA
Sagewolf: We haven't had a really new member on Impwriters that has stayed active since Nemo, I think, so I know all of the regularly active members... which currently amounts to, on average, 4 people. That is including Foxy-tama, who has only begun consistently gracing us with his immortal administrator-presence just lately. Nemo can't be considered a new member anymore, though, as she has twice as many posts as Foxy-tama... We finally got Kia back...

Might you tell me what your screenname is on Impwriters, to spare me from trying to guess?

Ogion: I highly doubt I'm nearly as insane as Foxy-tama, as he's the one who re-opened the 'KILL MELKOR!' thread on ImpW... where he is the victim. I think it is rather improbable that anyone might be more insane than him at his worst... that doesn't mean I'm not rather out of it myself, however.

Loveofreason: I don't really plan on studying anything... it just happens. I'm looking for intelligent discussion, actually. I must ask; why did you rename Foxy-tama 'Kowaii'?

Cryptonia: That's encouraging. It's also disturbingly fitting.

Da Blob: Thanks, I look forward to getting to know everyone here. It will be fun to learn who's who and who's coherent...


Local time
Today 10:25 AM
Aug 8, 2008
avid music listener eh? You got yourself a last.fm account?


Badass Longcat
Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Oct 27, 2008
Lost, after wandering irresponsibly away from the
sagewolf. I'm sagewolf just about everywhere I am. (Except LJ because some jerk stole it from me.)


Local time
Today 10:25 AM
Jan 28, 2009
Riverton, Utah, USA
Flow: Yeah, I don't really function without music... but no, I don't have a Last.fm account.

Sagewolf: Nope... no Sagewolf on the memberlist. We got a new site lately, so I'd have to check the old one... Nope. I can't find my way to the oldest site, I don't have a link...


Badass Longcat
Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Oct 27, 2008
Lost, after wandering irresponsibly away from the
Is this the Imp.writers where Melkor is Loki? That's the one I'm on. Also, since every letter of my username is as important as the others, (read: I don't like capitalizing usernames) it's a small s, as if that would make a difference.


Local time
Today 10:25 AM
Jan 28, 2009
Riverton, Utah, USA
Melkor/Loki is Foxy-tama (ahem, Foxy-one) Now, not Loki-pi.

... Still nothing. We have a grand total of 17 members on the site, with 11 members who have posted more than 3 times. I'm kind of getting the feeling that you're part of the rumored 'elite site' Foxy-tama set up and refused to give any of us the link to unless he deemed us 'worthy'. I'd like to know how that worked out for him... If the site you're looking at has Foxy-one as admin, Kazza as writing sections mod, and me as discussions sections mod, you're looking at the same site as me. Otherwise... -shrugs- I've never seen you.


Badass Longcat
Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Oct 27, 2008
Lost, after wandering irresponsibly away from the
Then we didn't know each other after all. *shrugs* Well, we do now! Have fun here, if, as I said, it is indeed possible.

@cryptonia: (belated) *grin*


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Jul 16, 2008
NightCharm said:
Cryptonia: That's encouraging. It's also disturbingly fitting.

case in point :).

I didn't make that, but another INTP did (Lawliet on the forum he posted it in... he goes by Death around here). If ever there were two misfit types who understand each other (and don't, at the same time), it's INFJs and INTPs.


To inanity and beyond
Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Lake Isle Innisfree
Great horned owl!
I volunteer at this wildlife rescue place, and we have two great horned owls there.
One is pretty weird though...she refuses to perch on my arm and prefers to be carried around in my arm like a baby.
And the other has a vendetta against me.

Welcome to the forum. ^^


Local time
Today 10:25 AM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
You can't draw men? You must be a girl then. (Of the anecdotal evidence I've gathered, it's always harder to draw the opposite sex).



*Silent antagonist*
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Béal feirste
-danders in-



-trips over a body-

-Giggles and stand up-

Er....hey Nightcharm...

You know, how come I've know you for at least a year and in that year you did not divulge so much altogether as you did in that one introduction?


Must be the Intpness getting to you.

So yeah, this is Nightcharm, she's in the
'Been trying and failing to kill Melkor for obvious reasons for too long' boat, so I'm sure you'll all get along in a dandy fashion.

and who wouldn't like the adopt Melkor thread?

Honestly nightcharm.....


You should join the family, Saffy needs someone to relate to, and Fukyo really needs a child she can hug.

Be seeing you...

-falls backwards out the nearest window-


talking head
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 24, 2009
Vancouver in British Columbia
aw sick! I randomly decided to actually look at all the format shit... AND THEY HAVE COURIER
I know, it's the best >.>
so anyway

I am failing my Geometry class because I have found that it quickly gets dull, repetitive, and that my teacher is instructing us at about a quarter of the pace we should be going to finish the curriculum by the end of the year. The closest intelligent conversation to be found near me is on the other side of Kennecott. While I live so near Kennecott, I am allergic to some raw forms of copper. How ironic.:cool: I hate swimming. I suck at running."

That's awesome because in highschool geometry was my favourite unit in math class. Thats funny how a math teacher couldn't figure to plan the course in a way to complete the curriculum -_-
Also_ welcome, you sound as though even though this is INTP I bet you will find everything dandy.
speaking of first impressions,
Here's a funny. I read your intro in a males voice untill halfway through and then switched and finished, and then realiZed afterwords and had a silent lul


blurb blurb
Local time
Today 6:25 PM
Jan 4, 2009
Hi and welcome to the forum I'm sure you'll like it. :)

I'm always happy to see more NFs around here! :D:evil::D

Yeah he's crazy and that's putting it mildly...


*Silent antagonist*
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Béal feirste


Well...just so you know....the yellow brick road dancing duck on your head thinks so of you .


Local time
Today 10:25 AM
Jan 28, 2009
Riverton, Utah, USA
sagewolf: Oh, well. It's great to meet a fellow ImpWriter, even if we're in separate divisions... or whatever you might call it.

Cryptonia: Yeah...I figured that. The two types do tend to get along well together occasionally, though the message doesn't always get across...

Chimera: That's cool, that you volunteer for wildlife rescue. There isn't enough wildlife near where I live for there to be a major rescue department... the only wildlife I've encountered near my home was in Tooele, where the field behind our neighborhood had foxes, snakes, and rabbits. Great Horned Owls are actually some of my favorite birds... I can honestly say I've never encountered an owl that preferred to be carried like a baby.

Tekton: Yeah, I am a girl, but your conclusion that it is always herder to draw the opposite sex isn't entirely true. At least 30% of girls in my art class (and we're a rather large class) can draw guys much easier than girls. Most of the guys in my class can't draw period, so I haven't seen anything there...

Melkor: Hello, Foxy-tama. So we meet again. I hadn't realized that you knew so little about me... though I guess that with the way I skipped intros on IF and decided that a half a paragraph would suffice on ImpWriters, you shouldn't be surprised.

I am not in the 'trying and failing to kill Melkor league'. I'm in the Trying And Failing to Kill Melkor League. I'd be a bit more careful with caps and titles, Foxy-tama.

Foxy-tama... You know I'm aphenphosmphobic. Please don't imply that I would be willing to give anyone a hug.

Dr. Diarrhea 666: It's not that he didn't plan it so that we could finish the curriculum on time, its that he simply didn't plan it. It's kind of funny that you read my intro in a male voice at the beginning, as my voice is deeper than most girls' my age.

chocolate: It's nice to meet you, too.

Fukyo: I'm sure I'll like it, too. I'm guessing that I'll be facing the full brunt of Foxy-tama's insanity on this forum? We don't get too much of it anymore on ImpW.


Local time
Today 10:25 AM
Jan 28, 2009
Riverton, Utah, USA
Thanks, Ermine, for welcoming me. It's the exact same for me, I can draw from real life and photos, but not from imagination. It's slightly frustrating...

I'm confused now. I've taken seven tests: test #1 said I was INTJ, test #2 said I was INFJ, test #3 said INTP, test #4 said INFJ, and test #5 said INFP, and #7 said INTJ. The sixth one said I was ESTJ; I have no idea where that came from.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:25 AM
Jan 26, 2009
Hey NightCharm! Impwriters is so dead right now...hopefully Lokpi'll see my email soon and un-ban me. =) I think I'll make an intro on this site, now that I've remembered what my password is and logged on. Also, I didn't know Lokpi made an elite site! When was that?


This ain't no disco.
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Feb 6, 2009
Scottsdale, AZ
Second, I was referred here by Melkor

Nahh I'm just kidding. Melkor/Morgoth/Whatever is cool. He just needs to be let out of his cage less often.

But yeah. Welcome. I guess. Just don't make fun of me for failing to notice minor details under people's avatar's explaining how much of a bastard that person is. Or something.
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