Perhaps the sentiment of who the world is “run” by are moreso the ENTJs and ESTJs.
Observation: I think I once knew an ENTP and none of their ideas actually lasted in a sustainable way. Although this person could have been ESTP. But based on their obsession with INFJs I sensed they were ENTP. Felt like 1 amazing idea for every 1000 ideas, plus that 1 idea would take villages upon villages for a chance at being a real thing.
Whereas… There was a time in my life where ENTJs would constantly end up somewhere within my vicinity and typically they would almost pass as INTJs except more surrounded by and motivated directly by the idea of something very grand paired with some somewhat realistic way they were going to achieve that grand thing.
But you can tell the difference by the way they have strong Se needs and their Fi is sometimes hidden or at least sometimes hard to access.
Personally, I’m not interested in grandiosity but there are many grandiose personalities in business, so I can see why ENTJs would be more businesslike than myself/INTJs. This is not to say all ENTJs are grandiose - they are not.
I think there is more of that instant daily gratification Se need for ENTJs as well which naturally sometimes other humans provide. I knew a few ENTJs in law for example; being a lawyer requires constantly talking to different people, handling people as well as the drama that comes along. I once considered law but it didn’t feel right.
That MBTI thing was a joke. It was meant as dichotomy, about profit and goal oriented mindset, vs non profit P meandering mindset.
Lots of our human thinking is shaped by who we are and how we function.
Id say someone who is go getter and goal oriented like ENTJ and ENTP will not be looking for real solutions on having this planet survive, as there is not reward or profit in it.
Its literally a boring, tedious and gargantuan task that will take decades maybe 100 years to be figured out, by lots of people who will have to think for very long for no money likely.
Only after we find profitable ways of something can we make profit.
Unfortunately that means we aim for quickest profit in quickest way today.
Which means we narrow our minds to reality.
And factually this reality we exist in like destruction of Earth is factual, but so great, that no single individual can face this and say we have a solution. Being in denial is easier.
Green planet is not happening this century, no matter what commercials say, no matter how many ENTJs shout off roof tops they will do it by 2025, or how many ENTPs say they got it figured out.
Its simply a massive titanic problem, a problem this civilization never ever faced before. It will take 1000s of hardworking Einsteins that will have to work all day everyday for very long time. Because green planet has no quick fix.
Just because some businessman says x tech I am selling will solve this problem is absurd.
Interesting, so is it more the act of mining that is not green or the materials being mined that is not green?
By default everything today people do ( produce and manufacture) is obviously destructive to the planet and to ourselves by extension. Its just the way our technology works these days. We are essentially making panels at the expense of environment. Everything people do is some sort of compromising trade off.
The blind spot for people is that what is done wrong today will only have impact down the line. For most people now is important if they want to cover demand.
The idea of green Earth has sever limitations.
Personally, I’m not interested in grandiosity but there are many grandiose personalities in business, so I can see why ENTJs would be more businesslike than myself/INTJs. This is not to say all ENTJs are grandiose - they are not.
I think most ENTJs are not grandiose, they are just extremely over-motivated. Because that is how Te functions. Thinking in goals and action is what makes them go. I kind of like ENTJs as long as they don't tell me what to do.
Although it would seem commercial panels are intended to be built to last, no?
What about fixing or replacing parts of panels - I imagine that is not something people are trained enough on how to fix and so it is just easier for companies that indulge in solar panels to get new ones?
I suppose there are better renewable alternatives like wind but I can’t imagine many people using that on a residential level.
I think there is massive future of solar. The trouble is people want to beat as much profit from technology way before it fully develops. Technology just needs time to develop.
Take for example airplane tech. It took 100 years to build the planes we take for granted we see in the sky.
Most people think in terms of decades at best. We don't have the mind set or band with to think that much ahead. But we need to start doing so.