Actual cable television is polluted with overly dramatic fake BS. Why would I watch something on tv, when its not exactly what I want, or educational, and you end up watching ads, longer than your show.
mindless people watch cable tv, or use it as background noise.(background noise isnt mindless, its probably just a sign of how overstimulated we are as a generation, that we like constant noise.) Listening to people say lots of words, and actually share nothing of value, makes me want to blow my head off. woman on the radio told me to stay home and wash my hands multiple times per day. No I don't think I will, thanks for the common sense lecture.
no thanks I will watch youtube and learn any skill I want in 4 hours.
I learned to rebuild cars, and now cobbling, instead I could know what kim kardashian is doing, or why the top chiefs beat the other chiefs, or maybe I would have a new vacuum I dont need, or spent hours hearing the same ad, campaigning against a virus with a death rate below .5%
Cable television isnt even free, and its absolutely horrible compared to yt, or audiobooks, or playing with sticks.
I dont know a single intelligent person that watches tv. TV appeals to drama, and scripted "limited time to do x, or x will be mad at us".
I would rather pay not to have to watch it, than be paid to watch it.