Civil War army Lt. Gen. Ulysses Grant looked for the same qualities in a regimental adjutant. He said he wanted an intelligent, lazy man. Such a man, he said, would be smart enough to know all the hundreds of things necessary to get a regiment ready to fight and do all the things it had to do. And because he was lazy, he would see to it that good, industrious people were set to work doing those things, rather than trying to do it all himself, which Grant saw as a path to failure all by itself, let alone if the adjutant became incapacitated.
The Grant insight, unfortunately, is rare among employers. If you are lucky enough to work for someone who "gets it" like Grant got it, you'll have a wonderful time. Most employers, however, are uneasy unless your head is bent over a list of figures, unless you are shouting commands into chaos, unless you are visibly working your ass off. They may say "work smarter, not harder," but they only say that because it's the flavor of the week. It didn't really "take" deep in their ES little minds.
Such employers, having already demonstrated that their priorities are inimicable to the success of their ventures, are best avoided. Unfortunately that's hard to do. You'll last three years at such a job before the intensity of your contempt radiates past your containment vessel of smiles and small talk.