Falsifier of Reality
I used to play video games day in and day out trying to perfect builds made mostly on MMOs or RPGs, but now due to wear and tear the only technology I have to distract me from impending despair is an average home computer which is not optimal for online gaming. I see all sorts of new technology coming out and I get all excited thinking about how I can stay in my room all day tinkering with them. They probably would cause me to procrastinate more but is that not okay? Is it okay to "party now;study later"(Dexter's laboratory reference)? I want to go get me a PS4 so bad for the long awaited Kingdom Hearts III.
Story incoming:
I don't think I was ever really addicted to them I just found it to be increasingly entertaining working to be the best at what I did on the game. The weird thing is that I didn't like using that attained skill to demolish people or get to the top of the leader boards. I hated when people would ask me to help them or do activities with them but sometimes I did it anyway. People wanted me in their raid groups, legions, and guilds and I would decline or join in to see how the people were and then leave out of boredom. There was one league I joined due to what I would call the "soft seduction" of an ENFJ/ENFP female. I found my self leaving and joining the league in intervals because of her and my bipolar Ti-Fe moments. I would make up lies after leaving and say "I left by mistake" to stop thinking her from thinking that I didn't enjoy her league or her. It took a while for me to open up and actually talk on the microphone. Slowly but surely I became more and more comfortable with talking to the league members about the game, but there were still those times when I would just close my self off for no reason and not respond to them, which usually was a sign of me getting ready to leave. Eventually, I left for good and sent the girl a long message explaining myself. I still don't know what compelled me to do that, but I have a hunch it was the guilt of me not telling them I was about to quit gaming for a while. Did I actually develop feelings for a girl who I only talked to for hours through an online game? How naive am I. I still remember that soft voice calling my avatars nickname (weirdest sentence I have ever typed in my life). I think the main reason for me not getting another PS3 was the reality check from my Si function and my Ti function telling me that I didn't need friends online or offline.
Story incoming:
I don't think I was ever really addicted to them I just found it to be increasingly entertaining working to be the best at what I did on the game. The weird thing is that I didn't like using that attained skill to demolish people or get to the top of the leader boards. I hated when people would ask me to help them or do activities with them but sometimes I did it anyway. People wanted me in their raid groups, legions, and guilds and I would decline or join in to see how the people were and then leave out of boredom. There was one league I joined due to what I would call the "soft seduction" of an ENFJ/ENFP female. I found my self leaving and joining the league in intervals because of her and my bipolar Ti-Fe moments. I would make up lies after leaving and say "I left by mistake" to stop thinking her from thinking that I didn't enjoy her league or her. It took a while for me to open up and actually talk on the microphone. Slowly but surely I became more and more comfortable with talking to the league members about the game, but there were still those times when I would just close my self off for no reason and not respond to them, which usually was a sign of me getting ready to leave. Eventually, I left for good and sent the girl a long message explaining myself. I still don't know what compelled me to do that, but I have a hunch it was the guilt of me not telling them I was about to quit gaming for a while. Did I actually develop feelings for a girl who I only talked to for hours through an online game? How naive am I. I still remember that soft voice calling my avatars nickname (weirdest sentence I have ever typed in my life). I think the main reason for me not getting another PS3 was the reality check from my Si function and my Ti function telling me that I didn't need friends online or offline.