I don't think drugs manipulate us emotionally. The reason is that drugs are no more emotionally
manipulative than is a very stimulating time hanging out with friends. It's fun; it
feels good. Emotional manipulation isn't "what makes you feel good," but "what makes you behave in reaction to a certain stimulus -- either good or bad" (i.e. "non-rational persuasion").
For instance, someone telling me how sad it is that animals are abused and showing very sad, puppy-dog eyes is not going to move me; I need a "proper argument," or some "reason to care for the situation." Mere emotional appeal does not work. Or conversely, someone showing me awesome pictures of people having fun, being happy, and loving life isn't going to help me decide to visit some very expensive resort. I want
reasons, not just emotional appeals. I don't want "non-rational persuasion" (and that's what INTPs dislike).
Since drugs are just a state of
altered consciousness that actually
feels good, you can't really say that drugs are akin to the blatant aforementioned appeals to emotion. Drugs don't get you to
think or
do something. Since emotional manipulation involves "using certain emotions to incline someone toward some thought, attitude, or action," drugs fall outside of what should logically be considered "emotional manipulation."
Moreover, INTPs are perceivers (intP). Perceivers are called perceivers because they bear "extraverted perception functions" (either Ne or Se). Extraverted Perception functions often compel people toward very stimulating experiences. Thus, you have Se types who love to sky dive and take bodily risks, while many Ne types love trying all sorts of drugs and sexual experiences (though of course both types can easily do all of the above). And while some judgers are also capable of doing these things, it seems there's clearly a larger likelihood that perceivers are often the main types of people driven towards these very questionable experiences.
Well, put it all together. INTPs -- being NPs, and therefore, being a type with an "extraverted perceiving" function (Ne) -- are going to have this obsession with odd experiences, just like the dominant Ne types (ENFP and ENTP), not to mention a very similar experience to INFPs (who also bear a secondary Ne function).
So that's probably "why" INTPs like drugs.
They are fun experiences that we desire and they don't really "manipulate" us in the same sense as those forms of emotional appeal which we do utterly abhor. They "alter" consciousness -- they don't really "manipulate." Manipulate sort of implies that there is a "conscious actor." Yet drugs are not conscious actors; they are merely
Big difference, I'm afraid.
Thus, I think there's an equivocation here -- the word "manipulate."
Don't forget, we are a curious and rebellious breed.
Indeed. We are perceivers.
It's because of Ne that we are both curious and rebellious
It depends on the kind of manipulation. Manipulation of feelings by inanimate objects has little-to-nothing to do with being intp.
Inanimate effects =/= (are not akin to) intentional effects.
Intention clearly implies conscious intelligence.
Drugs are inanimate substances.
I too take issue with your premise that INTP's have problems with non-sentient manipulation, it does not add up for me.
I like the term "non-sentient."
Although, I believe the word "manipulation" is also applied incorrectly.
Drugs don't
manipulate in the same sense as a human being does.
Drugs merely
alter one's brain state.
Also, I only personally drink alcohol occasionally.
I'm discouraged by the potential effects other drugs can have.
Though clearly, I understand why many people do them.
Ultimately, if one does most drugs responsible, it's merely optional.
Those who judge drug-users are unnecessarily judgmental, imo
It's excess that leads to problems.
Moderate drugs use is completely trivial.
You aren't curious?
Have you ever had caffeine or alcohol?
I'm curious, to some extent.
I'm just a "control-freak," as someone said.
I dislike the very possibility of dealing with drug-related issues.
But it is entirely optional if one wishes to act on their curiosity.
It's just a personal choice to refrain.
Drugs don't "manipulate", drugs alter your perceptions. Due to that, they can of course be used for purposes of manipulation, but just by themselves they do not. Manipulation involves conscious intent.
Asshole. You beat me to the punch!!!
Good job. This is my entire post compressed into three sentences.