^It's one of those things that wont ever change, too heavily anchored in our biological origin primal like few things else, and also connected to alpha status. And when you start thinking about how we express our sexuality constantly and not just when fucking it's even more obvious, that goes for women too, sure they don't want to fuck like men but apart from that their sexuality is one the same level, it's just more sophisticated and subtle (though not so subtle when it comes to a considerable percentage of young girls). It being different than male sexuality doesn't mean it isn't sexuality, far too often -in fact almost always- sexuality is described only in male terms; an unfair monopoly on what sex entails is nearly universally prevalent; thereby, allowing brusque, physiol to run rampart disguised as vitality and individualism to permeate popular culture; it hinders understanding of both male and female sexuality (which are by no means completely distinct, but different to a considerable enough degree). The common man is indeed quite oblivious of female sexuality owing to the aforementioned monopoly.
Boys need to be taught about how stupid a lot of them become when they hit sexuality, how so much of their idiot behavior as testosterone laden, hormone pumped teenagers is really quite disruptive. Cause currently its quite a big issue in school. If the teacher is unable to radiate enough self confidence, displaying authority then no student will cause a ruckus in his classes because there's no loss of prestige in letting someone powerful enough not to be challenged have control. If the teacher can't do that however, then you get ruckus, loud boys striving to establish a decent rank in the hierarchy of their class and in their school; thereby, ruining lessons dragging everyone else down. I doubt they are conscious of it, it's something instinctual. If they were provided with an understanding of how they function post puberty I think they would be much better at coping with it, such behavior would also be less prestigious if it transparent and easily spotted.
Also, we must not forget that history is full of attempts to control sex, be it by means of religion, or an unwillingness to see it for what it is. The same thing goes for love. There is nothing that can invoke disgust like that which has to do with sex. A picture of two men having sex will make most males uncomfortable, including a lot of those who aren't in the least bit homophobic. This must be understood before we can fully accept the diversity of sex. When you know that the disgust you feel is an irrational knee-jerk reaction you have all the more reason to deal with it instead of adding to the stigmas that cause so much suffering to those who deviate from the norm; those who don't deviate are hurt as well, false expectations lead to failed relationships, unrealistic expectation pressure causes anxiety as ones ability to live up to the presumed perfomative requirements is shrouded in doubt.
Part of what I wrote sounds really conservative, but it is not. People should fuck as much as they want, they should just understand what it entails. And no culture should blanket its nature, archaic origin as if though it were forlorn: transcended, turned remnant following civilization with all its formality and rationality granted ontological primacy. Bygone days are seen like fairy tales. Ignored is the fact that the same humans which populate the earth today as thousands of year ago. We should look to them and study them like we did chimps. Just look at those examples of people who were lost and grew up in the wilderness alone, they make it quite obvious what animals we really are.