not Fibonacci, he's pulling out the prime numbers. I dunno about the next frame, though. It looks like he's summing up the fractions 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/5 + 1/7 + ... (the primes he found in the frame before), and showing that the series diverges. That is, if I was right in guessing that the Pi's are the primes.
That was marvelous. I just got back from playing ultimate frisbee (which is awesome) and hanging out for a while, and I literally spent 40 or so minutes laying on a couch far enough away from the rest of the people that I could daydream and think in peace. This group went from hating when people talked like that, in high school, to making fun of them by talking like that jokingly, to talking like that seriously. Akh!
Thank you, for that.