How to Holistically Curb Obesity in America by: snafupants
-ban commercials clearly aimed at children; ban toys from being served at fast foot establishments; and ban mascots cajoling children into becoming portly
-saturated fat and sugar caps and/or taxes on cereals, candy, and the like
-fiscal incentive for doctors to keep people healthy - i.e., people who do not currently need medical attention per se
-outlaw high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, artificial food coloring, and the like
-disallow monsanto and other corporations from inserting rBST into dairy products; disallow steroids in animals (cows, chickens, etc.) served for their meat; feed and raise the animals properly
-limit collusion between the FDA and private companies like monsanto; relatedly, limit the amount of GMO food products
-provide a government stipend for healthy individuals commensurate with a maximization of health for their genetics, current medical history, age, and environment - the money, which we incidentally do not have, is going to medicare and medicaid for prescription drugs and so forth, so why not aim at prevention!?!
-curtail the use of microwaves and microwave designed food; eradicate the notion of "meal on the go"
-phase out cola with healthier drinks such as fruit juices
-target the problem of childhood obesity early and create interventions and programs at school and at home
-deal with the underlying reasons for overeating - the psychological, emotional, mental, social, and societal should be addressed
-reduce portions of food in restaurants; apprise parents of proper portions for their kids
-prohibit soda companies and the like from commercializing public spaces (e.g., schools, parks, etc.)
-aim for at least twenty minutes of exercise per day; eat more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, complete proteins, etc.
-substitute cooking methods - e.g., let grilled chicken supplant fried
-eat regular meals instead of snacking obsessively