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Search results

  1. dents

    The Singularity

    That's just because we are using up resources at a rate that allows that statement to be true right now. If we transcend, that's going to let us use matter/energy in far more creative ways. When you have the power to convert matter to "hardware" to make yourself smarter, why would you ever stop...
  2. dents

    INTP Socializer's Remorse

    +1, me too. Except I find that having thought about it before helps me at least stay on track with the conversation. Otherwise I'm more likely to trail off or lose track of what is going on because I'm too busy analyzing everything they are saying/doing.
  3. dents

    The Singularity

    Jordan, I am not buying your premise that once people transcend, it's the end of all conflict. There is a finite amount of energy and the second law of thermodynamics says it's not sticking around forever. No matter how advanced civilization gets, the energy supply has an end. Sure, they can...
  4. dents

    Terabyte Hard Drives

    For people wondering what to do with terabyte drives, two words: HD Video. If you have not been living under a rock, you have probably seen glorious flat panel TVs in stores with a 1080p sticker on them. A properly set up 1080p TV with a proper signal (1080p HD video) will freaking rock your...
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