Oh wait, at the same time, I should pull up a list of white people who murdered millions upon billions. White criminals, white despots, white war mongers, white extremists, white sex offenders, white rapists, white con artists, white fraudists, white fascists, white communists, white Satanists, white slave traders, white human traffickers, white arms dealers, white drug dealers, white wifebeaters, white...
I was going to write preemptively how you're probably going to say it was an outlier and an anomaly, but man, you sure did hit the mark with that one.
Why do you have a need to think in race? Excellence comes from good upbringing and good education, good morals and the correct values. Your president is half-black, even. You should really reconsider your worldview.
I don't see how thinking or talking in race is in any way productive. Should I go on some qusai-sophisticated masturbation rant on how Asians are superior? I can pull up actual statistics to even back this up, even.
God, that last paragraph you wrote is just thinly veiled racism. By the way, can I remind you that Obama your president? Can direct and influence NASA, pull strings on the UN to combat poverty and political strife? Whatever happened to Condoleezza Rice? Martin Luther King Jr? Oprah Winfrey? Nelson Mandela? Should I go on google and search up every relevant black person?
As far as an issue of superiority or inferiority I have not brought this up. If one does they are projecting their own valuing system onto the objective points I have made.
As far as the presidency of the USA. There are two USAs. The first was founded in 1776 and was based on principles that long since died sometime between then and now. The contemporary USA is in many ways opposite of the USA it was founded on hundreds of years ago.
The presidency no longer matters in the context of what originally made the USA into a once great nation. The USA, like ancient Egypt and many other once great civilizations like it: is on its way out. Your notion that the president of the USA matters if he/ she/ it is black, white, asian or whatever is competely pointless. I am not alone in my assertion that the original USA and its principles that made it great died a long time ago.
Again, the point is not that the character in the movie idiocracy is cast as black, white, or asian for that matter.
I am not alone. The majority of the founding stock of the original USA knows that the USA is circling the drain and has given up. RIP USA.
If the contemporary USA was the original USA then yes we'd have a black as president. The original citizens of the original USA, if the original USA was still around, would not have an Obama and what he represents be their president (white, black, or asian).
I'm sure as ancient Egypt was on its slow way out that a lot of people saw its original flag or emblem actually mean the original Egypt: even as it was in the throes of collapse and meaninglessness.
Oh wait, at the same time, I should pull up a list of white people who murdered millions upon billions. White criminals, white despots, white war mongers, white extremists, white sex offenders, white rapists, white con artists, white fraudists, white fascists, white communists, white Satanists, white slave traders, white human traffickers, white arms dealers, white drug dealers, white wifebeaters, white...
To think about it, the white race is pretty fucked up. *gasp*
Yes, there are horrible, evil sorts people in every race. To argue that there are not long term thinking, smart and intelligent wonderful, kind, benevolent sorts of people >to stereotype< in every race as well is way more fucked up than any particular race be it black, asian, white or something in between.
If I were on any other forum I'd be drowning this thread in BBC porn, clearly that's what House is jealous of.
*hint: Not British Broadcasting.
I'll sub it with this while contemplating how to tear apart the "two Americas" BS above, create a long enough derail ITT, then get that derail moved into its own thread.
What mechanisms of what society made NASA possible in the first place? Who made the flight to space possible? Who made the rocket? Who made the mathematics possible? Who made the spacesuit? Who made this photograph possible?
I perceive much psychological projection, cognitive dissonance, ego defense, ingratitude as well as jealousy as well as short term as well as myopic (missing the forest despite the trees again) thinking.
Again not saying anything is inferior or superior. Just saying that differences are what they are. And perceived accomplishments are impossible without the other in such instances as flying to the moon or outer space or whatever.
(BTW this female appears to have a significant amount of white admixture)
The typical African/ black has much to share with whites, asians, and mixed peoples in terms of including but not limited to: emotional qualia, art, music, physical endurance, etc.
As blacks generally excel in other areas such as the abstract arts, poetry, music, physical endurance, its completely realistic to expect that as a group they will easily dominate these areas given their numbers.
How many blacks will it take, as a group, though, to produce enough biomass such that there are sufficient exceptionally genius blacks to promote space exploration, solve meaningful problems such as world hunger and destruction of the environment? Statistically speaking, given the ratios its very unlikely this will ever pan out. Besides, given the lottery that is DNA and how the doling out of exceptions works, its doubtful that the exceptional genius and the exceptional lack of impulse control, for one example, will occur with sufficient frequency to make such exceptions effective in the everyday.
What mechanisms of what society made NASA possible in the first place? Who made the flight to space possible? Who made the rocket? Who made the mathematics possible? Who made the spacesuit? Who made this photograph possible?
I perceive much ingratitude as well as jealousy as well as short term as well as myopic (missing the forest despite the trees again) thinking.
Again not saying anything is inferior or superior. Just saying that differences are what they are. And perceived accomplishments are impossible without the other in such instances as flying to the moon or outer space or whatever.
The typical African/ black has much to share with whites, asians, and mixed peoples in terms of including but not limited to: art, music, physical endurance, etc.
It seems you care a lot about this topic/ are invested in this topic if you are scrutinizing to this level and at the rate at which you are digesting the information. If I might ask: why?
I don't care if you are or not, the idea is fascinating and I can't help but wonder why is this poster so invested.
How many blacks will it take, as a group, though, to produce enough biomass such that there are sufficient exceptionally genius blacks to promote space exploration, solve meaningful problems such as world hunger and destruction of the environment? Statistically speaking, given the ratios its very unlikely this will ever pan out. Besides, given the lottery that is DNA and how the doling out of exceptions works, its doubtful that the exceptional genius and the exceptional lack of impulse control, for one example, will occur with sufficient frequency to make such exceptions effective in the everyday.
If you disagree please feel free to ignore as you see fit. I.e. please stop yourself.
If you can't ignore there is likely a reason conscious or subconscious.
In many cases I'd predict one's uncomfortability with any given information or truth is some degree of long buried and forgotten cognitive dissonance troubling one's consciousness.
What mechanisms of what society made NASA possible in the first place? Who made the flight to space possible? Who made the rocket? Who made the mathematics possible? Who made the spacesuit? Who made this photograph possible?
I perceive much psychological projection, cognitive dissonance, ego defense, ingratitude as well as jealousy as well as short term as well as myopic (missing the forest despite the trees again) thinking.
Again not saying anything is inferior or superior. Just saying that differences are what they are. And perceived accomplishments are impossible without the other in such instances as flying to the moon or outer space or whatever.
(BTW this female appears to have a significant amount of white admixture)
The typical African/ black has much to share with whites, asians, and mixed peoples in terms of including but not limited to: emotional qualia, art, music, physical endurance, etc.
NASA was built on the foundations of German and Chinese know how. It was actually the Chinese defector who was the legitimate intelligence. The Germans were receiving their info from séances.
I know that sounds incredulous at first glance but look at the hobbies of Jack Parsons.
I think black people could have achieved so much more if they hadn't been repressed by the white man. And it is the white men that have and will continue to destroy the planet. Death to us all I say.
I am skeptical of believing that any race is intellectually superior, that ideology comes straight from the theosophical society.
P.s doc, I'd check your 'truths' before proclaiming them as such.
I don't see why your attempt at an injection of emotional value would have anything to do with the facts or reason.
And I fail to see why your psychological projection of 'supremacy' (again an arbitrary assignment of value) has anything to do with the aforementioned either.
Do you claim to be an T on the MBTI? Wonder how strong that F component is in you today?
Overpopulation is a problem created and carried out by white men? Huh...
What role do white women play?
Last I checked white people have been making great strides in environmental pollution control etc. Not killing the whales. That kind of thing. Their birthrates have been below replacement level for several decades now.
Black and Asian and South american and Middle Eastern birth rated are out of control like a raging wildfire spitting locusts out in front of it wherever it goes. As far as the environment I saw a photo collection recently of the clouds of pollution that hang over all major Chinese cities (China's population is 4x the size of the US). Ever seen a video of their rivers? And eventually we all share the same oceans and air. How about the appaling environmental conditions in India (and birthrates?)
No, I don't buy your logic here.
If you do have one, please explain in detail and I'll attempt to revisit for another go at it.
But if you are not so much into the T thing its going to be hard for you and I to reason together. Not frustrating to me because I don't invest emotion but likely difficult and frustrating for you.
But if you are not so much into the T thing its going to be hard for you and I to reason together. Not frustrating to me because I don't invest emotion but likely difficult and frustrating for you.
Overpopulation is a problem created and carried out by white men? Huh...
What role do white women play?
Last I checked white people have been making great strides in environmental pollution control etc. Not killing the whales. That kind of thing. Their birthrates have been below replacement level for several decades now.
Black and Asian and South american and Middle Eastern birth rated are out of control like a raging wildfire spitting locusts out in front of it wherever it goes. As far as the environment I saw a photo collection recently of the clouds of pollution that hang over all major Chinese cities (China's population is 4x the size of the US). Ever seen a video of their rivers? And eventually we all share the same oceans and air. How about the appaling environmental conditions in India (and birthrates?)
No, I don't buy your logic here.
If you do have one, please explain in detail and I'll attempt to revisit for another go at it.
You can't 'buy' my logic prior to me offering any lolol.
How is 'over population' destroying the planet??
Lack of human distribution is destroying the planet, if anything (along those lines).
What have white women done? Not a lot up until recently, we were busy being repressed by the white man, much like the blacks and asians.
Although I disagree with the practice of whale hunting, many of the problems you are referring to by other cultures have been a side effect of the western rape of the rest of the planet. Any social science student can inform you of this.
Who's pulling the strings on this rock? That's the million dollar question.
But if you are not so much into the T thing its going to be hard for you and I to reason together. Not frustrating to me because I don't invest emotion but likely difficult and frustrating for you.
I think the problem with your posts is that they lack any consistent point, so there is not much to apply T on. I tried to comment on your post about the statistical frequency of geniuses etc, but gave up because I realised your post contained no real point, mostly gibberish. It seemed to be something about inferring things about the black population based on the number of geniuses and other outliers. The idea that you can do this is wrong, because the number of geniuses does not scale with the population size, it depends on the distribution in the tails. It has, for example, nothing to do with average IQ of the population.
But again, that is not really a reply to your original post because it was mostly just ramblings with "statistically speaking" added at the ends of sentences.
There are really only two options and/or a combination thereof:
"God" (whatever that is) or "Nature" and/or something in between.
I've been alive long enough to perceive that everything and nothing is absolute and relative. That is there is really no such thing as a 100% this or that or 'yes' v 'no' answer to such massive questions.
Such as in debates about nature v nurture or
as in this case God (as respresented by some sort of higher creative energy) v Nature (as represented by the prebiotic soup up through natural selection).
I'd argue its somewhere close to 50/50 God and Nature.
Which also means that I'm not pulling the strings and neither is Hitler, or Obama, or MLK Jr (who was a serial adulterer with white women no less), or Kim Jong Il or Pol Pot or Stalin or Roosevelt or Bush or Congress or even the local PTA.
Ad Hominems are totally futile. Take the beef about equality and the future of the planet (including racial issues) up with the Man or Woman Upstairs or Nature Itself or whatever it is in between. If someone is upset they are really upset with this Higher Organizing Power itself (which acts in opposition to all entropy)
When the logic of an argument is solidly in favor of entropy and against order in the universe, that argument is in support of a gradual decline into a blind alley of rot, decay then death then the Nothing (yes this is a reference to the Never Ending Story)
In the nest in the first place, why weren't the white mothers teaching and nurturing their sons properly before they sent them out in to the world in the first place, then? I suppose you either hadn't considered the actions (or lack thereof) of mothers on their growing and developing sons' souls and minds or you'll try to argue that all these horrible white men (who allegedly can do no right) were taught properly and just magically turned sour in most every instance?
By the way if the typical anti-white male disgruntled perpetual hater is consistent with their logic, including white women who feel they've been 'repressed' so horribly over the centuries (there are many enlightened, positive, progressive thinking white women who aren't so miserable who I am familiar with so this brooding, cynical mindset is not a given by the way...regardless of century):
when are the disgruntled haterz going to give up their indoor plumbing, city infrastructure, food production methodologies, flight, internal combustion engines, architecture, medicine, educations, televisions etc etc ad nauseum in order to reject all the wonderful things which are taken for granted which white men and women have made possible for them?
seriously. Is not anything less completely disingenuous and immoral to boot?
Why does _______(insert your local perpetually disgruntled white critic) wear that suit and tie on TV anyways? Isn't that symbolic in and of itself of white people's over reaching influence and 'repression'? Why are disgruntled white women who seem to hate white males (militant feminists for example) donning suits and suit pants?
I think the logic for the behaviors and choices of many of these disgruntled white man haters are completely hypocritical. Most are trapped in a vicious cycle of self defeat wherein their ego is doing them in. They are so overfocused on issues of sex and race that they are the biggest 'sexists' and 'racists' out there (if there even is such a term).
Personally I am very grateful for so many wonderful things that blacks, asians, and all the mixed race peoples of the earth have given the planet.
Seemz like the hate and discrimination has reversed to the point where the blind evil of its experience by humankind hasn't diminished or gone away its merely been redirected 180 degrees (if indeed the 'white supremacist' narrative is to be believed to begin with ).
I'd focus on comparisons of asian/jewish achievement and drop the rest if I were you onestep.
A black figurehead does nothing to address the notion that there are differences in the innate ability of races. Nor does calling someone racist, or talking about all the fucked up whites. Nobody is arguing that whites are all good, or that blacks can't achieve. It's a statistical argument. So while the example of a single black person that couldn't swim at an Olympic level wasn't particularly relevant, neither are the achievements of the blacks/whites you can name.
Edit: Oops, I think I responded to the last page as if it was the most recent post.
Edit2:Greg you've scattered your points and it's making it difficult to keep up/bother. Also, the type comment was out of line. We've got threads for that, bringing up someone's type in an argument is not okay.
Onestep you may want to take a breather. AFAIK Greg may be fueled by racism, but if he is he's (largely) maintained his composure. Yelling 'douchebag!' and threatening to leave the forum ain't that.
@Doc, do you need to use so many words to make your point? (I can't stand that).
Firstly I'd like to point out that you have gone completely off topic from the race issue which you instigated. Secondly my initial use of 'white man' included white women, but as your next post went off tangent, so did I.
Cba to continue this, I foretell that it will be long and laborious, and auto correct pisses me off too much. (Wtf do these phone manufacturers think removing buttons is a step forward?!?!?)
Onestep you may want to take a breather. AFAIK Greg may be fueled by racism, but if he is he's (largely) maintained his composure. Yelling 'douchebag!' and threatening to leave the forum ain't that.
Eh, the article is actually pretty insightful if you read it.
Also, I'm just mimicking Gregory's Exposition of Truth and Reason. The white race is prone to do acts of evil because they're megalomaniacs resting on some pristine pedestal known as White Privilege. I should bring up statistics of WW2- actually, I should bring up every statistic of all wars the White Men were in. I'm not saying that White Men are evil, they just are prone to do Evil Acts. I'm not saying they're more or less evil than other races, I'm Just Saying, they just are, Statistically Speaking. I wonder when the White Race stop being Complete Douchebags, but given their Gene Pool, it seems Very Unlikely.
The problem with Greg's line of reasoning is that he thinks DNA accounts for higher intelligence (or/and beauty, as demonstrated in another other topic). I've already outlined that it's good upbringing, good education, and good morals and the correct values accounts for higher intelligence, not DNA. Yet he goes off raving about other crap because, like he's demonstrating, that he's a complete inquisitive douche. From post 205 he goes off on tangents because his ideas are being attacked and doesn't go back on his original statements at all. Not to mention he has to rework his entire understanding of the USA government/history while spewing sensational overpopulation gibberish.
Civility is not required for uncivil ideas. We're over Hitler and Imperial Japan.
There are two USAs. The first was founded in 1776 and was based on principles that long since died sometime between then and now. The contemporary USA is in many ways opposite of the USA it was founded on hundreds of years ago.
The presidency no longer matters in the context of what originally made the USA into a once great nation. The USA, like ancient Egypt and many other once great civilizations like it: is on its way out. Your notion that the president of the USA matters if he/ she/ it is black, white, asian or whatever is competely pointless. I am not alone in my assertion that the original USA and its principles that made it great died a long time ago.
If the contemporary USA was the original USA then yes we'd have a black as president. The original citizens of the original USA, if the original USA was still around, would not have an Obama and what he represents be their president (white, black, or asian).
The USA is a natural continuation of the drama European settlers brought with them. There weren't simply two USAs; there's been a trend of change since the country's inception. Part of the current trend involves old white guys parading around in pantaloons misquoting the founding fathers as if they'd actually met them personally, much like so called Christians justify their actions as Christ-like by quoting a portion of the Bible that wasn't written by someone who actually met the guy.
But anyway, this flux is and always has been driven by S.E.S.. Every stage has involved the top tier fighting to hold onto money and status. In fact the country itself was founded during one of them. Something about taxation and representation...
The "original USA™" was founded on slavery to serve the purposes of rich white "gentlemen." Every stage of violence/progress involves expanding the rights, legal, functional, or otherwise, to people who aren't already rich white males.
Most people who hearken back to the "good ol' days" take the flavor of the Eisenhower administration, staple a copy of the constitution to it, and conveniently ignore everything inbetween.
Yes, the race of the president does matter, just not as much as the $$$.
What mechanisms of what society made NASA possible in the first place? Who made the flight to space possible? Who made the rocket? Who made the mathematics possible? Who made the spacesuit? Who made this photograph possible?
Last I checked white people have been making great strides in environmental pollution control etc. Not killing the whales. That kind of thing. Their birthrates have been below replacement level for several decades now.
1. White women have disproportionate financial resources and media coverage compared to other women. If you want to expand it to whites in general, just remove "women" from #1 for my response.
2. They didn't accomplish shit. Nearly every environmental regulation in the U.S. has been shat upon since 1972. The detrimental effects were simply outsourced, via race to the bottom. The most action we've seen of late is Diane Wilson (personal friend and objective badass) dumping oil on herself during a senate subcommittee meeting. Step in my arena.
Black and Asian and South american and Middle Eastern birth rated are out of control like a raging wildfire spitting locusts out in front of it wherever it goes. As far as the environment I saw a photo collection recently of the clouds of pollution that hang over all major Chinese cities (China's population is 4x the size of the US). Ever seen a video of their rivers? And eventually we all share the same oceans and air. How about the appaling environmental conditions in India (and birthrates?)
Ironically for you, the answer is because in the West, women have free access to effective birth control and higher educational attainment, A.K.A. a functional minority gaining more power, in this case from men.
As for the environment, China and India have few if any environmental regulations. $$$ again, not skin color.
when are the disgruntled haterz going to give up their indoor plumbing, city infrastructure, food production methodologies, flight, internal combustion engines, architecture, medicine, educations, televisions etc etc ad nauseum in order to reject all the wonderful things which are taken for granted which white men and women have made possible for them?
What kind of argument is this bullshit? Shall I play on your fallacy, list inventions by non-whites, randomly insert a subtext of primitivism, and lament their theoretical loss as well?
Why are we being selective and only highlighting inventions that are perceived to be positive, while ignoring their negative consequences?
Like... you can't actually defeat your opponents with logic, so you label them as something else and misrepresent their viewpoints (if you can even understand them to begin with) so you can feel better about yourself or something?
Everything Greg is arguing about is significantly more based on culture than genetics/skin colour. It doesn't mean white people are innately better but it can be argued that a more beneficial culture has been historically practised by white people. Now a big part of the reason for this would be that black groups simply didn't/don't have the means/will to adapt an innovative culure, being poor in Africa and having been discriminated against in the US.
heh.... "Beneficial" is an interesting word choice. If y'all really want to discuss "white" technology, we can make a new thread or keep derailing this one. Sup to y'all.
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