You could say that.
I'm quickly going to sum up my posting experience (not only with this user), just so others can say "no way, that always happens to me" or to see how my experience differs to others'.
Option 1:you post a thread, and either everybody ignores you, or if you get replies either they're adding nothing or they disagree with you to such an extent that you end up not changing your mind and thinking "arggh I hate these people, they can't get what I'm trying to say".
Option 2:you post early on in the makings of a big thread, thinking that what you're going to say is definitely going to end the discussion, people notice your post and make comments on it, but the scenario from option 1 happens again.
Option 3:you post a long way down a big thread, thinking that what you're going to say should end the discussion, but nobody even notices your post.
Option 4:you are the last poster in a thread..
There are a few exceptions, and maybe I am being a bit negative? Anyway, there is my general experience on this forum...
Option 1:you post a thread, and either everybody ignores you, or if you get replies either they're adding nothing or they disagree with you to such an extent that you end up not changing your mind and thinking "arggh I hate these people, they can't get what I'm trying to say".
Option 2:you post early on in the makings of a big thread, thinking that what you're going to say is definitely going to end the discussion, people notice your post and make comments on it, but the scenario from option 1 happens again.
Option 3:you post a long way down a big thread, thinking that what you're going to say should end the discussion, but nobody even notices your post.
Option 4:you are the last poster in a thread..
There are a few exceptions, and maybe I am being a bit negative? Anyway, there is my general experience on this forum...