Black Rose
An unbreakable bond
Why trust or dogmatically say it's true? Why not assume without that. If I assume x, y is true. Assumptions are useful but why do you need trust or faith in them? If something is unknown/unknownable I leave it unknown and use assumptions instead.(Alternatively some would call it a form of radical skepticism).
To a person that believes, the assumptions are not unknown. You don't have faith in assumptions you have faith in what is absolute truth. Logically what is not truth is just an assumption. And logically if something is true you can defend it logically. If something is not true can it be defended logically? You need base your claims on evidence or sound reasoning. If people do not all have the same information then personal experience may be discounted as real evidence if it is not your personal experience. What you personally don't know can only be seen as an assumption on your part. To the person that believes, they don't have assumptions, they have the truth. So even if they are wrong, as long as they can defend it, their mind cannot be changed.
Wrong Epistemology is the reason you can defend an untruth as truth with logic.