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Search results

  1. phantasia

    This is why you look retarded on pictures

    I have some random thoughts, and I don't know where to post them, so I post them here. I'm probably not alone with this thought, but the reason I find that you look ugly/retarded/werid on pictures is that your whole face is mirrored compared to how you usually see your face - that is in the...
  2. phantasia

    Random laughing

    My humour is completely indefinable. That is, I have yet to find a pattern of what makes me laugh. Comedies? Rarely, but they entertain me a lot though. It happens a lot that I start laughing at random stuff. It's pretty mysterious :P I like this explanation though :)
  3. phantasia

    Talented liars?

    I'm an expert liar and I kind of have talent and developed this when younger when I had unbelievably irrational computer time-rules and I lied to my parents eeeyy couple of times... ^^ Nowadays I don't lie very often, but it's useful to have the skills whenever a white lie is needed. And I...
  4. phantasia

    Body language

    This weekend I got a comment about my body language being out of control, and I can only agree. When I get start explaining something or get excited, my body awakes from it's usually calm position and starts moving in ways that if observed without my speach, would make me look like... a complete...
  5. phantasia

    You know you're an Intp when...

    - You inevitably loved the movie The Number 23. - You can see clearly what is relevant and irrelevant, and invest our interest accordingly. - When you snap out of your thoughts and think you might be missing out on reality by not being very present, it not uncommon that you make a highly...
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